Active 6 years, 12 months ago- Rank: Charismatic Rebel
- Total Posts: 23
Keleigha Liess and
Sierra are now friends 7 years, 9 months ago
Keleigha Liess and
Corissa Maiden of Praise are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago
Keleigha Liess and
S.G.Dewey are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago
Keleigha Liess replied to the topic Perfect Parents? in the forum Characters 7 years, 10 months ago
@BethanySinkyRoses Definitely agree with everyone else. Another thing I thought of is that in trying to teach or encourage your audience in any way, you need them to be able to identify with your characters, & they can’t do that if your characters are perfect. Make sense?
Also, I really like @kate-flournoy‘s point. Showing the real life struggle…[Read more]
Keleigha Liess posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi @corrisa-maiden-of-praise ! You could say that I was just being friendly, 😉 but I liked your username & several of your interests were the same as mine, so those were the main reasons. 🙂
Keleigha Liess and
Anne Swiftblade are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago
Keleigha Liess and
AbigailRose are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago
Keleigha Liess and
Hannah R. are now friends 7 years, 10 months ago
Keleigha Liess posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
I think fantasy is cool, but I’m not so good at writing it, usually. My sister is pretty good at that, I think. I do think medieval era is pretty fascinating. Those time periods would be pretty easy to write about. I’ve always been really interested in WWI & II era. Usually, when I try to write short stories, they turn into novels…that have yet…[Read more]
Keleigha Liess posted a new activity comment 7 years, 10 months ago
Yeah, I do, I don’t really feel like my eighteen & sixteen-year old sisters are younger than me. I’m 20, so, your sister’s age? 😉 Yeah, almost. 😉 We have a wonderful church where we are all really close, kind of like a big extended family. Where do you guys go to church? Me neither. I think it’s wonderful!
Keleigha Liess and
Hannah Olsen are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago
Keleigha Liess posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Yeah, me too! I’ve wanted to be more involved before, just busy…
It is fun. It’s nice to have so many KPers with big families, most people think it is weird, or at least odd. Do you enjoy having older siblings? I always wanted some. I kind of adopt my friends’ My best friend is the second youngest of eight, & we’ve been BF since K-5, so I don’t…[Read more]-
Older siblings are fun. But you know, my siblings are so close to me in age that it’s not really like having older siblings, if you know what I mean. We’re more like partners in crime. 😉 And hey, adopted siblings are almost as good as the real thing, am I right? I also know a family with eight kids (how coincidental is that? XD), three of which…[Read more]
Yeah, I do, I don’t really feel like my eighteen & sixteen-year old sisters are younger than me. I’m 20, so, your sister’s age? 😉 Yeah, almost. 😉 We have a wonderful church where we are all really close, kind of like a big extended family. Where do you guys go to church? Me neither. I think it’s wonderful!
Keleigha Liess posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago
@ethryndal For some reason, it’s not letting me respond to that thread… :/ Anyway, I’ve been on KP for maybe a year, just not very active until now. The “Stewards of the Pen” thing kind of gave me an incentive to do more, you know, find time! 😉 How about you?
That’s fun. How close are your siblings to you in age? I have 8 younger siblings,…[Read more]-
@ceaseless-prayer Huh. It did that to me a couple days ago. Weird.
Ah yes, the Stewards of the Pen thing. I wish I had social media just so I could promote this awesome place. 🙂 I’ve been here for about six months. It’s crazy though, because I FEEL like I’ve been here forever, and have known these people my whole life.
Nice, so you’re the…[Read more]
Yeah, me too! I’ve wanted to be more involved before, just busy…
It is fun. It’s nice to have so many KPers with big families, most people think it is weird, or at least odd. Do you enjoy having older siblings? I always wanted some. I kind of adopt my friends’ My best friend is the second youngest of eight, & we’ve been BF since K-5, so I don’t…[Read more]-
Older siblings are fun. But you know, my siblings are so close to me in age that it’s not really like having older siblings, if you know what I mean. We’re more like partners in crime. 😉 And hey, adopted siblings are almost as good as the real thing, am I right? I also know a family with eight kids (how coincidental is that? XD), three of which…[Read more]
Yeah, I do, I don’t really feel like my eighteen & sixteen-year old sisters are younger than me. I’m 20, so, your sister’s age? 😉 Yeah, almost. 😉 We have a wonderful church where we are all really close, kind of like a big extended family. Where do you guys go to church? Me neither. I think it’s wonderful!
Keleigha Liess posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Maybe!! Haha.
Yes, I am blessed, I have three sisters on KP. 😉 You’re welcome to share, if you like. ;p Do you have any siblings? -
Keleigha Liess and
The Impossible Girl are now friends 7 years, 11 months ago
Keleigha Liess posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
I turned 20, at the end of last year. My sister @countryman (her username was auto-corrected. :0 ) just turned 15. 🙂 Did you always have an interest in writing, or was it kind of something that grew over the years?
Keleigha Liess posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Hehe, well, sort of, more because you guys picked the same “country/ region” whatever. ;), & because you talk sort of similarly, if that makes sense. 😉 I notice my sisters & I tend to say things in similar ways. So, do you have any siblings or anything on KP? 🙂
That’s so funny! I never realized that. Maybe we’re long lost sisters or something. 😛
Alas, I have no siblings on KP. I like to pretend that everyone’s my siblings to combat the loneliness. 😉 How about you? Is your sister on KP?
Maybe!! Haha.
Yes, I am blessed, I have three sisters on KP. 😉 You’re welcome to share, if you like. ;p Do you have any siblings?-
Aw, that’s so cool! I have two siblings, a brother and a sister.
So how long have you been on KP? I don’t recall seeing you around that much.
Keleigha Liess posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago
@ethryndal So, I am curious, are you and Anne of Lothlorein any sort of relations?
@ceaseless-prayer Erm…no, not really. Don’t even know each other except through KP. Now I’m curious—why’d you think so? *lowers voice* Is it because of the elf thing? 😉
Hehe, well, sort of, more because you guys picked the same “country/ region” whatever. ;), & because you talk sort of similarly, if that makes sense. 😉 I notice my sisters & I tend to say things in similar ways. So, do you have any siblings or anything on KP? 🙂
That’s so funny! I never realized that. Maybe we’re long lost sisters or something. 😛
Alas, I have no siblings on KP. I like to pretend that everyone’s my siblings to combat the loneliness. 😉 How about you? Is your sister on KP?
Maybe!! Haha.
Yes, I am blessed, I have three sisters on KP. 😉 You’re welcome to share, if you like. ;p Do you have any siblings?-
Aw, that’s so cool! I have two siblings, a brother and a sister.
So how long have you been on KP? I don’t recall seeing you around that much.
Keleigha Liess posted a new activity comment 7 years, 11 months ago
Well, I started when I was about four, but was probably between ten & twelve when I started writing seriously. So, how old are you now? 🙂
I’m 15 now, you?
I turned 20, at the end of last year. My sister @countryman (her username was auto-corrected. :0 ) just turned 15. 🙂 Did you always have an interest in writing, or was it kind of something that grew over the years?
Keleigha Liess replied to the topic Introduce Yourself (AND VOLLEYBALL!!!) in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 11 months ago
“Very pleased to make your acquaintance, @anne-of-lothlorien. Ummm, if you’ll kindly excuse me for a moment, I think I may have spotted @katherine…she looks, maybe, lost? I’ll be back!” And Leigha hurries off to greet her sister.
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