By Joy Calle Martinez
Let my life, O Lord, be as fragrant incense
ever rising before You;
let it be as a burnt offering
laid upon the altar of Your grace;
let it be a living sacrifice
holy and acceptable to You.
Let my life, O Lord, ascend to Your heavenly throne
as a sweet perfume,
as an aroma pleasing to You, my God.
Let everything I am belong to the Lord,
my Deliverer, Who brought me out of my desert of sin
and led me into His land of redemption,
the land flowing with milk and honey.
As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness
my Savior was lifted up to draw me to Him,
so that just by turning my eyes upon Him
I was healed.
My King, righteous and victorious
took my sin upon His shoulders
and bore the punishment I deserved;
He had done no evil, nor was there any deceit in His mouth,
yet as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so He did not open His mouth.
He laid His life upon the altar
and died for me while I was yet a sinner—
a sinner cruel and vile, who helped to nail Him to the cross
and crucify Him;
who mocked the One Who hung dying,
because He loves me so deeply and tenderly.
I look to the cross, and I pray,
“O Lord, draw me nearer, draw me closer,
closer, ever closer to You.
Let me look like You, to look like Love;
let me lay down my life in love
as You laid Yours down for me.
For no one can take Your life from You;
You lay it down willingly,
of Your own accord,
and You laid it down for me.
I can never fathom why You love me,
and Your mercy and compassion
are beyond my understanding.
There is none but You, Lord; none but You.
No one else loves me as You do;
You alone are my portion
and my cup;
You make my lot secure.
You are my Lord;
apart from You, I have no good
You make known to me the path
of life;
in Your presence is fullness of joy.
I trust in Your unfailing
my heart rejoices in Your
O Lord, let my life be testimony of You;
let it be
the proof of Your love.
Let it be the reason a heart believes,
a tongue rejoices,
a mouth confesses,
a soul is saved;
let it be irrefutable evidence
that You are love.
Let me be servant and slave to all,
just as the Son of Man
did not come to be served
but to serve,
and to give His life
as a ransom for many.
A Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief;
We despised Him,
and yet He died for us
so that by His wounds we are healed.
He was pierced for our transgressions
and crushed for our iniquities;
He is the perfect Lamb
Who gave Himself up to be slain
because of His love so great,
so passionate, so all-consuming;
the love of a tender adoptive Father
for His adopted children.
Let my life, O Lord, be as fragrant incense
ever rising before You;
let it be as a burnt offering
laid upon the altar of Your grace;
let it be a living sacrifice
holy and acceptable to You.
Let my life, O Lord, ascend to Your heavenly throne
as a sweet perfume,
as an aroma pleasing to You, my God.
Joy Calle Martinez
Joy Calle Martinez is a teenage Seventh-day Adventist Christian and scribe of historical fiction and biblical fiction. She loves Jesus, St. Paul, the family of Christ, theology, and tiramisu. Her passion is bringing hope and light into the world through fictional tales, and her stories feature ordinary people with extraordinary faith in God. She can often be found daydreaming, overanalyzing books and movies, and jamming to contemporary worship music. You can connect with her at her website,
Aw, I love this poem! So pretty!<3 I love that the style of this poem reminds me of Psalms. Great work, girl!!
Thank you so much! I take a lot of inspiration from the Psalms in my writing, since it’s my favorite book of the Bible.
What a beautiful poem, Joy!! I love how you used multiple passages of Scripture throughout and how it reads like a prayer.
Thank you so much, Esther! I actually got the idea for this poem while praying during a chapel service, so that’s great to hear.
Beautiful, Joy. Simply Beautiful.
Thanks, girl!! <3
You’re so welcome, Joy!!! It’s just so beautiful, and such a beautiful reminder ❤️
Beautiful and God honoring poem! Wonderful work, Joy!