Michael Stanton replied to the topic New Website Party! in the forum Announcements 7 years, 5 months ago
We’re Re branding. “Dark Evil Overlord Stanton” was too heavy handed and confusing to my underlings who were under the impression that we were the good guys. Solution: Remove “evil” from the title. -
Michael Stanton replied to the topic New Website Party! in the forum Announcements 7 years, 5 months ago
Since I can’t keep up I’ll just say two things.
1. “DARK Overlord” does NOT equal “evil overlord”.
2. Should the title actually be “Chosen One of Three”?
Michael Stanton replied to the topic Goal for New Theme Mastery Enrollees in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 6 months ago
“Yes, Professor. As long as they have equal parts water and forum post ideas, they will be able to whip up some wooden coins.”
Michael Stanton replied to the topic Goal for New Theme Mastery Enrollees in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 6 months ago
“A most excellent proposition,” slithers a familiar dark voice from a shrouded corner. A gloved fist slowly breaks the plane of light cast by a candle. The fingers uncurl to reveal a small bag with a label that reads ‘Mix 1 part water with 1 part forum post to produce 50 wooden coins’. “For the Lady with all the questions. And there is plenty more…[Read more]
Michael Stanton replied to the topic KP Resources in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 7 months ago
@theliterarycrusader and @bethanysinkyroses, thanks for pushing things through to completion in my absence. I really appreciate it.
I have accepted a new job and moved to a new city and the dust is just beginning to settle. I’ll get back in the swing of things soon. Just as soon as someone can point me to the nearest thing-swing…
Michael Stanton replied to the topic KP Resources in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 7 months ago
@theliterarycrusader and @bethanysinky, thanks for pushing things through to completion in my absence. I really appreciate it.
I have accepted a new job and moved to a new city and the dust is just beginning to settle. I’ll get back in the swing of things soon. Just as soon as someone can point me to the nearest thing-swing…
Michael Stanton replied to the topic Time Sensitive Mission (with reward) | Due July 15 in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 7 months ago
Quick Note: The ebook is really new, guys. You are getting the first ever look at it. There will be another version hitting the market place at a later date that will include some graphic design, but for now, you all are the only people with access to the content. Hope you enjoy!
Michael Stanton replied to the topic Time Sensitive Mission (with reward) | Due July 15 in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 7 months ago
Above the cheers of elation from the hundreds of troll-thingys and serfs that crowd the castle courtyard, the Dark Overlord emerges from his dark tower. A hush fall over the crowd as the air buzzes in excited anticipation.
“My fellow KeePers, Troll-Thingys, serfs, Question-Asker, and Professor,” a long pause for dramatic effect. The pause…[Read more]
Michael Stanton replied to the topic Time Sensitive Mission (with reward) | Due July 15 in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 7 months ago
Above the cheers of elation from the hundreds of troll-thingys and serfs that crowd the castle courtyard, the Dark Overlord emerges from his dark tower. A hush fall over the crowd as the air buzzes in excited anticipation.
“My fellow KeePers, Troll-Thingys, serfs, Question-Asker, and Professor,” a long pause for dramatic effect. The pause…[Read more]
Michael Stanton started the topic Time Sensitive Mission (with reward) | Due July 15 in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 8 months ago
The Dark Overlord emerges from a dark passage that spills dark wisps of dark…er…ness. Yeah, Darkness. Anyway, it is super cool and it totally sets the mood. The mood of Whoa, this is probably REALLY important. The Dark Overlord opens his word-hoard and the following reaches your ears.
“My dear Troll-Thingys and Serf, Question-Asker and Profe…[Read more]
Michael Stanton replied to the topic Handout for Distribution Among Friends: Brainstorming Needed in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 8 months ago
@bethanysinkyroses, I think that will work nicely. I will right up a quick summary for @theliterarycrusader to use to create a graphic (don’t worry, I will also put it in the official channel of “getting stuff made”).
Goal of the Handout:
A physical reminder of an amazing conversation with a fellow writer that communicates the core qualities of…[Read more] -
Michael Stanton replied to the topic "The Board" in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 8 months ago
@stewie-plotter, we re-branded my title to “Dark” Overlord after we did all those focus groups, remember? They said “Evil” was a little too heavy handed and “Dark Evil” was too confusing. Something about Dark not meaning the same thing as Evil. To be honest, I wasn’t paying much attention during that focus group, but the troll-thingies down in…[Read more]
Michael Stanton replied to the topic Handout for Distribution Among Friends: Brainstorming Needed in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 8 months ago
@bethanysinkyroses and @hope, Awesome thoughts! I totally agree with the main purpose of this handout:
A physical reminder of an amazing conversation with a fellow writer
I think it would be great to keep a lot of open space on the card for writing notes and such since it is used during a conversation. Thus, we are only putting the vary core of…[Read more]
Michael Stanton replied to the topic The Notepad of Brainstorming in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 8 months ago
@bethanysinkyroses, I’m going to tag @aratrea (Josiah) because he just actually took KP to a homeschool conference.
I would definitely like to see KP at more homeschooling conferences because it is a place where we are most likely to be able to interact with our target audience (Young Christian Authors, or their parents in this case). I know at…[Read more]
Michael Stanton replied to the topic The Legend of King Daeus in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 8 months ago
@dragon-snapper, Fun fact, getting captured by dragons is actually how I got my Marketing job here at Kingdom Pen. Also, the fact that dragons smell like coffee is the number 1 reason why I was trying to capture them.
Michael Stanton replied to the topic Handout for Distribution Among Friends: Brainstorming Needed in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 8 months ago
Just to keep the creative juices flowing, here is a link to the kp brochure pdf that @theliterarycrusader made for kp.
I’ll also create a thread where we can compile KP resources.
For these sorts of projects (and most projects) I like to work my way backwards from the end-goal of such initiatives. It would seem to me that the end goal of this…[Read more]
Michael Stanton replied to the topic Handout for Distribution Among Friends: Brainstorming Needed in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 8 months ago
Just to keep the creative juices flowing, here is a link to the kp brochure pdf that @theliterarycrusader made for kp.
I’ll also create a thread where we can compile KP resources.
For these sorts of projects (and most projects) I like to work my way backwards from the end-goal of such initiatives. It would seem to me that the end goal of this…[Read more]
Michael Stanton started the topic KP Resources in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 8 months ago
A courier rabbit hops up to you, smiles, tips his hat, sneezes, recovers from the sneeze, looks as though he might sneeze again, doesn’t, appears to forget what he was doing, hops a short way off sheepishly, ponders, turns back to you, ponders again, snaps his rabbit paw digits (what would be fingers on a human), reaches in his satchel, pulls out…[Read more]
Michael Stanton started the topic KP Resources in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 8 months ago
A courier rabbit hops up to you, smiles, tips his hat, sneezes, recovers from the sneeze, looks as though he might sneeze again, doesn’t, appears to forget what he was doing, hops a short way off sheepishly, ponders, turns back to you, ponders again, snaps his rabbit paw digits (what would be fingers on a human), reaches in his satchel, pulls out…[Read more]
Michael Stanton replied to the topic The Notepad of Brainstorming in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 9 months ago
@bethanysinkyroses, That is a Great Idea! I’m going to tag @theliterarycrusader (Brianna) who is our copy editor and graphic designer.
My thought goes something like this
– Wow! bethanysinkyroses is super cool and involved and probably should be promoted to a new title soon.
– I love this idea of having a printable resource for our stewards.
– I…[Read more] - Load More