Active 6 years, 5 months ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 168
Emily D posted a new activity comment 6 years, 5 months ago
Emily D posted a new activity comment 6 years, 7 months ago
@perfectfifths Hi Louise, so sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I haven’t been on here for forever! Sounds like fun. 🙂 I want to learn harp and violin 🙂
Emily D posted an update 6 years, 9 months ago
@dekreel Hey, I believe that you asked a while ago if I’d like to be in a KP story? I didn’t see it until recently, sorry 🙁 Yes, I would love to, if you decide to write one one day! 🙂
Emily D posted a new activity comment 6 years, 9 months ago
@perfectfifths That’s fine. I’m great, thanks… me too. What instrument do you play? I play piano and I’m learning ukelele 🙂
I play violin, am teaching myself recorder and I kind of play viola and cello. But violin is the only instrument I’ve learned “properly” (had lessons and stuff).
@perfectfifths Hi Louise, so sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I haven’t been on here for forever! Sounds like fun. 🙂 I want to learn harp and violin 🙂
Emily D posted a new activity comment 6 years, 9 months ago
@perfectfifths Not quite sure what her real surname is…I don’t think that she has an account anymore.
How are you, anyway? 🙂
Emily D posted a new activity comment 6 years, 9 months ago
Also, do you know if the other Emily is still here? I wanted to tag her before but couldn’t work out which one she was…there are certainly a lot of Emily’s here now! 🙂
I actually haven’t been on Story Embers very much though. I don’t quite understand why this site was put on hiatus while another, very similar site was started up.
Also, I’m not sure which other Emily you mean?
@perfectfifths Not quite sure what her real surname is…I don’t think that she has an account anymore.
How are you, anyway? 🙂
I can’t think of any other Emilys, so unless you mean Emma? I don’t know who you’re looking for, sorry.
I’m good. Just going about my life. 🙂 Writing, music, things like that. How are you?
Emily D posted a new activity comment 6 years, 9 months ago
Hi Jen! Thanks…glad to be getting back into my writing groove haha. 😉
Emily D posted a new activity comment 6 years, 9 months ago
Hey Louise! Thanks for understanding 🙂
Also, do you know if the other Emily is still here? I wanted to tag her before but couldn’t work out which one she was…there are certainly a lot of Emily’s here now! 🙂
I actually haven’t been on Story Embers very much though. I don’t quite understand why this site was put on hiatus while another, very similar site was started up.
Also, I’m not sure which other Emily you mean?
@perfectfifths Not quite sure what her real surname is…I don’t think that she has an account anymore.
How are you, anyway? 🙂
I can’t think of any other Emilys, so unless you mean Emma? I don’t know who you’re looking for, sorry.
I’m good. Just going about my life. 🙂 Writing, music, things like that. How are you?
Emily D posted an update 6 years, 9 months ago
@dragon-snapper @perfectfifths @dekreel @jenwriter17 @ingridrd @rolena-hatfield @livgiordano @mariposa @clairec @jayniecatgirl08
Hello girls!
I haven’t been on here in like FOREVER. Please forgive me. I wanted to let you know that I’ll be moving…just next door to Story Embers. Hope to see yas over there!
Hello, Emily!
I feel like the KP forum has been winding down a lot since Story Embers started. I know I haven’t been very active on it for some time.
Hey Louise! Thanks for understanding 🙂
Also, do you know if the other Emily is still here? I wanted to tag her before but couldn’t work out which one she was…there are certainly a lot of Emily’s here now! 🙂
I actually haven’t been on Story Embers very much though. I don’t quite understand why this site was put on hiatus while another, very similar site was started up.
Also, I’m not sure which other Emily you mean?
@perfectfifths Not quite sure what her real surname is…I don’t think that she has an account anymore.
How are you, anyway? 🙂
I can’t think of any other Emilys, so unless you mean Emma? I don’t know who you’re looking for, sorry.
I’m good. Just going about my life. 🙂 Writing, music, things like that. How are you?
@emily-d Hi! That’s totally fine 😉 I’m on the SE forums but not that much; mostly I’m staying on KP. 🙂
Hi Jen! Thanks…glad to be getting back into my writing groove haha. 😉
@perfectfifths That’s fine. I’m great, thanks… me too. What instrument do you play? I play piano and I’m learning ukelele 🙂
I play violin, am teaching myself recorder and I kind of play viola and cello. But violin is the only instrument I’ve learned “properly” (had lessons and stuff).
@perfectfifths Hi Louise, so sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I haven’t been on here for forever! Sounds like fun. 🙂 I want to learn harp and violin 🙂
Emily D started the topic Character Dilemma! in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@jenwriter17 @dekreel @emily @perfectfifths @dragon-snapper @ingridrd @mariposa @rolena-hatfield @liv-giordano @claire-c @gabrielle @seekjustice @anyone-else
Hi girls!!! So sorry to you all, I haven’t been ignoring, I just haven’t been on here lately…
I have a favour to ask of you all. My good friend has a problem: she has some characters s…[Read more]
ClaireC and
Emily D are now friends 7 years, 1 month ago
LivGiordano and
Emily D are now friends 7 years, 1 month ago
Emily D replied to the topic Writers' Corner #12 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
@gabrielle Hi! I am so sorry!!!!!! 😪. I haven’t been on here lately…I’m very honoured to be asked though, now that I have found out 11 days later, oops! 😳
Emily D posted a new activity comment 7 years, 1 month ago
@jenwriter17. Hi! So sorry about the late reply! I am good thanks. I just finished The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, which was interesting, and I’m reading This Changes Everything, by Jaquelle Crowe, which is Amaaaazing!!! I really like Jailyn as a first name, but I haven’t decided on a surname 😄 I would ask you, but then everyone can see…so…[Read more]
@emily-d I’ve heard of Jaquelle Crowe; what’s her book about?
I really like the name Jailyn, and I like how you spelled it too. 😊
Emily D replied to the topic My Favorite Music. What's Yours? in the forum Music 7 years, 2 months ago
@dekreel Oh nooooo!!! I just realised that All I Need Is You is the Hollyn song I really don’t like (I figured that BOTH the bold and the italics would be enough emphasis lol). I got confused between “All I Need Is You” and “Nothin’ On You” somehow. So it’s Nothin’ On You that I like. *lets out a sigh* Okay, so I have now cleared that u…[Read more]
Emily D posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
@jenwriter17 Hello! How are you? So, I saw that you have been discussing/thinking about a pen name. No, I am not stalking you, I just saw it on your personal note XD ! That’s really hilarious because I have been brainstorming a pen name too. I like being mysterious. I blame it on the writer in me… 😉
What have you been reading at the moment?
@emily-d Hi! I’m pretty busty lately, but doing great! How ’bout you? I don’t mind stalking…..from nice people like you, that is. 😉Brainstorming pen names is a lot of fun! Do you have some names that you like for yourself?
Right now I’m reading The Centurion’s Wife and Creating Character Arcs. Both really good. What about you?-
@jenwriter17. Hi! So sorry about the late reply! I am good thanks. I just finished The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, which was interesting, and I’m reading This Changes Everything, by Jaquelle Crowe, which is Amaaaazing!!! I really like Jailyn as a first name, but I haven’t decided on a surname 😄 I would ask you, but then everyone can see…so…[Read more]
@emily-d I’ve heard of Jaquelle Crowe; what’s her book about?
I really like the name Jailyn, and I like how you spelled it too. 😊
Emily D replied to the topic Writers' Corner #12 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 2 months ago
@dekreel Sorry, I’m late! I missed the fun! *weeps* *realises that absolutely no one except for a writer would use that word* 😛
Emily D replied to the topic My Favorite Music. What's Yours? in the forum Music 7 years, 2 months ago
@dekreel I’ll look them up, thanks for the recommendations! Hmmm, my favourite Hollyn song…probably Mine. But I also love Steady Me and All I Need Is You. 🙂
Emily D posted a new activity comment 7 years, 2 months ago
@ingridrd 😉 Thanks!
Emily D posted a new activity comment 7 years, 2 months ago
@jenwriter17 🙁 Hmm…how come I never thought of that? Oopsies 😛
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Genuinely surprised to get a KP notification XD
Violin is great. Harp is really nice too (though I’ve never touched one, so I don’t know how difficult it is 😉 ).
@perfectfifths Yay! (sorry this is so late)
Are either of you on SE now?
@emily-d I am, under the same name 🙂
No, not really. I get their emails and stuff but I don’t really use the forums.