Lady Iliara

  • Joy posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago

    @lady-iliara Randomistest fact ever: I had a dream last night that I was watching the Super Bowl, and one of the teams was called “Western Iliara” or something. I was cheering for it… GO TEAM! *waves flags*
    *reads back over this* *cringes at randomness*

    • Oh my word THAT IS HILARIOUS! 😆😆 Honored to be in your dream…sorta…at least my name was… 🤔🤠😶🤣🏈
      I actually dreamed that I was meeting some of my Aetherlight friends last night—that’s weird…😯
      *goes off to ponder this* *reads your post to my sis*
      *enjoys randomness*

      • That IS weird! LOL I think the other team was called “Concave” or something odd like that. There were two topics on KP for each team for people who were cheering for them.
        I thought you might like the randomness ;D
