Active 3 years ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 575
Leumeister replied to the topic Aquila in the forum Sci-Fi 6 years, 9 months ago
@perfectfifthsI just tagged everyone who has posted. 😛
Anyway, Aquila has grown a lot since I last posted. It hasn’t had much progress in the way of converting it to a TV show, but I’ve written quite a few more stories, some of which a…[Read more]
Emma Flournoy started the topic Scott Gustafson in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 3 months ago
Hey people.
Have any of you ever heard of or seen the work of artist Scott Gustafson? He does a lot of fairy-tale/fantasy/fables art, and it is AMAZING. His art looks so real, but at the same time has an extremely cute, bookish quality to it. Considering we have a few artists, and fantasy and fairy-tale lovers here, I thought you might want to…[Read more]
Cloudy replied to the topic How does one write an unhappy ending? in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@jess I honestly don’t know what I’m doing. In my own writing. I don’t know how I would help you except for this one question: Is it BMA your OYAN or Crown of Ice. Because I agree with @kate-flournoy make the world seem better than she left it (if it’s BMA). Sure she doesn’t get what she wants but her actions have been very…unseemly to the HS.…[Read more]
Catwing replied to the topic How does one write an unhappy ending? in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@jess what they said… *nods*
Ethryndal replied to the topic How does one write an unhappy ending? in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@Jess I (obviously) concur with what they all said, but I’d like to add a side note to Daeus’ point: If the world is better off than it was before, even if (and possibly because) the protagonist didn’t get what she wanted, than at least a small victory has been achieved, no matter the personal cost to the MC. The reader will recognize this and be…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic How does one write an unhappy ending? in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@jess What Kate said. Basically, either the loss your character experiences needs to be necessary for them to become a better person or the ending is just plain tragic, but a side character learns something valuable from it and the readers are left with a lot of hope for that side character.
Elizabeth replied to the topic How does one write an unhappy ending? in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
Hi @jess! Nice to see you again. 😉
I don’t have too much to say about this, but I will lend you one thought: life isn’t always happy. What I mean by that is, we might like to think that happy endings lie around every corner, but that isn’t always true. Sometimes it’s the exact opposite.
What does this mean for you? It might mean that you need…[Read more]
Kate Flournoy replied to the topic How does one write an unhappy ending? in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
@Jess lovely topic. I have a lot of thoughts on unhappy endings, but I haven’t got time to consolidate them all now, so I’ll just leave you with the biggest two.
The first is the concept of catharsis. The reader must be satisfied in some way or other. The reader must feel that something was gained; that the world is somehow better as they leave…[Read more]
Ethryndal posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago
*gasp* Look who it is! That weird elf person who’s been slinking around in the shadows these last few months, making appearances so rarely that authorities have come to consider her an endangered species!
Yup, it’s that strange Sarah creature. I never wanted to be one of those people who randomly disappear one day and you never see hide nor hair…[Read more]
Cloudy replied to the topic Fairy Tale Retelling in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 7 years, 4 months ago
I would say I am somewhat in your boat. I am currently writing an OYAN project: A Retelling of the Taming of the Shrew. And the thing that has gotten me thus far is: Reading the book and PLANNING. Planning like you would not believe.
@jess can attest to it, as we are doing it together.
So if you wanna ask me some stuff on how I am…[Read more] -
Cloudy replied to the topic Inktober in the forum Art 7 years, 4 months ago
Day four: Underwater
Aplysina Fiatularis. A sea sponge that is much like hydra: split a piece of sponge both pieces will continue to grow. .
@catwing @epicaddie2 @daughteroftheking@jess (are you doing inktober and if you are, will you share your art with us?)
Daeus started the topic For all who love speculative fiction in the forum Announcements 7 years, 5 months ago
Hi friends,
I’m excited to announce that on October 2nd KP will hosting a panel discussion dedicated to the topic of speculative fiction!
Yes, fantasy, sci-fi, the stuff we love. I hope you’ll be there. 😀 😀 😀
Here’s the link.…[Read more]
Sage G replied to the topic Hey, hi, hello! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 5 months ago
@shannon Yeah, I’m happy to know I’m not alone here! I was homeschooled my entire life, from start to finish!
I am very much human…as far as I know. >.>@princessfoo Thank you!
@emily I always like studying current events.
@that_writer_girl_99 I used to write poetry, but lately I write on my blog, or work on short-story/book ideas.
Josiah DeGraaf started the topic New Website Party! in the forum Announcements 7 years, 5 months ago
Hey all!
It is my pleasure to introduce you all to the new Kingdom Pen site–now faster /and/ mobile-friendly. 😀
As you may notice, it looks quite different. And while I think I’ve caught all the bugs, there may still be some that have evaded my eagle-eye. So if you find something, drop us a note here or email us at kingdompenmag@gmail.com.…[Read more]
Cloudy posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
@shannon https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MDYRrtpUfbqgQaJq4gqjJa5Zxjyv7pD8nxfzSlCea34/edit?usp=sharing
Thank you ever so much for doing this! You have been terrific. Keep doing what you’re doing, but I need special insight on this one point: Do you think the ending is cheap? @jess Thinks the ending is cheating. And also, please don’t feel…[Read more] -
Hannah R. started the topic Does the Bible forbid using an alias? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 5 months ago
Hello, KeePers. I’m back–in another theological quandary.
So here’s the backstory. I have a finished manuscript called Prince of the Barbarians. (If you’ve read this, you’ll be especially helpful to this discussion, so let me tag y’all… @catwing @jadamae @dragon-snapper @daeus @jess.)
The novel centers around a young prince named Cerdic, whose…[Read more] -
Daeus replied to the topic Dilemmas in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 5 months ago
@shannon @epicaddie2 @ethryndal @jess @graciegirl @dragon-snapper @catwing @daughteroftheking @that_writer_girl_99 @christi-eaton
Any other ideas? I’m not coming up with anything that’s clicking.
Catwing replied to the topic Writer's Corner #8 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 6 months ago
@jess Oh, Pegasus. Hello fellow winged creature.
Catwing replied to the topic Writer's Corner #8 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 6 months ago
@jess no. No it’s not. *whimpers* At least it’s not to bad.
@salome01w4g That sounds complex… And expensive.
I don’t need college! *frolics in a pasture* I have words, dreams, pictures, and Ecommerce!
(That reminded me that as a random thing I made up for my book. That in order to under the libgonia’s feeding process, you had to go to a…[Read more] -
Catwing replied to the topic Writer's Corner #8 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 6 months ago
@jess no. No it’s not. *whimpers* At least it’s not to bad.
@salome01w4g That sounds complex… And expensive.
I don’t need college! *frolics in a pasture* I have words, dreams, pictures, and Ecommerce!
(That reminded me that as a random thing I made up that in order to under the libgonia’s feeding process, you had to go to a college and take a…[Read more] - Load More
I’ve missed you, but I’ve always assumed you had good reason to be away from the forum. Praying for you, love. 😉
Hope these struggles strengthen you. Praying for you. Really hope you can stick around!
Aww I’m glad you dropped back because I was wondering at your silence. <3 Keep on trusting God. *hugs*
Glad to have you back! I tend to withdraw when I’m going through difficult times too; I think my introvertedness blows full steam whenever I’m hurting. I hope God will turn your trials into joy. 🙂 Trials aren’t fun, but I’ve found I usually grow more from them than from the good times. *pats you on the shoulder*
YAAAYYY! Don’t become an endangered species. *sorrowful blink*
STUFF is a convoluted pain. Hopefully it’ll allow you more opportunities to be on here, but see, even if you don’t feel like it, people miss you a lot! Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that. 😀 But we need our Green Lady. <3
Did you see the Loki article? 😀
HI-YA!!! Yes, please don’t become an endangered species. XD Life in the Kingdom would become oh so dull and sarcasm-less without you. 😛
And I relate big-time. I’ve been ignoring the Kingdom these past couple weeks too, so you are not alone. Look, I even replied to this, like, super late. 😛
But anywho…WELCOME BACK!!