
  • Ava Blue posted an update 2 years, 5 months ago

    @loopylin 🙀I just realized🙀
    IF you wanted but you do not have to, we could do roleplays with our OCs on here :0
    I just want Meg to meet Mel lol

    • Yessss we should! Mags and Mercedes could also join and then we’d have all the M girls together 😆

    • uhhh good question I haven’t roleplayed in 3+ years
      I have 2 suggestions for roleplaying formats:
      Dialogue *action*
      “Dialogue” Action.

      if that makes sense, I described that in the weirdest most vague way… Oh then for the setting and all, it’d be kinda fun if we did a Halloween kind of setting 🤩 like if Meg and Mel went trick-or-treating and Mags and Mercy had to chaperone them and keep them out of mischief (but fail and/or get involved in the mischief as well)
