Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Where do you live? in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years, 9 months ago
The main problem in Oklahoma has less to do with the wind and more to do with the wind ferrets that come with it. They’re a serious problem.
Like, we all want to give the indigenous species room to exist and do their thing, but the ecological ramifications of having wind ferrets in your state is something the local government has really…[Read more]
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Cliffhangers and Cliched Titles in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 1 month ago
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic in the forum Hannah Wilson 9 years, 2 months ago
Oh yeah, there’s an explanation within the episode. It’s no dreadful thing at all; the podcast and KP are still buds, and you’ll see episodes on Kingdom Pen still. And the show itself won’t be changing at all, cept for the name and the logo. 😛
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic in the forum Hannah Wilson 9 years, 2 months ago
YES, everything will still be available on iTunes and on soundcloud, though the soundcloud link may change when the title changes. I’ll try to make access to all of that as easy as possible moving forward.
And Hope, there’s 2 places where you can sign up. You can hit that follow button on soundcloud IF you have a soundcloud account. If you…[Read more]
Daniel Thompson started the topic in the forum 9 years, 2 months ago
Hey yall! This episode isn’t up on Kingdom Pen Prime yet, as I submitted it late and it hasn’t made it through the whole new review process. But the episode IS live on soundcloud and *probably* live on iTunes (haven’t checked yet; it does iTunes automatically). So YESH, I’m just gonna drop the link for you lovelies now, before premier, cause I…[Read more]
Daniel Thompson and Daeus are now friends 9 years, 3 months ago
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Zombies and Vampires ~ Yeh or Bleh? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Morally Perfect Characters in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
Yeah, I liked For the Temple too. Beric the Britain was pretty good as well, those are the two I really remember.
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Morally Perfect Characters in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
Not to say I don’t like his stuff; I’ve really enjoyed a number of his writing. It’s just that the more I read, the more patterns I see, and the less enjoyable it is over time.
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Morally Perfect Characters in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
Yeh . . . but all Henty books follow a very specific plot pattern with very similar characters who generally don’t have archs, and the key to any battle fought in any one of his books is DON’T BREAK FORMATION, and there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Marketing and platform: what's the best approach? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
Any marketing these days has almost got to be as creative as the book itself. The more formulaic the marketing, the less impact it seems to have, at least in my experience.
This also has to be paired with low expectations. Self-published books very rarely make lots of money, so you can’t quit your day job. And that’s okay, especially at this…[Read more]
Daniel Thompson started the topic Morally Perfect Characters in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
Kay, so this week I had Bryan Davis in studio for the podcast (episode below for those who’ve missed it) and we mentioned something that Bryan is (at least so I’m told) notorious for, and that is characters who are morally perfect. Flawless in their character. In this brings up two different trains of thinking.
One, doing this can provide a…[Read more]
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic KP Staff in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Zombies and Vampires ~ Yeh or Bleh? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
No no no, you missed it, stay with me here a second!
You laughed.
You, just you.
Somewhere in the vast scheme of things, as God formed you in your Mother’s womb, and saw everything you would be and mean and say and do, he gave you the potential to find joy in a picture of kittens wearing bonnets.
Isn’t that amazing?
Isn’t it amazing that God…[Read more]
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Zombies and Vampires ~ Yeh or Bleh? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
@Rosey: BUT IT MADE YOU LAUGH! Did you see that? Did you see it? IT CAUSED LAUGHTER! The God of the universe created the smallest elements that make up the flesh of an amoeba and the largest gargantuan balls of nuclear fire in the cosmos but he stopped for a moment and decided that laughter would be a good thing.
That’s a spiritually…[Read more]
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Zombies and Vampires ~ Yeh or Bleh? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
Miss Emma, I have spent a great deal of time doing things for the grander purpose, and a great deal of time doing things for fun. You would not believe how often the two intertwined, and even turned out to serve the opposite purpose more entirely than they did the original.
Now I may know something is wrong, and do it, and then I have done…[Read more]
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Zombies and Vampires ~ Yeh or Bleh? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
^with Kittens.
Do kittens make it better?
It’s less gross and more adorable with kittens.
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Zombies and Vampires ~ Yeh or Bleh? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Zombies and Vampires ~ Yeh or Bleh? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
Okay. So it’s our heart that matters.
So if you true heart attitude is like, “I totes my goats wanna write a great Christian story but I wants to do it in space with vampires and Amish people and stuff”, then we’re all chill?
Daniel Thompson replied to the topic Zombies and Vampires ~ Yeh or Bleh? in the forum General Writing Discussions 9 years, 3 months ago
@Rosey: There’s certainly less gross things to write about, I’ll give you that one.
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