josiebeth replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
Ohh, okay! I’m very scatterbrained; I constantly get distracted from what I’m supposed to be doing. You can’t tell from my profile picture, but I have braces and love trying out fun colors on them even if that’s not “fashionable”. I constantly read and write, and when I’m not doing that, I’m roleplaying. Also, I love people and try not to hold…[Read more]
josiebeth replied to the topic A Keeper Adventure in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
@dekreel Ooh, sure! I’m a little confused, but this sounds fun!
josiebeth replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
@Skredder It’s on my reading list for next week!
@Rochellaine Ohh! Yes, I do, actually. I’ve been listening to Ella Fitzgerald recently. 😀
@notawriter Thank you! I like K.M. Weiland and Lemony Snicket. Also — I have to ask about your username. XD
@introvert_girl Thanks! My favorite colors are all shades of pink, light purple, and teal, in…[Read more]
josiebeth's profile was updated 7 years ago
josiebeth replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
Oh, it’s supposed to be josiebeth… how should I change that? XD
@Skredder I’m not currently reading anything, but my to-read list this week is Mere Christianity, A Wrinkle in Time, and Fearless Writing.
@Rochellaine I don’t think I’ve seen any, but I’m trying to watch more shows.
@Kaya-Young Thank you!
@Daeus Yay! A cloak and dagger!
Joy and
josiebeth are now friends 7 years ago
ClaireC and
josiebeth are now friends 7 years ago
josiebeth replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
@Dekreel Indie technically means a “self-published” song, but now it’s used for songs that are hipster/don’t fit in any other genres.
@Elizabeth Thank you!
@Grace I’ve never actually read Shakespeare (yet)… *hides* I play ukulele, guitar, and I sing. 🙂
@MNValentine Thank you! I’m working on a novel, Legacy Unending, about a girl who gets an…[Read more]
josiebeth replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
@Devastate-Lasting Haha, thank you! I’m currently writing a novel, Legacy Unending, and I hope to get that published in a couple years.
josiebeth replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
Ohh XD Why?
josiebeth replied to the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
@ClaireC Thank you! I was in a version of Alice in Wonderland, but because I live far away from theaters I don’t do many shows, just acting classes.
@Dekreel What’s the competition? 😮 I like Lemony Snicket books, The Greatest Showman, and pretty much all music genres, but right now I’m partial to indie, Latino, and choral. (Also, I’m an…[Read more]
josiebeth started the topic Hello! in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago
Hi! My name is Josie Beth, and I just joined the forum after hearing about Kingdom Pen on YWW. I’ve been binging KP YouTube videos and articles — the “How to Write the Worst ____ Ever” series is my favorite. xD
I typically write YA contemporary Christian, sometimes poetry, and occasionally fantasy. Aside from writing, I like music, theater,…[Read more]