Active 7 years, 2 months ago- Rank: Wise Jester
- Total Posts: 97
Guys, I’m actually really proud of myself this year. Reason: my perfectionism isn’t really getting in the way of my writing! 😀 (I know, right?!)
In past years, I – a pantster – would desperately try to make my drafts as perfect as possible. Perfect sentence structure, perfect dialogue, etc. (Everything but a perfect plot XP)
This year, w […] View
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 active members
Snapper - "this is only the beginning . . ."
Mallory O'Bier - "Lately, I’ve been brainstorming a very important question to my WIP: Why do the aliens attack? While I’d been kinda hoping to leave it as simply random and kinda comical, lately I’ve been wondering if I’m not just […]" View
Lightningmouse - "CHEESE."
BlueJay - "@seekjustice Hi. I’m also Aussie. I use to be on here quite frequently, but had to leave for 2 years. But I’m back now and if you are interested in writing when America is asleep… then just just tag me. 🙂"
Mark Kamibaya - "I have a blog that needs readers. It doesn’t have a lot of content, but I’m posting every week so that should be fixed soon. The URL is mkami.weebly.com"
Kina Lamb - "@kate-flournoy Kate, two things: I have more friends than you is it possible and I love your cover picture! It’s so dreamy! I nearly got lost in it. It has that feeling that you get when it’s raining outside. 😀 😀"
Ingrid - "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light. ~Albus Dumbledore"
Kate Flournoy - "@theliterarycrusader question… how did you get your blog link to be an actual link in your signature? 😛"
Greta - "@christi-eaton I forgot to mention before…Congratulations on being a superhero! You really deserved the recognition. 😀"
Rosey Mucklestone - "@anne-swiftblade I keep reading your name as “Anne Switchblade”. XD"
Levi Pierpont - "What I’m up to lately in terms of writing: -I’m taking part in my first writing class at a local co-op and I LOVE it. In fact, I should be posting my first writing assignment-produced work on my blog soon. -I’m […]" View
Viewing 1 - 12 of 12 active members