
  • Allison posted an update 1 year, 10 months ago

    @esther-c @freedomwriter76 @solfrye @lightoverdarkness6 @felicity @euodia-vision @mineralizedwriting @landric @booksbyjayna
    Hi everybody! I am having a hard time right now because we are moving and leaving a town I have lived in my whole life. I feel like crying all the time although I know this move will help my family and me. Just asking for prayers for guidance, calmness, and happiness in a new and unfamiliar town. Thank you so much! 💗💗💗💗

    • Sorry! I messed up@mineralizedwritings and @kyronthearcanin 🙂

    • I will definitely be praying for you! Moving can be hard. Just remember God is with you wherever you’re at, and he’s a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

    • Hey girl I’m sorry I know that’s hard! I lived in Seattle for all my life until I was about 9, and we loved it. After we moved I always thought I would move back as an adult, but after living here for good bit It feels like home somehow. I know it’s really hard picking up and being in a new place with new people, but we’re still here! We’re actually going back to visit some friends over spring break. We haven’t been able to keep in close contact with them, but we still like seeing them when it works out. I will pray for you! When you have time, maybe give us an update about how the move went? 💗💗💗

    • Oh I’m sorry girl! I know that must be hard. I’ll definitely be praying!! I know you’ll make tons of memories at your new home. Remember, home is where the heart is. Love ya sister! 💗💗💗

    • I’ll be praying for you!! 🙏🏻❤️
      I can’t say I personally know how it feels to move, but I know how it feels to go through a lot of change. 🙂 Thank the Lord that He is faithful and He never changes, even though our lives and situations do. 😀 He’s always there for you!! 😊

    • I’ll be praying!!! I know moving can be very hard, and I hope God helps the transition to go well for you all. ❤

    • Praying for you!

    • @freedomwriter76 @felicity @euodia-vision @esther-c @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @kyronthearcanin
      Thank you all so much! ❤ It makes me so happy to know how many amazing people are on KP!!!
