
  • Esther posted an update 1 year, 1 month ago

    @smiley Hey!! It’s been a while since we’ve chatted. (It feels like forever XD) How are you doing? How’s writing going for ya?

    • hey!! (it has felt like forever)
      I’ve been good, and writing has been very slow
      I’m right now working on my singing and learning guitar

      how are you?

      • Yeah, same here. I mean, it’s slower than I would like, but it’s still pretty good.
        Ooh, cool! Sounds fun! How long have you been learning guitar?
        I’m doing good, I’ve finally started to workout five days a week. (Never too early to start conditioning for the volleyball season, lol.) Like I said, writing’s been somewhat good too. Slow but steady, I guess. I have an idea for a new book, but I don’t think I’ll start that until the summer. Maybe earlier. We’ll see.

        • I’ve kind of just started XD but so far I’m making progress
          That’s great!! I’ve been doing the same (I play softball so I can relate) I’ve been doing Pilates which is a more fun workout also I just recently learned how to fall into a back bend so that was really fun
          Yeah that’s nice, I’ve yet to have any ideas for a book that I really love and I’m kind of questioning where I’m going to go on my writing journey
          I’m working on song writing right now *coughs* it’s pretty bad lol

          • Cool! Being able to do a back bend sounds really fun. (I wish I could… XD) Pilates also sounds like fun. 😁 Softball season starts in the late summer/early fall, right?
            Yeah, well, writing full-time or even part-time might not be what God has for you. Always listen to what He’s calling you to or away from. But there are also those times where you just don’t feel like writing. I know for me I just push myself to write and eventually I get over it, but I know that doesn’t work for everyone and that’s not what everyone needs. (:
            Oooh, fancy 👀 I’ve tried writing songs before… for a day or two… and then gave up. XD Definitely not something I’m super good at. 😂

            • Yeah it’s taken a while but now I feel really accomplished
              Yeah it depends on the age and league, but my starts around early summer and ends in late July and sometimes August
              I’m right now just focusing on the Lord and seeing where he’s guiding me
              I’m pretty terrible at writing songs but I hope to improve

            • Yeah awesome!
              Oh cool! My seasons starts officially in mid-/late July. But open gyms typically start in June.
              Yep, always the best choice. 😊
              Everything takes practice. XD I’m sure you’ll get better the more you work at it. 😉
