
  • MineralizedWritings posted an update 3 weeks, 2 days ago


    Hey! How’s it going?

    • Doing as well as I can 🙂 Are you doing okay?

      • @whalekeeper

        Barely lol

        • How is you art coming along?

          • @whalekeeper
            I haven’t been drawing as much as I’d like too bc mental health 🙄 but I’m working on some fanart rn. I’ve been using my sketchbook more bc I feel more free to do random goofy sketches all over the place, so that’s fun. How about you?

            • I wish I could doodle casually in my sketchbooks, my brain values the paper too highly XD I’m doing good, had some personal revelations over last week and I basically collapsed for two days, so I’m behind in school assignments. It wasn’t bad though, just exhausting.
              I’m also doing a little fan stuff, writing wise. I’m a newbie to fan content though XD What kind of fanart are you working on? Is it MCU or LotR?

            • @whalekeeper

              Yeah it was really hard for me at first and I don’t like a lot of the drawings in my sketchbook. I don’t necessarily think I have more fun while doing it because I constantly critisize my work, but because I’m aware it’s not perfect I feel better abouttrying things. I have this drawing of kaine where the outline of his hair made a heart so I scribbled it in with red pen and it’s one of my cutest drawings of him 😭

            • @whalekeeper oops I didn’t reply to the rest lol

              Oh goodness I’m so sorry, I’ve been in relatively the same state. I feel like every year I realize my life is something I didn’t think it was, and it just guts me. Like my stomach aches for about two days from anxiety.

              Actually neither suprise suprise! I’m doing a artwork for the ending of Hermitcraft S8. Uh… nobody knows what that is here I assume. Just a bunch of creators who play minecraft together and occasionally make lore for the world. I’m having fun bc I usually don’t do this kind of fanart.

              Yeah fan stuff is so much fun! What is yours based from?

            • That drawing sounds cute! Little accidents are the best, hehe. I’m guessing you’re pretty comfortable with drawing Kaine at this point?
              Life realizations can be kinda sickening. High benefits (in the long run maybe?), high emotional stress. 😖 Not my favorite thing to do at the beginning of a week, I can tell you that.
              But but but I found out something for my WIP, that’s good news 🙂
              I’ve heard of Hermitcraft somewhere, probably from a friend :]
              I created a couple OCs based on the Keeper of the Lost Cities universe. I’m not a fan of the writing itself (like AT ALL), buuuut it’s become my personal sandbox universe XD

            • @whalekeeper
              Yeah, he’s my favorite lol. I think I’m still better at drawing Tauren though.

              Yeah totally lol.
              Oh really? 👀 It’ been awhile since I’ve heard about your wip, how is it going?

              Lol that’s so cool! Yeah I’ve heard mixed things about the series, but having a world to pull from for au’s sounds like fun.

            • You must be, you’ve had a lot of practice drawing Tauren XD Have you ever tried drawing him in different styles? That might be fun, even if challenging.
              I figured out how to properly end my wip, and solidified some of the plot devices I want to use. Specifically magic, since magic tends to be vague when I’m writing it for the first time without any rules. I love worldbuilding and I’m in no hurry to finish the project.
              Hehe yeah. I’m playing with a lot of the Lost Cities concepts which were never explored. For example, the author introduced eugenics into the universe but… doesn’t want to talk about it? Idk, regardless, I want to talk about it.

          • @ whalekeeper

            I haven’t much! I did a watercolor of him once, where he was in the rain, and I dripped brown ink down the page for the rain. Ig that was a different style.
            I can tell you love worldbuilding XD yours always feels so vivid! And wow, coming up with a ending is so great! You go girl! : D

            I really don’t get why you wouldn’t explore difficult topics if you’re going to add them in. That sound really interesting. I feel like I see movies and books that have potential to take a aspect of their world farther but don’t, and it’s kinda sad. For me, it’s Star wars. Star wars with a hard magic system would be epic. I just watched a movie called inception last week with my sister and it was super good, it dove down all the rabbit holes you could possibly want in it’s world. Have you seen it before?

            • Messed your tag up @whalekeeper

            • I agree with the Star Wars frustration! I want to know what limits Vader from just choking every Jedi who approaches him.
              I love Inception 😆 So much fun. If you liked that movie, you should try Edge of Tomorrow. There is suggested content. *Tries to not trigger KP moderators* But I watched it last week, it’s a great sci-fi.

          • @whalekeeper
            Yes!! And they totally could have done something cool with it if they wanted to make the plot more complex. I mean think about Avatar, Aang only being able to use the avatar state under certain circumstances and having there be dangers with using it keeps it from being too easy. Jedi fighting at the highest level should look really different. Also, they always allude to things that possibly could be done with the force, but none of it is said for certain. They make it kinda mysterious, but to me it just looks like a bad cover up for a bad magic system. You’re telling me there’s all these mysteries and we don’t have a mad scientist who’s figured it all out?? If there is opportunity for great power, people will seek it. ANyways, I’m just annoyed because star wars has unused potential 😂😂
            Oh, I’ll look into it. I don’t like suggested content but sometimes I’ll just keep a file folder nearby to put over the screen if I want to see the movie anyways XD it works pretty good, and tbh usually you can tell by the audio alone what’s happening if it’s plot important.
