Riah Black



Riah Black

Favorite Book(s) or Authors

J.R.R. Tolkien – C.S. Lewis – Jane Austen – Andrew Peterson – S.D. Smith


I’m a geeky, introverted homeschooler who loves to read and write. Besides that I also enjoy photography, art, theology, and languages in my spare time. I also play the violin and I love music of any kind, Irish/Celtic in particular. My personality type is INFJ, which often bleeds into my characters.

I tend to go on long, passionate rants about why the LOTR is the best trilogy ever written and I’m a master of Middle Earth history. My eye is sharply critical (hey, don’t take that the wrong way) and the best way to make them glow is to furnish a book with complex and soul-stirringly realistic characters.

In my humble opinion I am rather good at titling and naming characters, and it would be my utmost pleasure to help any of you who are encountering problems in that department.

