
  • Allison posted an update 1 year, 4 months ago

    We got 13 chickens! They are farm pets, but I did name one. A tiny little one with feathery feet, black with orange stripes and the cutest face! I named it Kestrel. We named a few other also, one rooster we named Quail because it is soooo much tinier than all the others and another one, my brother named (hopefully not a rooster) Chicken-Licken. 😀 We also have three crested pekin ducks, six guinea hens, one dog, two guinea pigs and 2 parakeets. 27 pets total. Its a lot, but they are all so special to us!💗

    • @acacancello
      Aww! We have four chickens and a dog. One of them we named Miss Marple and she’s really fluffy and looks like she wears socks💖
