Active 6 years, 3 months ago- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1622
BlueJay posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
Friends are the family you choose for yourself. 🙂
ClaireC posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
Current Status – boring my mother as I tell her the entire plot of my book, (over several days) complete with names, backstory, ghosts, lies, truths, Thing-your-character-wants, Thing-your-character-needs, plot twists, etc. The whole load. She’s very patient. I’m finding it very useful to verbalize all my ideas, making sure everything makes sense.…[Read more]
@anna-brie, sorry forgot the ‘@’ symbol in front of your name!
@clairec Thanks for the reminder. I’m sure I don’t thank Mommy enough for all that she does for us. I’ve begun to realize that she doesn’t have such a thing as free time; we 5 children take it all up. It’s hard for me to imagine making a sacrifice like that, every day, all my life like she has, and I really appreciate her. Three cheers for…[Read more]
@sarah-h. I call my parents Mummy and Daddy, but when I’m talking to other people, I generally say Mum and Dad.
@clairec It’s so true! My “mum” (I’m American, so I spell it “mom,” but I like the sound of “mum” more, for some reason… 😛 ) does so much for me, and I often take it for granted. 😉 Glad you’re able to sort out your plot and everything!
@gretald, Thanks! 🙂
Rolena Hatfield posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
“Fear arises when we imagine that everything depends on us.” – Elisabeth Elliot
Hannah posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
“Smiles are like a magical virus. When you see a stranger smile, you naturally smile too. I always smile because I hope others will smile too.” -Xander of UKiss. *smiles as wide as possible to spread the virus to all of you*
I’m glad it’s spreading 😀
Hannah Olsen posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
Live in such a way that if anyone should speak badly of you, no one would believe it. –Audrey Hepburn
That’s a great quote, @hannah-olsen! Another quote I love from her is, “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible.'”
Me too! I love that one! I’m sort of an Audrey Hepburn fan… 😀
Haha, yeah. Audrey Hepburn is pretty great. 🙂
Yo, that is an awesome quote. @hannah-olsen
I love the one you quoted too @gretald. Very clever. 🙂-
Yeah, Audrey Hepburn has some great ones. 😉 @bluejay
@bluejay: thanks! Its one of my favorite quotes!!