Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@dragon-snapper *holds tight to a tree, so I don’t get blown away* I play the piano a wee bit, but not very well.
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@graciegirl *cries because you haven’t read The Horse and His Boy all the way through* Oh, I’ve read and love all of them. Thanks for welcoming me! 🙂
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@that_writer_girl_99 I play the piano a little bit, but not very well. My dream is to one day learn how to play the cello.
@adry_grace You should/must read Wingfeather! Wingfeather is life. Well, other than Jesus. Jesus is life. But Wingfeather is one of His greatest gifts to literature. ;P
@ethryndal If thou wilt only findeth the time, it…[Read more]
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
Hi, @emma-flournoy I love my turtles too. 🙂
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@kate-flournoy *waves crazily back* I’m glad to be here. 😀
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@aratrea Thanks so much for the tagging help! I was slightly confused…
It’s an advanced society. Her community lives in a giant domed structure on the ocean floor. Hence, my very non-original title.
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
Hi, @AnneSwiftblade! 🙂
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
Hi, @Anne Swiftblade! 🙂
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@Ethryndal Um, I would probably have to say The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Horse and His Boy, or The Last Battle. It’s so hard to pick a favorite! 😛
I shall be kind and refrain from giving any spoilers. But, I must say, finish the series! So much goodness. 🙂
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@Josiah-DeGraaf My current WIP is entitled Dome and it’s about a girl who lives under the surface of the ocean. It’s her journey to finding the surface/the land, learning the truth, and facing her fears.
And that is an insanely lame synopsis. Synopsis writing is not my strong point. 🙁
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@Josiah DeGraaf My current WIP is entitled Dome and it’s about a girl who lives under the surface of the ocean. It’s her journey to finding the surface/the land, learning the truth, and facing her fears.
And that is an insanely lame synopsis. Synopsis writing is not my strong point. 🙁
Keleigha Liess and
Lola Jane are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago
Elly and
Lola Jane are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@Adry_Grace That meme is disturbing me. ;P Sharks? One of my best friends loves sharks too! (Please tell me you don’t want to go swimming with them without a cage too, though. I might scream and run.)
You’re asking me favorite genres and books? It’s too hard to pick only one! *sobs in corner*
Errm, favorite genre to write would probably be…[Read more]
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@Daeus Well, it all started when my sister bought me a stuffed turtle one time when I was really sick. I named him Samwise Gamgee and he is one of my most prized possessions. I’ve had a thing for turtles ever since. (I also have another stuffed turtle named Peregrin Took, although, I affectionately call him Pippin or Pip most of the time.)
Lola Jane started the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
*waves* Hi, everybody!
My name is Melinda, but you can call me Lola. 🙂
Other than reading and writing, I love Jesus, turtles, and babies. #mylifeexplainedinthreewords
I look forward to getting to know more of you in the coming days and to writing more words for His glory!shecallsmelola.wordpress.com
Lola Jane replied to the topic I'm Getting Published!!!!! in the forum Poetry 7 years, 11 months ago
Thanks so much, everybody, for the enthusiasm! I can’t wait for it to launch. 🙂
Lola Jane started the topic I'm Getting Published!!!!! in the forum Poetry 7 years, 11 months ago
Oh, my, word, I am officially freaking out!!!!!! My poem has been accepted to be published on here! *screams and runs in circles* I might legitimately smile all day long. 😀
Lola Jane changed their profile picture 7 years, 11 months ago