4 hours ago- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 3473
Name | Ellette Giselle |
Country | America |
State/Provence/Region | Middle of Nowhere (I mean, of the country) |
Favorite Book(s) or Authors | The Winter King, The Dolphin Ring Cycle, Fawkes, Bomber's Run, When God Writes Your Love Story, When Dreams Come True, The Black Arrow, Time Cat, The Ranger's Apprentice Series, Crown and Covenant Trilogy, Charlie's Choice, The Treasure of the Secret Cove, Under A War Torn Sky series, Narnia, LOTR, Tolkine, Douglas Bond, Douglas Wilson, C.S. Lewis, Christine Cohens, Louisa May Alcott, N.D. Wilson, Eric Ludy. |
Interests | Howdy spy. Are you stalking me? Be careful. Don’t annoy the writer or she will put you in a book and kill you.
If you have come to find out more about me, then here would be the place to do it. Don’t expect a 3rd person bio either. I refuse.
My favorite thing to do by far is writing. If I had to give up all my other hobbies to keep writing I would. Stories just flow right through me and I love it! Some of my dearest friends are my characters. They are so real, that I have spoken about them as real people to friends of mine. lol. I also love to draw! Drawing my characters and other people’s characters is amazing! Watching them come to life on paper is so fun! I have to empty my clipboard about once a month I fill it so full of drawings! I also love scrapbooking! I can listen to all my favorite music with lyrics while I scrapbook, and it’s very peaceful and relaxing. I love coridnating the colors, designs, and pictures.
I also love baking and cooking! Recipes are called suggestion papers and need only be glanced at once or twice. the real way to cook is by smell, taste, and sight. Also, measuring cups? Those things tend to be more nuisance then use. The only downside to all this is when people keep asking me for my recipe to this or that!
I enjoy hanging out with friends, and family, and of course I love to read! Reading is wonderful and it’s a good way to recharge the imagination!
I also like getting lost. No kidding. My mom, brothers, and I will go to Kansas city, drive somewhere random, park, and jump out with no GPS or maps. Then we go and explore and get lost, and find somewhere to eat, and find our way back. I have always wanted to be blind dropped somewhere! That would be amazing! When I’m walking alone I scare myself with my imagination. I can get so worked up that I’m gasping for breath and running as hard as I can to get away from the villains, and then I realize it’s all fake. Also, anytime I get hurt, I use it. For instance, falling on the ice while skating I tore my shoulder and cracked it. I dealt with the pain for two years, and during that time a lot of my characters had terrible shoulder injuries from wounds to brakes, dislocations, and tares. Might as well use the misery for something useful, right? I did ballet for several years, and now I can skillfully brake all the rules as i dance to music. I also love to sing. I don’t play instruments, but my brothers do! They’re wonders! They taught themselves the violin, cello, piano, and mandolin. One of them can play anything on the piano by ear and sight-reading. He plays from Mozart and Beethoven to Hanz Zimmer, phantom of the opera, and Newsies! He’s a wiz! Then my other brother can play any song he hears on the violin, and plays piano by ear! Whenever my friends to instrument playoff competitions I have one of my brothers champion me. 😀 I also do a little marshal arts, and I love weapons, from knives and swords to handguns, rifles, machine guns, RPGs, etc. I can’t think of much else to say, but I’ll update this now and then. You never know when the info might change, so beware! |