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@rae @theshadow
No joke, I’m super excited cause y’all seemed to greatly enjoy it and I can’t wait to finish it for you! View
Natalie C. posted an update 3 years, 8 months ago
Maybe we should move over here to fangirl about The Bad Batch… XDI am waaaay too obsessed with it. I agree with everything you said about all the characters!! Hunter is just plain awesome and Wrecker is hilarious and Echo and Tech are so cool with the technology and Crosshair is EVIL. And I love Omega. She’s adorable <333. Are you a…[Read more]
I liked the Clone Wars too, but my favorite Star Wars show (apart from The Bad Batch) was probably Rebels.
Yesssss!! I LOVE Rebels!!!! I really like Agent Kallus for some reason. I like all the bad characters… XD. Wasn’t the finally so sad? It made me cry almost
Whoops, meant to say finale
Kallus is the coolest, I can agree with you on that. (His redemption arc is one of my favorites.) And yes, the last few episodes were sad but were still pretty good!
What did you think of the latest few episodes of The Bad Batch? I kinda want to see what Crosshair will look like now, what with being all beat up and scorched (I like torturing…[Read more]
Ooh I hadn’t even thought of what Crosshair would look like now! I haven’t seen the newest episode yet. I probably need to XD. And, YES. I NEED Omega to hug Hunter. End of discussion.
I kinda like the girl bounty hunter (I can’t remember her name). I liked her before the end of the bounty hunter one, when she talked about helping Omega. She’s super cool!!
You mean Fennec Shand? Yeah, she’s a cool character. I mostly remembered her name because there’s an animal called the fennec fox.
So, you love Warriors too? I have a ton of Warriors/Star Wars fanfictions, along with Warriors/Marvel fanfics and Warriors/Jurassic World fanfics (how I pulled that off, I have no idea). I have a whole LIST of warrior cat names for various characters from all the different clans.
I LOVE Warriors!! Although I’ll admit, I haven’t read them in a while. But I’ve read them all so many times that really, they’re almost memorized. XD
Wow, I’m never thought of combining things to make fanfictions. (Honestly I’m still very new to the fanfic world.) your fanfics sound sooo interesting!! AND A WHOLE LIST?!?! That is AWESOME!! I…[Read more]
I just take character names and combine a warrior part with them. For example: Samflint, Lukefur, Owenblaze, etc. Characters like Crosshair keep their names (because his name sounds like a warrior one anyway). I’ve seen warrior name quizzes and stuff. My warrior cat name is Jayheart because of one of those quizzes. (Also, I’m Hunterclaw’s great…[Read more]
There are a lot of weird relations and connections in my Warriors stories…. I combine names which make sense, like “Scarletfur” or “Poeflight” (that last one makes sense if you think about it). I also just pick names which sound good together, like “Rexfur” or “Techtail” (yep, I gave most of the clone troopers warrior names. Clan Force 99, anyone?)
Clan. Force. 99. I love it. I love it so much!!!! (Sorry for the late response. We started school last Monday, and my life has been a lot crazier.)
Aww, thanks! If there were a forum topic on combination fanfics I’d tell you all about the adventures of the clone warriors of RepublicClan. But since there isn’t, I guess we’ll just have to settle for here.
Why isn’t there a topic on combination fanfics? Or at least fanfics?? There totally needs to be one!
You said you do Warriors/Marvel ones, too. What are those like?
The clan’s called AvengerClan. Basically the Marvel stories if they were warrior cats. (It was StarClan that gave the kittypet called Steve nine lives and strength and called him Captainstar. And why he survived plunging into the ice–it only took one of his lives.)
I could make a topic…I guess…Or I could MAYBE post the list of warrior names on here.
• Ahsokatail
• Alan
• Aldenheart
• Alinanose
• Allisonclaw
• Allisonfeather
• Anakinsong
• Antwing
• Aragornclaw
• Arwenfur
• Bannermoon
• Bannerpelt
• Batwing
• Bazepelt
• Beaumonttail
• Beckflame
• Bianalight
• Bodhiclaw
• Bodhistripe
• Boltlight
• Boromircloud
• Bristlecone
• Bronteflight
• Brontestep
• Brookpelt
• Buckyflight
• Buckypelt
• Bull…[Read more]
Sorry that was so long. The names come from multiple places: Star Wars, Marvel, Jurassic World, Lord of the Rings, the Tron movie series, the Keeper of the Lost Cities book series, and a few names from the Halo video games (for my brother, who loves those). And of course, I made a bunch up. There aren’t any leader names because I have them in a…[Read more]
Something tells me those lists aren’t even finished, too. Tell me what names you recognize!
I…I…I cannot speak…
I thought you’d like it. What do you think your name would be? And which character name is your favorite? Which do you think is most accurate (from the ones you recognize)?
Sorry if I ask too many questions.
Ooh those are great (and very hard) questions. I really like Captainstar, because I think it really suits him. He’s definitely a leader. And I like Heracloud, because she is meant to be in the clouds. And Falconwing…yeah, that one is totally obviously perfect. As for mine…I have absolutely no idea. I am terrible with the names XD
Thanks! I picked the names for the characters really without thinking sometimes….But they turn out to be perfect.
With leader names, I really have no choice what they’ll be, but I guess it usually works out anyway. Your name….I could come up with one. What’s your favorite color?
I like blue, and copper is pretty
I WAS able to come up with one for my cat, though. It’s Moonpelt, which is very unoriginal, but I think it suits her coloring. I’ve performed the warrior ceremony on her a couple time XD. It’s fun pretending to be a leader and give a name!
I like Moonpelt. I think I’ll stick with it. What clan do you want her to be in? AvengerClan, ResistanceClan, RaptorClan, GridClan or KeeperClan?
Ugh that is such a hard question! Ummm probably… AvengerClan. And that is a reeealy hard choice over ResistanceClan
Cool! What’s Moonpelt like? Her fur color, her personality, which cats would you like to be her parents and mentor (pick from the list)…Sorry if it’s too much, but I like getting to know characters before I include them, or else I’ll make it up.
I have 2 questions before I can answer yours. First, is Moonpelt me? Second, are the names up there the same as in real life? Like, if I wanted Loki or Bucky to be my mentor in real life (cuz I totally would!!) I would choose Lokitooth/whisker or Buckyflight/pelt?
Also, I’m about to go to camp for a week. So I won’t be able to respond. 🙁
Yes on your second question. Lokitooth already has an apprentice about your time–her name is Dragonpaw–so I’ll set you up with Buckyflight. (Buckypelt and Lokiwhisker are named after the two, but come from different clans.) On the first question, Moonpelt will be your warrior name, so if you want to change it you can. (My warrior name is…[Read more]
Did that answer your question?
Ah! Yikes, I am so sorry!! I got back from camp and recovered from that and had school…man, I’m really sorry.
Yes, that totally answers my question!! YESSS I’M BUCKYFLIGHT’S APPRENTICE! (I wish you could see me jumping around right now XD)
And may I just say, I love the names Jayheart and Silverflame
Oh yeah, and a question about Moonpelt–what’s her fur color?
Thank you! My dad’s warrior name is Swiftsight and my mom’s is Whitefoot (she has white paws) Jayheart is a medicine cat, and has an apprentice called Sunpaw (later Sunlight)
Soooo….What did you think of the last episode of The Bad Batch? I was afraid that at least one character was going to die, and then when they all escaped alive I was like, “Whew, nobody died before breakfast! I call that a win.” (quote from The Croods 2, a movie I watched recently)
In case you’re still here….I finally found a fanfiction forum, like what we talked about! (Wow, this conversation is getting long.)
The Bad Batch finale was EPIC! Really one of the best episodes they’ve done, I think. It made me so sad, though. Cuz I just want Crosshair to go back to them and for all my babies to be happy together!! 😭
I want him to go back too! Although I’m not sure if he’d like it very much if he knew you’d called him a baby (if that’s in fact what you did). I, personally, am not criticizing; I befriend fictional characters all the time, even though there’s that rational part of my brain that says “They don’t exist and even if they did they wouldn’t care two…[Read more]
YES I’m not the only one who befriends fictional characters! I talk to and about my character, Ember, like she’s real all the time. And she is real, at least to me!
I need to try befriending Marvel and Star Wars characters sometime. I haven’t thought about that. I mean, I think fanfics with me in them all the time, but I haven’t actually tried talking to them just because. (Is that weird?)
That’s not that weird. I don’t necessarily talk to them just because but I do imagine extensive fanfics detailing the characters’ lives. Only recently have I started inserting myself as a character.
A lot of my fanfic characters are of my own creation, so there’s a lot to develop, but I also try to explore the characters that aren’t mine. (Is it weird that I have a picture of my fictional best friend as my lock screen?)
(He’s the deputy and later leader of GridClan, Beckflame–or Beckstar. Jayheart [or me] was his friend and medicine cat.)
That is so cool! And I don’t think that it’s at all weird that you have a fictional best friend.
Woah, you’re medicine cat? Or Jayheart is, I should say. That is awesome! I don’t think I realized that. So fancyscales! (Sorry, bringing in some Wings of Fire XD. Have you read those?)
Wings of Fire is really cool! I actually got the idea for my dragonmen characters from them. And yes, I enjoy Beckstar’s company. At least in the story anyway–I haven’t tried contacting him from here in the human world.
Since I’m medicine cat, I can talk to StarClan (or ForceClan, named for the Force out of Star Wars) in the story. My family were once loners, and even when I was a loner kit I had the ability to visit ForceClan. I befriended a ForceClan warrior named Techtail (yes, the one from The Bad Batch) and he was the one who got me interested in being in a…[Read more]
(I read that again and I was like “wow…..I have a lot of famous character connections!”)
Just a question….My dad recently got me to watch Loki (the Marvel show). I’ve seen all but the last episode, and I think it’s really cool. Have you seen it, and if you have, what did you think? (I think it’s pretty much as good as the Bad Batch, but you can’t really compare the two ’cause they’re both super awesome in their own way)
(Mind you, if Hunter and Loki heard me say that, they’d probably start beating each other up in an effort to make me say one is better, but….I stand rooted in my decision. They are equal.)
I looove Loki (the character) but my dad doesn’t want to watch the show so I can’t either. It makes me so sad!! 😭
I know a lot of what happens and it looks super good to me. Loki is my favorite character (closely followed by Bucky) and I reeeealy want to see it, but I suppose I’ll have to wait. I’m so glad you liked it!
Okay I totally want to see Hunter and Loki together now
Oh my goodness I love your backstory so much!! KANANSTRIPE. Why did he have to die?!? He’s so awesome.
Yeah, the show’s actually pretty great! And I’ll make sure to tell Kananstripe that when I talk to him next 😁
And honestly I would like to see what Hunter and Loki would think of each other…..hopefully I wouldn’t have to separate them before they kill each other and the world is deprived of two awesome characters……but I’m sure it won’t come to that.
Yaaaay I’ve seen the first 2 episodes of Loki!!! It’s awesome. Super funny. I loved the scene in Pompeii. Ooh now I really want to see Hunter and Loki together 😁
Ha ha, the Pompeii scene was plain hilarious. All of the Loki show is, actually. Although there is one character in the last episode who seriously deserves having sizable chunks bitten out of his ears. (I come up with the weirdest threats for characters I don’t like.) And YESSSSS. I don’t know why Disney can’t do show crossovers–a Loki/The Bad…[Read more]
I mean, like, in the scene when the guy was like, “You are to your knowledge not a robot, and you have what most cultures would call a ‘soul?'” and Loki’s like, “What if I WAS a robot and didn’t know it?” and the other person says, “Then the machine would melt you.” Echo would have a hard time getting through that…..
and then just imagine…[Read more]
Have you finished watching the Loki series? What’d you think? Oh, and just a question—what color is your warrior cat Moonpelt? I have a clan hierarchy list like the ones they have in the beginnings of each book, and I’d like to figure out her fur color so I can put that in! (Oh, also, there is a young AvengerClan warrior I named Echoshine after…[Read more]
Yeesh I am so sorry that I haven’t responded yet.
Yes, I did finish Loki. It was super cool! A little bit weird on the last episode with Kang and everything, but I loved it. And I love Sylvie.
Moonpelt (if we’re going off of my cat) is white with brown and black splotches all over her, and with blue eyes. It would be so cool to have an app…[Read more]
Ugh, Kang WAS super annoying–I really, really, really want to whack him, but I’m not going to. (The only other character I’ve wanted to do that to was Admiral Rampart from The Bad Batch–I really hated him, too.) But yes, I agree, Loki is awesome! And so is Sylvie, she’s cool too. (Their warrior cat names are Lokitooth and Sylvieblaze.)
And…[Read more]
Let’s go whack Kang!! I am very much for that mission. I love their warrior names! Blaze definitely suits Sylvie. That story sounds so awesome!! You have no idea how excited that makes me. I’ve imagined myself as a warrior before, and it is awesome.
Yes, let’s do it. (And while we’re at it, why don’t we go whack the other bad guys? Like Admiral Rampart–you remember him, right? The Imperial officer in The Bad Batch? I got so mad at him, I literally said I wanted to put a bullet through his head. I don’t even remember why.) And thanks! Lokitooth and Sylvieblaze’s two kits were named Bladestri…[Read more]
Hello! Merry Christmas! Goodness it’s been a long time. Have you watched Hawkeye? it might be one of my favorite Marvel things.