Active 6 years, 10 months ago- Rank: Wise Jester
- Total Posts: 81
Julia R. changed their profile picture 6 years, 10 months ago
Julia R. replied to the topic Character Art Exchange #2 in the forum Art 7 years ago
oops got your tag wrong filewriterbase13x , just look at the post above
Julia R. replied to the topic Character Art Exchange #2 in the forum Art 7 years ago
@filewriter13x okie dokie! I’ll try to draw him tonight and hopefully post him by morning! 👍🏼
NC Stokes and
Julia R. are now friends 7 years ago
Julia R. replied to the topic Character Art Exchange #2 in the forum Art 7 years ago
@daughteroftheking thanks! 😊 I do a first sketch in pencil, line it in .3 and .1 Micron waterproof liners, then colour in watercolour. I did the white detail with a Sakura Gelly Roll white pen. Thanks so much for the drawing prompt!!!
Julia R. replied to the topic Character Art Exchange #2 in the forum Art 7 years ago
@filewriterbase13x what kind of soldier is Jared? Is this a historical book? Is it futuristic? What is the “aesthetic” of the book? (Steampunk, sci-fi, fantasy, medieval, etc)
Julia R. replied to the topic Character Art Exchange #2 in the forum Art 7 years ago
Also @filewriterbase13x I’d be happy to draw some of your guys! Brant (see above) is not a good example of my male drawing skills, since I did him pretty quickly (about 15 minutes) as I didn’t have much time.
But if you want help drawing men, here’s one tip I’ve learned that I’m trying to implement: girls are built of circles and curves, a…[Read more]
Julia R. replied to the topic Character Art Exchange #2 in the forum Art 7 years ago
@daughteroftheking here is Brant! Sorry I didn’t get around to drawing him sooner, I had a Nutrition exam to study for. :’)
I’m not a fabulous artist but he’ll do XD I had fun drawing him.
Julia R. posted an update 7 years ago
I love tea (especially while I write) and I love trying new ones so…
what is the best kind of tea you’ve ever tasted?
Ready, set, go!
@julia-r Lemon tea. Basically the only tea I love. 😛
Julia R. changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Julia R. changed their profile picture 7 years ago
Julia R. and
filewriter@base13x are now friends 7 years ago
Julia R. and
Joy are now friends 7 years ago
Julia R. posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Aaah! I see now! I was starting to assume it had something to do with posts made as I moved about the website a little more, but I wasn’t sure. Those are such fun labels 😀 Thanks, @dekreel !
Julia R. replied to the topic Character Art Exchange #2 in the forum Art 7 years ago
@daughteroftheking I may give your fairy character a go, if you’re still interested! @dragon-snapper ‘s drawing has inspired me (wonderful job, btw! You’re great at shading!)
N.C., also I love your Calvin and Hobbes profile pic! my dad is a huge fan of the comics
I’m also willing to draw other characters as well, but be forewarned, all your…[Read more]
Julia R. replied to the topic New here in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
@filewriterbase13x I don’t really have a major work in progress at the moment, I’m currently trying to find some sort of idea, any sort of idea. I’m working on a short story as a gift for my dad. To fill time in between “brilliant” (hahaha) novel ideas, I sometimes dabble in fan-fiction and short stories, which I have found to be excellent ways…[Read more]
Julia R. replied to the topic New here in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
Welcome, @filewriterbase13x ! Gosh, you sound a lot like me when I was your age! I still love painting and reading and writing and all that stuff, but I’m a bad fan and haven’t listened to Adventures in Odyssey in years.
Your book sounds awesome! I also love writing sci-fi and fantasy.
also since you love chocolate, definitely try the…[Read more]
LivGiordano and
Julia R. are now friends 7 years ago
Julia R. replied to the topic A Year Ago… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@jenwriter17 I agree that there definitely should be some sort of international Kingdom Pen day. I don’t know how exactly one would go about celebrating it but holidays are great.
@that_writer_girl_99 congratulations on your almost anniversary!!! Kingdom Pen is a wonderful place for learning and sharing, I wish I remembered it more often when I’m…[Read more]
Julia R. posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago
Okay so I have returned after a very long hiatus, and first off, the new website design looks great!
Second; what does it mean by “rank?” My rank is “Wise Jester”, I’m not sure what that means, how on earth I obtained it, and whether or not I should be offended…-
Welcome back, @julia-r!! 😀
Your rank shows how many posts you’ve made on the forum. The more posts you make, the higher your rank. Here a list:
Bumbling Henchman: 0-20 posts (I think)
Charismatic Rebel: 20-50 posts
Wise Jester: 50-100 posts
Loyal Sidekick: 100-300 posts
Knight in Shining Armor: 300-1000 posts
Eccentric Mentor: 1000-2000
Chosen…[Read more]-
Aaah! I see now! I was starting to assume it had something to do with posts made as I moved about the website a little more, but I wasn’t sure. Those are such fun labels 😀 Thanks, @dekreel !
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