
  • Light posted an update 1 year, 10 months ago

    @freedomwriter76 @mineralizedwritings @godlyfantasy12 @esther-c @euodia-vision @felicity @gwyndalf-the-wise @sarafini @whalekeeper @loopylin @princesachronicle22 @thearcaneaxiom @joy-calle @felicity @awsumfaith @esther-c @keilah-h @whalekeeper @anyone-else

    Well friends…I’m back!! I had a fantastic break, and I’m actually at the beach with my family right now, (This exact place we’re staying at is where I found KP last year :D) so I still won’t be on a whole lot this week, but I’ll be on when I can. I missed everyone immensely and I hope everyone is doing splendidly! Thank you so much for the patience and prayers as I took some time off. I’ve gotten a lot more written (finally XD) including a new short story and a fanfic (Yes Freedom, I’ve been inspired by you and your fanfics!! XD :)) of a movie that I love. I’m excited to get to talk to everyone again and resume RPing with y’all!! Love y’all so much!! ❤️❤️❤️

    • Welcome back!

    • Hello again! Nice to see you! I’ve been doing well! Awesome stories, what’s your fanfic about?

      (and yes I changed my profile pic)

      • Hello Keilah!! *Hugs* It’s amazing to see you as well!! Aw, that’s great! Ooh I love your new pfp! Which character is it?

        Sooo my fanfic is on a movie I love called The Maze Runner! I can’t say much, cuz @princesachronicle22 is planning on watching the movie as well I think, but it’s a short story of two of the characters meeting again in Heaven. Which I’m sooo excited about finishing, because I’ve been so sad about this particular character death lately, and I think it would be so sweet to write their reunion.

        • Awesome! I’ve heard of Maze Runner, one of my friends likes it a lot, so….. Great idea for a fanfic!

          My profile pic is the Star Wars character Tech, but redrawn as a dragon! (If you remember Crosshair, Tech is his brother.) He reminds me a lot of myself, so I just had to use this picture when I found it and traced it to add the dragon bits.

    • Yayy!! Envelopes in large hug

      • *Hugs tight* Well HII!!! I haven’t talked to you in FOREVER!!!! Missed ya girl!!

        XDXD ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • FREEDOMM!!!!! Aww girl I missed you soooo much too!!!! *Hugs you tight from the floor where you tackled me XD* AHHH I’m SOO happy to be back sister!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ And aww yesss girl!! I’m inspired by all my wonderful friends here and everywhere all the time. Everyone’s just so awesome 🙂

    • @lightoverdarkness6

      hey girl! I missed you so much! XD
      So glad you had an awesome break, can’t wait to hear about that writing when you feel like sharing…XD

      Love you girl and so happy you’re back! <33

    • Yay! Glad you’re back (somewhat back, at least XD) and that you got so much written! ❤️

    • Hey Light!! Glad you’re back! How’s Matt and Leeli doing? You’re at the BEACH?! *totally not jealous*. 😉

    • WELCOME BACK LIGHT! You were greatly missed!!!!!!! May I ask what this fanfic is about? 😏
      Have a wonderful time at the beach!
      Glad you’re back!❤

      • HIII!!! *Hug* I missed everyone soooo much as well!! 😀

        And yes, you may 😏😁 Sooo my fanfic is on a movie series that I love called The Maze Runner! I can’t say much, cuz princesachronicle is planning on watching the movie as well I think, but it’s a short story of two of the characters meeting again in Heaven. Which I’m sooo excited about finishing, because I’ve been so sad about this particular character death lately, and I think it would be so sweet to write their reunion.

        Orrr I might write an alternative ending where this particular charrie lives, and they meet again on Earth 😀 I haven’t quite decided which way I want to write it. But either way, I’m super excited about writing it 😀 XD

        • And thank you!!! We did have a great time 😀 I’m so glad to be back! ❤❤❤

        • OOOO I’ve heard of The Maze Runner but I’ve never seen it… but that sounds SO cool! Writing fanfics for dead charries is wonderful, especially when you make them not die. 😂

          • Yeah, I actually just found out about it a few weeks ago and I loved it immediately XD. My parents had watched the first two, and they had really liked them as well, so now we’re watching the movies together. They’re really good 😀

            And yes! It is wonderful bringing sweet charries back to life ❤😂

            • Oh niiiiice. Love at first sight. 😂

            • XD Fr! We just watched half of the last one last night…I’m trying to prepare myself for the ending 😭😔

            • Oh nuuuu, is it that sort of movie where you know the ending is going to be horribly sad?

            • Yesss! Ugh it’s heartbreaking and they drag it on for foreverrrr. And you just know the character is not going to make it but there’s a tiny bit of hope so you just hold onto that…

    • *squeals*
      YAAAYYY!!! WELCOME BACKKK!!!!! I’ve missed you so much!!! I’m so excited you’re back!!! 😆 So glad your break went well! 😊 Can’t wait to chat with you more!! 😄
      (Also the beach sounds pretty awesome right now. Where I am, this week has been pretty chilly. Like in the 40s. 😬 It’s supposed to warm up. We had some really warm weather earlier, but it’s Ohio. And that’s Ohio weather for ya. 😂)

      • I used “so” a lot in that post… 😂

        • ESTHER!!!!! *Squeals with you* XD I missed you so much too girl!!! ❤❤❤ Yes, me too!!!
          (Ohh wow! 😬 That sounds super cold XD We live in the South, actually not far from Florida so it’s been like mid 70s this week. Sending you a blanket!! XD)

          And I use certain words a lot more than others all the time girl XD Like the other day, I said ‘Like’ in a sentence about 5 times XD Anddd looka there, I used it again XD So I feel ya!

          • Thankfully it’s starting to warm up now. XD But I’ll keep the blanket for later. 😉 😂

            For real!! I get on these kicks though where I use one phrase or a word often. For example: “For real” “Goodness gracious” “Girrlll” “etc…” 😂
