
  • David B. Hunter posted an update 9 years, 5 months ago

    @liddyanne I was just wondering what your experience with Kindle Scout was. Would you recommend it?

    • It was great! I would highly recommend it. Not only did it force me to figure out how to put together things like marketing strategies and my novel cover before release, but instead of simply submitting to an editor and getting refused it gives you stats–how many pageviews your campaign gets, how popular it is with readers–and if you’re accepted you get a professional publishing contract. If not, you can still alert your nominators where they can find your book and follow you. It seems like a good way to approach the professional publishing world, if only for the greater personal satisfaction overall.

      • I may try that next time, was your book a Christian book? Just wondering if people are open to that type of genre. (The one I’m thinking about possibly using Kindle Scout is a Dystopian for teens, with Christian elemnts) What was the title of your book and when are you going to self-publish it?

        That was a lot of questions. Hope you aren’t overwhelmed 🙂

        • Mine was not obviously Christian, although I included subtle Christian allegorical elements. It was titled “The Monster Upstairs,” and I’m thinking it may have come across as a little too dark for some. But I have definitely seen obviously Christian books featured on there, although they aren’t always the most popular. I guess that’s the world we live in. But you should totally try for it! Let me know if you do, I’ll be sure to nominate your book 😀
          My book was recently self-published here: hopefully that comes out right… 😛
          Thanks for the interest!

          • I may try Kindle Scout. Thing is, the book I’m thinking about using, hasn’t even been written yet, so, first things first, but yes, if I finish the book, and put it in Kindle Scout, I will definitely ask for your support. I have another book, but it’s a sequel to a previously published novella, do you think that would be accepted?

            Good luck on your self-publishing journey!

            • I am pretty sure that is an option. I seem to recall that they gave you an option to say whether or not it’s a sequel. I didn’t look much into it, though. You should check it out, though.
