
  • Ava Blue posted an update 2 years ago

    so I know I *just* introduced Mercedes to you all but would you like to hear (and critique) her dramatic tragic backstory? D’:
    I feel very guilty writing it because she’s so bubbly and innocent grr 😭💔

    • YAY! Okay *cracks knuckles* *actually does that because my hands are dead from typing all day*
      For a little background, Mercedes lives with her older sister and her dad. (Her sister is one year older and named Denver for some reason? idk I made her when I was 12) Their mother got breast cancer and passed away when Mercy was only 6 years old. (I’ll just call her mom Mrs. Halen so it’s not as confusing with all the shes and hers.) Mrs. Halen has always been very crafty and she passed many of her hobbies down to her daughters. She taught Mercedes to knit, which is something Mercy continues to do throughout her life, as a hobby and a way of remembering her mother. Right now I’m writing a scene where Mercedes and her family are getting ready to go see her mother in the hospital after chemo. Mercedes knits her mom a little hat to keep her head warm. That’s the part where I stop writing and start sobbing lol 😭
      Anyways, after Mrs. Halen dies Mr. Halen becomes even more resigned. Understandably, he feels kind of helpless and alone, but he also needs to be there for Mercy and Denver. He’s there for them financially but not emotionally (woah more parental issues this is so out of the blue for me)
      Denver and Mercy grow up relying mainly on each other, and they always stay close. I need to involve Denver more in the plot of my main story, because she’s currently more of a background character but I need her to be exciting XD

      Sorry for the brain dump you do NOT have to read all of that disorganized chaos hehe
