Joy replied to the topic Would You Rather Character Edition in the forum Characters 6 years, 12 months ago
And what on Taranar happened to this topic?!
Would your character rather take a train to a faraway place so he/she can enjoy the ride and look at the beautiful scenery, or just use a portal to get to the faraway place instantaneously to save all that time? (Assuming these are the only two options he/she has)
The Doctor would rather take the…[Read more]
Grace H. replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
*gasp* this place looks fun.
@naomijackson I sooo do that all the time!
You know you are a (rather perfectionistic) writer when you have pressed the delete button so many times within the process of writing (this) single sentence because every word has to be just right.
SleepwalkingMK replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@naomijackson Oh goodness. I narrate my entire life in third person o_o 😛
You know you’re a writer when you catch yourself (awkwardly) analyzing people around you to base your characters’ mannerisms and gestures off of.
You know you’re a writer when you repeat something some of your writer friends said to a close non-writer friend, realize it…[Read more]
Elizabeth replied to the topic Chapters in a First Draft in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
Hey @naomijackson,
I’m not really sure what you’re asking here, but I’ll answer two things-
One: I try to give each of my chapters a word count consistent with that of my other chapters, but if a chapter is a few hundred words shorter than the others, I don’t sweat it. Any amount of changes can happen based on how I feel about the chapter by the…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic Chapters in a First Draft in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@naomijackson I don’t think it’s best to just insert chapter breaks wherever there is a cliffhanger. You want chapters to be fairly similar in length with just a handfull of short and long ones thrown in there. I believe writing chapter breaks in the first draft helps me craft nice chapter breaks and more cliffhangers because I’m planning for the…[Read more]
Skredder replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@naomijackson I do similar things. Whenever I speak with sarcasm I usually say “She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.”
Louise Fowler replied to the topic Would You Rather Character Edition in the forum Characters 7 years, 1 month ago
@that_writer_girl_99 Wash pets
@notawriter Lose memory
@naomijackson He already has superpowers, and so do his closest friends (except one), so… 😉
@skredder Glass door. That sounds like something he’d do anyway. XD
@daughteroftheking 7 1/2 feet tall.
@dekreel Song they hate for three days.
@alia On the run with an ally for three…[Read more]
Catwing replied to the topic Would You Rather Character Edition in the forum Characters 7 years, 1 month ago
@rochchellaine Kay would be a commoner. But she’s smirking…
@allison-grace Climb a tree. It’s faster.
@aviantrail Log. She doesn’t like being exposed.
@perfectfifths Book with dictionary. she would probably learn the language.
@daeus In the clouds. It’s so much nicer up there.
@dekreel Small crime and be ridiculed. She doesn’t ever want to…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic Would You Rather Character Edition in the forum Characters 7 years, 1 month ago
@that_writer_girl_99Â Mmmm, high heels. Just as an experience.
@notawriter Probably be bedridden
@naomijackson Technically she’s already a superhero (sort of) who’s misunderstood XD
@skredder Oooh, spill coffee
@daughteroftheking LOL, umm… She would be okay with both actually…
Would your character rather… be forced to listen to a son…[Read more]
Skredder replied to the topic Would You Rather Character Edition in the forum Characters 7 years, 1 month ago
I think I’ll do some more of these, but for Casse this time.
@catwing Raised by the Iguana
@rochellaine She would probably rather be a commoner in France.
@allison-grace Climb a tree most definitely.
@aviantrail Sleep in the log. She would feel safer like that.
@perfectfifths Read a story with a translation dictionary.
@daeus Oh, cloud…[Read more]
The fledgling Artist replied to the topic Would You Rather Character Edition in the forum Characters 7 years, 1 month ago
@naomijackson .. well the first one is pretty much already Tessa’s life.. So I think she would rather the other option
@that_writer_girl_99 high heels 😉
Snapper replied to the topic Spring Writing/Reading Goals in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
@naomijackson Never to late to make goals. This topic has just begun. 😛
BTW, welcome to the forum!