
  • Kina Lamb posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago

    @kate-flournoy Kate, two things: I have more friends than you is it possible and I love your cover picture! It’s so dreamy! I nearly got lost in it. It has that feeling that you get when it’s raining outside. 😀 😀

    • @kina-lamb there are many grand and impossible and inexplicable things in life. I am happy to say that fact that you have more friends than me will never be one of them. XD
      Yes, I found that picture on a free domain stock photo site and snatched it immediately. 🙂

      • And speaking of which, how do you put a picture there? I keep seeing profiles with pictures there but haven’t been able to figure out how you put ’em up.

        • @emma-flournoy on the top right hand corner of your screen, you should see a black bar with your profile pic on it that says ‘Howdy, Emma Flournoy’. Hover over it, go down to ‘Profile,’ and hover. The bottom option will be ‘Change Cover Image’. When you click it, it will take you to a square you can upload an image from.

          • @emma-flournoy I just saw your friend request (and accepted it of course.) I just still cannot believe we haven’t been friends for a year!!!! That is SO WIERD how did I miss that????

            • @kate-flournoy @emma-flournoy how do you put a picture on the forum?

            • @kina-lamb eh boy… 😛
              Okay. There’s no way to directly upload an image from your computer, only insert one via url. So you need it on a webpage of sorts in order to get that url. What I do is upload it to google, then click ‘view image’. It will give you the picture by itself in a black surrounding screen. Take the url from the address bar, copy it, then come back to KP, click the ‘img’ button in the post text box, paste the url, click okay, name the picture, click okay again, and then post.

            • I thought that would freak you out. XD No, we have been friends, for a loooong time—but I accidentally canceled our friendship yesterday when I thought I was clicking on something else, so promptly requested it again. I messaged you about it— — but the notification must’ve gone wrong. 😛 Finicky things. WE’VE BEEN FRIENDS, DON’T WORRY. No way you’d be on here for any amount of time and I wouldn’t friend you. 😛
