Allison posted an update 1 year, 2 months ago
Calvin, go do something you hate! Being miserable builds character!
Allison posted an update 1 year, 2 months ago
Calvin, go do something you hate! Being miserable builds character!
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hey, this is random, but how’s writing going? more importantly, how’s Hugo??? <333 XD
Hi! Thanks for asking, it means a lot 🙂 Its going pretty good, I went to a coffee shop last night and met a girl who was really interested in my work.
I am now at 80k and I’m soooooooooooooo close!!!!!!!!!!
Hugos good, right now hes helping people evacuate the city. XD
Hows your writing? Are you ready for the Holidays?
Oooh, coffee’s amazing!!! And I’ve also been getting closer to a girl at school who I consider to be in the popular group at school and I’ve always felt kinda inferior to her (cuz she’s amazing at sports and everyone likes her, while I’m just the quiet nerd of the class lol), but we’ve kinda bonded a little over our writing. She really likes to read my stories (or so she says XD) and when she writes (it’s not often but still…) I love reading hers.
AND THAT’S AMAZING!!! I’m so excited for you!!
My writing’s been slow…though I’ve been getting back into it. I’m so ready for Christmas…hopefully Amazon comes through and delivers my presents for my family on time…lol
Yeah, thats kind of the funny thing, I hate coffee XD I was there for my home school group, it was a board game night.
Thats great that you are getting closer to her! And she reads your stories? Thats great! I would have people read mine, but they need a lot of editing…. OH NO! Thank you! You just reminded me that I have not gotten any thing for either of my parents😱😱😱
I just sent presents to all my friends in CA and made something for my brother but my parents??? Whoops, I better work on that in a bit. XD I dont even know what to get them….
About me being social, I mean, everyone is different 🙂 Personally I probably am considered really weird. Last night, I sat at a table with a bunch of random boys I hardly knew 😂 They were all really nice though, we actually shared a lot in common. I used to be the quiet kid in certain classes I used to take, but then I realized its not as bad as you think and the people around you may feel the same way and they are just teens like you?
Idk… I’m not really good at giving advice, lol, I’m not trying to push you to do things you dont want to do. 😊
Oh that’s funny XD I absolutely LOVE coffee…especially a good pumpkin spice latte (mmm….) My stories need a lot of editing, but as people read them then it inspires me to actually DO the editing lol
Oh no!!! XD I literally just looked up “gifts for mom” etc. I reccommend Amazon, it’s my best friend lol
OH I wish I was brave enough to just sit down with a bunch of boys…boys especially terrify me XD and yeah, I actually went to a 4H event and talked to people! I was really proud of myself lol
I should start having people edit.. that would be great!
We dont have Amazon so I will either make something or have my Dad take me shopping… Ill think of something XD
Boys dont scare me at all, but maybe because the neighborhood I’m from was mostly boys (Skateboarding boys) and they are some of my best friends since they are really active like me. A lot of the girls I know just hang out and play on their phones, which is ok on occasions, but not all the time. I hardly ever play on my phone and half the time I forget I own one. 😂
Thats great! I dont do 4H, but thought it was pretty cool. What do you do in it?
You don’t have to have an Amazon account…you can just go to amazon.com and get what you need! If you don’t have an account you do have to pay for shipping…but yeah, it doesn’t bother me that much.
I know, it is so annoying how so many girls just are totally addicted to their phones!! I have a flip phone so I can’t do that much on it. I NEVER do any video games…it’s all writing or reading or hanging out with my numerous pets for me. I do chickens, dogs, steers, and veterinary science in 4H. It’s pretty fun! It’s my first year doing a steer, so it’s a little intimidating but should be fun!!
Also, I really admire how social you are…like I am just so tense around social environments and just kind of want to disappear so yeah. Random thought XD I need to learn to be more social…
4H sounds really fun! Thats so awesome, a steer? We are going to start raising pigs in the spring, which will be different. First year living on a farm😂!
I have a Samsung phone that takes the worst pictures in the world, but I mainly use it for texting and calling. Secretly I am crazy obsessed with video games (Nothing new or on my phone, I only play on consoles like the X-box, PlayStation or WiiU), like really obsessed XD But reading and writing and taking care of my pets fills up the rest of my time, after school and chores.
Are you on Christmas break yet?
I’m not on Christmas break yet…we get out on Thursday at 2, when we usually get out at 3:45 so it’s a nice early release! I probably won’t go to school on Thursday just because it’s going to be a big school party and I don’t want to play in a cornhole tournament just because…lol
I dont blame you, cornhole is not the most exciting game XD Ive played a bit though since one of my good friends loves it, but usually they all turn into a good old fashioned game of ‘pelt’. XDXDXD
Turns out I might get out of school thursday the easy way…I just got sick XD AND I HAVE A TEST TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!! the timing couldn’t be worse…but at the same time I have all the time I’m sick to study lol
Aw man, being sick sucks. Hope you recover soon! <3 And a test? Oof, wish you luck 🙂 We are off school now, since we didnt take other breaks off throughout the year, but to be honest, I really miss it XD I love learning
Annnnnd I may get to go on a trip to with some friends this week…. we will see… 😃 😬
Thanks <3 I love learning too!!! (everyone thinks I'm weird for that XD) Ooooh! A trip!! We might go to Havre (a town in Montana) this weekend for Christmas, if my mom's back gets better. It really hurts her to travel in a car, so it all depends on how she's feeling.
That will be fun! Hopefully your Moms back gets better. Back injuries are rough! I guess now I’m not going? Plans changed again XD. We were going to go to D.C, but my parents didnt want to drive in the Christmas traffic. Oh well, there will always be another time!
And I know, learning is so… enlightening. My brother thinks I’m crazy for bringing all my school books upstairs so I can work on them at night. XD
Oh no!! I’m sorry, DC sounds amazing, so sorry you guys don’t get to go 🙁 I kinda hope we can still go to Havre because that’s where my grandparents live, so it’s really nice to get to see them.
I would bring my books to work on at night…but I go to public school for almost 9 hours a day, so by the time I get home, the last thing I want to do is work on school XD and plus my school’s already done for the day lol
I can’t believe Christmas is in FOUR DAYS!!!