Join us in welcoming the amazing Sandrina de Klerk to the Kingdom Pen team!
She is a writing intern at Kingdom Pen, and we had the honor of interviewing her!
Thank you so much, Sandrina, for doing this spotlight!
Kingdom Pen: Tell us a little bit about yourself. What are three interesting facts?
Sandrina de Klerk: I suppose it would depend on your definition of interesting...let me see. I live in the UK, where it does not rain all the time, contrary to popular belief. I prefer to always have a notebook when I watch a film. Oh, and I like musicals.
Kingdom Pen: What are your goals as a writer?
Sandrina de Klerk: Well, of course my primary goal as a writer is to glorify God through my stories. I aim to write stories that point people to the beauty of Christ and create a longing for the good, the true, and the beautiful. Other than that, I’d love to publish some books one day!
Kingdom Pen: What is your favorite thing to write - poetry, short stories, novels, screenplays, etc?
Sandrina de Klerk: Definitely novels. I love poetry, but cannot write it to save my life. Short stories are awesome, but the ideas usually develop into novel length projects... Screenplays I enjoy! I haven’t written very many though, and I write them in a slightly unusual way.
Kingdom Pen: What genre of writing are you particularly drawn to?
Sandrina de Klerk: Probably Contemporary Fiction--for multiple reasons. But I love fantasy and have some projects I’d like to work on with it. I really enjoy reading Historical Fiction but I’m a little scared to write it, I’m in great awe of the people who do it well!
Kingdom Pen: Which author has most influenced the way you write?
Sandrina de Klerk: Ooh! Good question. It’s probably a tie between John J. Horn and Douglas Bond :). But I think Enid Blyton was the one to influence my very early work, which would explain why most of the things I used to write would include a lot of similar things--kidnapping being a favourite.
Kingdom Pen: What’s your favorite thing about Kingdom Pen?
Sandrina de Klerk: Well, as everyone else has probably said--like, everything? But particularly the articles :P. I’ve found them incredibly helpful. When I’m struggling with something, I’ll come and search the topic and read through everything that comes up. I’m so thankful for places like Kingdom Pen!
Kingdom Pen: What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? (It’s okay to brag a little on this one!)
Sandrina de Klerk: I’ve been told all my life not to brag, soooo... Also, I’m not sure I have that many accomplishments XD. But I’ll try and think of something...nope, not getting anything. I suppose if we’re talking about writing accomplishments, finishing re-writing the second draft of my novel was pretty hard and pretty rewarding. So we’ll go with that?
Kingdom Pen: Do you have something to say to the KeePers of Pen? Sage pieces of advice? Words of encouragement? Random tidbits?
Sandrina de Klerk: One of the best things I ever read that helped me tremendously was, “write the story you love”. Writing can be pretty hard, and only when you really, really love a story will you be willing to fight for it, and keep going when the going gets tough. So write the story you love, with the characters you love!
Kingdom Pen: What’s the premise of the story you're currently working on?
Sandrina de Klerk: Ahh, hard question. I’ve never been good at giving information out on this, and I never like the summary’s I end up writing, but here you go. The book is titled, Something like a Soldier. The son of a dead Navy SEAL fights for control when the death of his brother spins his life out of control. Taken from all he knows, the home he’s always lived in. Now he’s in England, trying to keep his head above water and stay in control. Harder than it sounds.
Kingdom Pen: What is your favorite thing about writing?
Sandrina de Klerk: Probably creating characters...and their backstories. I love being able to know all the tiny things about them that no-one else knows, and to know exactly what they are thinking and play through all the random scenes in my head. There’s so many things,
Kingdom Pen: What is your biggest struggle as a writer? Biggest fear?
Sandrina de Klerk: The biggest struggle as a writer is probably writing. 😛 Often, it’s just trying to sit down and actually write that scene. Biggest fear? Never finishing the project I’ve had for several years ;). No, seriously. I keep rewriting it.
Kingdom Pen: What does your daily writing routine like?
Sandrina de Klerk: I usually write after I’ve walked my dog in the morning--so I’ll probably be sitting down at my computer at around 9:30/10 in the morning and depending on the day, write sometime between then and lunch. If that doesn’t work out, sometime in the afternoon or evening. Basically, I don’t really have one, I just write when I can and usually at least once a day.
Kingdom Pen: Tell us about your favorite (or most memorable) character you’ve created! (Write as much as you want! No, really!)
Sandrina de Klerk: Ranting on your favourite character on a computer screen is actually very hard. My favourite character, without a doubt, would be Jonathan Courage. He’s been around for a long time now and I know him really well. I think. He doesn’t like being talked about, so maybe that’s why this is proving difficult. He’s the main character in Something like a Soldier. He’s pretty reserved till you get to know him, he loves to run and do anything active...There’s a lot more, but I’ll stop myself here.
Kingdom Pen: Top 3 All-Time Favorite Books?
Sandrina de Klerk: Only three? Man, that’s mean… The Warden and the Wolfking by Andrew Peterson, The Boy Colonel by John J. Horn, annnnnndddd...The Last Battle. It’s so hard to pick just three!!
Kingdom Pen: If your life could be categorized into a genre, which genre would it be?
Sandrina de Klerk: Hmm, hard one. *20 minutes later* I still have no idea, I guess contemporary fiction where nothing crazy ever happens?
Sandrina de Klerk
Sandrina de Klerk has been a lover of all things story for years.
She started by telling stories to her dad, then creating imaginary worlds, and loosing herself in adventure stories. When she was eight, she wrote her first story up on the computer…it was about twins who had a birthday party and received a puppy.
She writes with the aim to craft flawed and human characters, stories with strong, compelling themes, and gripping plots. Stories that contrast human weakness against God’s strength, and create a longing for the good, true, and beautiful.
When she’s not writing or reading, you can find her with her family, listening to music, studying, lost creating music on piano or guitar, running, playing sports, doing fun stuff with her dog, memorising passages, or making short films with friend
This was awesome, Sandrina! I loved getting to know you better!
I loved getting to know more about you, Sandrina! I also write whenever I can. It can be hard to find the perfect time!
Loved getting to learn more about you and your writing, Sandrina! And, oh yes! The Last Battle is one of my absolute favorite books of all time as well. 🙂
It was awesome meeting you Sandrina! I love character creation too:) It was great getting to know you better!:)
I really had a great time getting to know you better Sandrina! Characters are one my favorite things about writing as well! 😀
Awesome spotlight, Sandrina! This was super fun to read.
This was a blast 😀
I was just reminded of that ‘write the story you love’ advice– it really is amazing.
So proud of how far your story has come!