Jenna Terese replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@catwing Well, I’m done now actually. But I’d already hand-written a good part of it out, I just wanted to copy it into a music-making website thing (Noteflight). And I just like multitasking. 😉
Wow, all roosters! And that’s so exciting about your pregnant goat! Goat’s are adorable. I’m glad your cats and dogs are doing well too. 🙂
My pets are…[Read more]
Catwing replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
*nods* *stops* Wait. How do you write music and watch a show at the same time?Your novel sounds pretty interesting from the bits I’ve heard. 😀
They’re doing pretty good. I don’t know if I said, but the chicks are fully grown. They were all roosters. XD But we were able to trade one for a hen.
One of the goats is pregnant and…[
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
Oh, okay. 🙂
I’m going back and forth between working on outlining the plot for my new superhero book and working on a piece of music I’m writing…..and watching the Andy Griffith show. 😛
How are all your animals?
Catwing replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@jenwriter17 Probably.
Yep, they are. They’re also the ones on my WIP page. I’ve only really been working on that one book (and its sequel for last Nano) and sometimes a few short stories every now and then.
How are things with you? Which book are you working on? -
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@catwing OOOooh. If I just thought about it for a bit more I probably would have remembered. 😀
Ooh, cool. So the characters you’ve been interviewing recently on your blog were from this book right?
Catwing replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@jenwriter17 How to Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World
Finding Secrets. Here’s the blurb since I think I changed it a bit since you saw it.
Alex and her friends all receive mysterious notes from someone calling themselves ‘The Cloak’ saying that they have been chosen by the King and must find three jewels. The Ruby, the Sapphire, and the…[Read more] -
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@catwing What’s HTTYD3? As soon as you say it though I’ll probably remember than I know it. 🙂
Cool! Which book is this?
Catwing replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@jenwriter17 I’m here traumatizing myself with the ending song from HTTYD3. D*X <– *emotionally traumatized emoji*
But I’m starting work on my blog post and my book. 😀 -
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@seekjustice @rochellaine @dekreel @catwing @ariel-ashira @alia
Anyone on? I’m multitasking (writing, outlining, and writing music).
Catwing replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
Thanks.Okay, bye! I’m really glad it’s back too. 😀
Joy replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@catwing Aww, I feel you. I feel lonely and friendless, too sometimes. With Asperger’s it’s hard to connect with people; it’s inconvenient, and it’s why I love hanging out on my forums so much.
I know you’ll get there! Just keep the faith.
Hahah, I’ve been there.
Anyway, I’m going to head out. It was great talking to you!! I’m so glad KP is back.
Catwing replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
Yeah. At least she wants to help. XDI have trouble with those too… Glad to hear you’re getting better. 😀
I was having some trouble with self-discipline and depression. Sometimes I think I have no friends, but I don’t. I have you, friends on KP and SE, and friends from where I moved. I guess what I think is I don’t have any really…[Read more] -
Joy replied to the topic A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@warrenluther04 Hey!! I was just wondering how everything was going, wondering if you’re still in Cyberspace somewhere. . . I hope you’ve been doing well. I miss you! 🙂
Joy replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
Ohh, Kay. . . XD
It’s all right. I’m still struggling with confidence and self-discipline, but I’ve been getting a little better. How ’bout you?
Catwing replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@Dekreel Not too tedious at least. It’s fun, some there’s that. 😛
It was March 28. I dragged it out with my perfectionism… of reviewing every post… I’m probably not going to do that next year.I figured you would. Cause otherwise I might need to change my name, dye my hair, burn my house, fake my death and start a new life. And I like my…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@catwing Haha, it sounds fun and tedious at the same time. When’s your blogiversary again?
Haha, life happens. I understand. 😉
Catwing replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@dekreel Heyo! Yep still here. Apparently reading all my old posts takes time… Yes… I’m still working on that… XD
Yay! I need to catch up on reading everyone’s blog posts… For some reason I got behind. But I look forward to reading your blog post when I do. 😀 -
Joy replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
Oyy, @catwing, you still around? I think I’m going to try and write for my blog, too.
Catwing replied to the topic Writers' Corner #22 in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@Dekreel YES! *Throws feathers*
@Alia It’s back!!! 😀
@rochellaine I found it in spam. So that’s probably where it sent yours. :
@valtmy 😀 :3 😀 :3 😀
Anyway I’m finally writing a (long overdue) blog post. 😛
Jenna Terese replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
@dekreel LOL, SO TRUE! 😀
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