Kate Flournoy posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
@Bluejay and @Daeus (since you guys are the only ones I can remember who were curious about this) just thought I’d let you know that ear therapy actually went really well. The healing process is still underway (it takes a long time) but things are definitely improving. Thanks so much for your prayers. Someone was listening. 😉
@kate-flournoy Yipee! Like, this deserves a celebration. Maybe I’ll go eat some raspberries.
*Reprograms algorithm to flavor prayer with celebration*
*Dwapples away*
Hey @spradlin, come check this out.
@kate-flournoy That’s great news. Do you understand @daeus anymore than I do? Must be the raspberries that do it.
*grins* I don’t eat them.
@Bluejay heheheh… maybe slightly. I eat raspberries myself, so that must put us on a less drastic wavelength difference. 😉
Right @Daeus?
I only eat raspberries when there is no other fruit to be had. I dislike the crunch. *shudders*
What!!?? @Bluejay the crunch is the best part!!! 😀
@kate-flournoy You eat raspberries too? Aha! Now I know why you’re improving so well. Raspberries are almost like enlightenment, only purer.
@bluejay I’ll be praying for you. You seem to need it.
@Daeus that must be it. The raspberries. Of course. Why didn’t I think of that? 😀
*gasp* @daeus Are you saying I’m not okay as I am? *weeps*
@bluejay Awe, not that. Just… hmm… you ever had frozen raspberries?
Once or twice. We mix them in a blender with other fruit and make home-made ice cream, which is nice.
*dries tears*
So glad to hear this!!! I’ll be praying for a speedy recovery! *virtual hugs and cookies*
@kate-flournoy *blanches*
Now now, Tessa.
Aww, thanks @spradlin. You guys are all so awesome. *dabs happy tears*
*chuckles at own melodrama*
*mas hugs* *many thumbs up*