
  • Gwyndalf the Wise posted an update 1 year, 11 months ago

    @esther-c @godlyfantasy12 @princesachronicle22 @freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @loopylin @felicity @keilah-h @artsy-dragon @sarafini @soleilnaia @anyone else I’m inadvertently forgetting…(sorry)

    Sooo… I haven’t been managing my time well. (specifically on the interwebs, but in general time management isn’t my forte) I’ve been using KP to procrastinate accidentally for school and writing the story… So, in an effort to combat that, I’m going to reign in my time on KP.
    What does that mean: I’m only going to be on KP on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. So if you tag me or ask me something and I don’t respond immediately, this is probably why. However, if I find that I need to change up the days, I’ll let you know. I haven’t tried this before and don’t really know what’ll work yet. 😅
    Also, I’m limiting myself to only be on for an hour during those days, so if I disappear in the middle of a conversation or something, that’s probably why.
    What does this mean for my character castling: I’d still like to roleplay with y’all…but this means I’d write for it less frequently, probably no more than three times a week. I don’t know if that’s too slow for y’all or not, so let me know if it’s still okay if my characters are in the group.

    • Alright!
      Good luck on the new schedule! I hope it works well for ya!
      See you Tuesday! 😄 (Well… not see you, see you. Talk to you. XD)

      • Thanks!
        XD Yeah, talk to you then. Although I am finishing and posting a RP I did tonight.
        ALSO: @everyone (I forgot to add this part)
        I NEED ACCOUNTABILITY. If you see me on here on a Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, or if you’ve noticed that I’ve been on here for more than an hour…PLEASE hold be accountable. 😅

    • Lol I procrastinate on schoolwork by being on kp all the time, so I totally get it. I’ll try to help keep you on track. Good luck with school and writing!

    • Sounds good! I totally understand and I wish you all the best on your time management! 🙂

    • I am only on for about an hour each day too. On weekdays, 20 extra minutes for typing practice. So I’m sorta the same way. None of my characters are in your groups, at least I don’t think, but that sounds good to me!

    • Yeah! Whatever you need to do! i’d stil love to have your charries in our group C:
