Ben Powell replied to the topic Handwriting on Touchscreens in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 3 months ago
@donnieclark Hmm… Well, I’ve done some handwriting-to-text on my iPad, and it worked pretty well. I just found that it was impractical for anything besides note taking. Of course, I never liked writing by hand much anyways, so maybe it’s just me. 🙂
As far as writing on a Surface, I’ve never done it but from the research I’ve done it doesn’t…[Read more]
Ingrid replied to the topic Handwriting on Touchscreens in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 3 months ago
@donnieclark I must admit that I have basically no knowledge of handwriting on touch screens…or anything to do with computers really. It’s good to meet you though! Where are you from?
Snapper replied to the topic Handwriting on Touchscreens in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 3 months ago
@donnieclark I don’t know much about writing with handscreens…or whatever you want to call them, but I’ll tag some people who might possibly be able to help.
@daughteroftheking @shannon @daeus @kate-flournoy @ingridrd @leumeister @supermonkey42
Ben Powell replied to the topic The Rebirth Of Classical Music in the forum Music 7 years, 3 months ago
@donnieclark Yes, I think that modern classical music is sometimes a bit… odd. It sometimes feels like a composer was working out a new musical “theory” and the finished piece is his “equation,” merely a collection of notes that look good on paper and are theoretical genius but musical randomness. Film scores and bands such as the Piano Guys are…[Read more]
TheAcornman replied to the topic The Rebirth Of Classical Music in the forum Music 7 years, 3 months ago
@donnieclark I take it you’re new to KP. Welcome! You have some interesting ideas and I can see where you coming from. I being a violin player understand a little of the complete historical autheticity and elitism. Do you like any genres besides Classical?