
  • Loopy posted an update 11 months, 3 weeks ago

    I can’t decide whether Dante fits swing music or rock music better and it’s bothering me. I asked my brother and he said he could “swing” either way on the question. 😑

    • Sounds like a brother to me😂
      that is a hard question tho…ahh! idk if I’ve ever heard any swing music, come to think of it🤔

      • @freed_and_redeemed

        *g a s p* You hAvEN’t?? GIRL.

        Ok, to be fair, I mostly just listen to electro swing which is more modern, but stILL

        Ok ok ok ok you need to watch Swing Kids. It’s a movie about these kids during ww2 in Nazi Germany who secretly attend these banned swing dancing clubs. I watched it recently with my family and I thought you might like it.

        Buuut, it is about ww2 so it does have plenty of sad parts and also some violence and cussing. I don’t remember how old you are, so… yeah.

        But anyway, swing really shows the spirit of the roaring 20s and people were still listening to it up into the thirties.

      • @freed_and_redeemed
        Freedoooooom!!! Swing is so good!!! Go to the music playlist thread – I recently posted a whole list of electro-swing on there. It’s so addicting (maybe not to everyone but it’s worth a try 😝)

    • There’s gotta be like, swing-rock or something. Because I see what you mean about Dante. (Also your brother is a king XD)
      Speaking of the period, I just wrote a paper for Roaring Twenties and pulled out all the writing guns. My classmates were mildly impressed.

    • Idk which fits better, but you should listen to this awesome swing my sister showed me. She says it fits one of her characters really well.
      I love it lol
