And we're back with another KP Spotlight! Today we are delighted to present an interview with the one and only Leon Fleming - Kingdom Pen's Poetry Editor and the author of A String of Words!
A few brilliant poems of his have been published on Kingdom Pen in the past, which we will link to here: Writer's Block and Through Years.
Kingdom Pen: Tell us a little bit about yourself. What are three interesting facts?
Leon Fleming: These could be considered either purely eccentric, strange, or interesting: I am increasingly interested in words, sciences of various types, linguistics…, history, art, writing, reading, lore/myth/tales/legends, languages, coffee, colour representation (?), painting, drawing, piano, biology, cytology, many other -ologies, astronomy, the suffix -ology, the suffix -graph, the suffix -graphy, the suffix -ics, the ocean, and things having to do with the ocean. These are really only a few of my interests (which are built around my character; note: around), and amongst them is not even the most interesting thing which consumes all of my attention.
Noticeably, these are only interests. Interests which, I’m sure, can be regarded as anomalous. Two other interesting facts are that upon one time, I caught a fish, and upon another, I wrote a poem.
Kingdom Pen: What are your goals as a writer?
Leon Fleming: My goals as a writer are simple yet widespread. First and foremost, in all that I do my goal is to glorify and obey God. That is, Jesus Christ, God, the Holy Spirit. Along with this comes a goal that is disparate of many other writers’ goals, which I’ve found. I don’t worry about “getting that first book published”. That is not a goal of mine: my second goal is to write a story that people love, which also shows the falsity in certain elements of man’s many sinful ideas. These elements would be specified within different books. A third goal would be to not only write just any story that people love, but to write a well crafted story, and many stories at that. God has gifted me with the ability to write, and I shall use that to the fullest with thankfulness to Him for all He has done to and for me, and also all He is preparing me for. That is, preparing me for His purposes, not my own.
Kingdom Pen: What is your favorite thing to write - poetry, short stories, novels, screenplays, etc?
Leon Fleming: My favourite things to write (and I know I’m being a bit broad here) are both poetry and prose. I really just love writing. And I write primarily in poetry and prose. Which obviously allows for nothing else. My point: I’ll write for Christ in whatever form necessary.
Kingdom Pen: What genre of writing are you particularly drawn to?
Leon Fleming: In prose, I am particularly drawn to the fantasy and mystery genres. In poetry, I prefer free or blank verse, sonnets, lyric poetry, poetry written with older/archaic words, ballads, elegies, epic poetry, poetry in general...well, in poetry, I prefer too many to name.
Kingdom Pen: Who is your biggest inspiration as a writer?
Leon Fleming: In answer to this question, I would say that this was a mix of people: my older brother, Tolkien, N.D. Wilson, and the music to the movie Prince Caspian (which isn’t exactly a person, true). All these jumbled together. Oh, and the story Beowulf.
Kingdom Pen: What’s your favorite thing about Kingdom Pen?
Leon Fleming: I like the whole package.
Kingdom Pen: If you could have any vocation, and money was no object, what would it be?
Leon Fleming: I’m not really sure; I’ve got a few choices, but I’m still figuring out which is the right one.
Kingdom Pen: What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? (It’s okay to brag a little on this one!)
Leon Fleming: Yes, well, no. It is never okay to brag, boast, or sing one’s own praises. I’ll leave this question unanswered.
Kingdom Pen: Do you have something to say to the KeePers of Pen? Sage pieces of advice? Words of encouragement? Random tidbit?
Leon Fleming: Yes, if you must insist: “One must know the basics of one’s craft in order to practice it.” In essence, plan before you play. Know what you’re doing before you do it. There is a reason for everything God does.
Kingdom Pen: What’s the premise of the story you're currently working on?
Leon Fleming: I’m afraid that this question is a bit hard to answer. I’m not working on one story primarily. Nor even one set of stories, or even several different stories of different genres. I’m working on something quite a bit larger.
Kingdom Pen: What is your favorite thing about writing?
Leon Fleming: I enjoy first drafts, the beginning writings, and the writing part of the writing. I also like finished products.
Kingdom Pen: What is your biggest struggle as a writer? Biggest fear?
Leon Fleming: I’m not really sure how to answer this; I don’t really struggle or fear anything in writing. I really just enjoy it all.
Kingdom Pen: Favorite part of the writing process (idea stage, outlining, writing, editing, etc.)? And why?
Leon Fleming: Well, I’d say that I particularly enjoy the idea stage, the outlining, the writing, the editing, and those other things that come the finish. Beginning and ending are high on my writing priority list.
Kingdom Pen: What is your favorite quote about writing?
Leon Fleming: Well, I don’t exactly have one, if you know what I mean. I do have a dictionary of quotations, but I haven’t read anything from that in a while.
Kingdom Pen: If all fiction books were going to be erased from the world forever, and you could only save one, what would that book be?
Leon Fleming: I would save The Lord of the Rings probably; for one, it’s long and would keep me reading for a lot longer than other books. Also, it’s got a great story, and Middle-earth is an interesting place to read in.
Leon Fleming
Leon Fleming lives in California and has moved from place to place in Butte County to finally rest (for now) on the other side of the Sacramento River.
His writing life began some years ago when he was around the age of eleven. Shortly after, his poetry career also began. Even longer after this, he became a true believer in Christ Jesus.
He prefers large libraries to small libraries (and computers at extravagant tables to search, learn, and increase his knowledge and love of the Bible and the Lord), and he has frequently found dictionaries to be useful tools throughout his short life. Books are a main part of his everyday routines and music is not far behind, though behind all this is a motive to write that is a fire which cannot be doused.
He writes for the Lord in any way he can, whether that means through poetry, prose, or just plain writing. He hopes to one day live in a large house containing mostly books, coffee makers, vending machines, and a godly family who loves and obeys God with the fervency not formerly known to them, but given to them.
Still not sure how we got Leon Fleming as Kingdom Pen’s Poetry editor. Like, is there a single person who could fit the role better?
Your responses were very fun to read. “The whole package” is the perfect way to describe what makes Kingdom Pen so great. XD Also, LotR is the book that I would have chosen as well. One of the best written novels, and Middle earth is one of the best fictional worlds. It would be horrible to have it be erased.
I’m glad you enjoyed it! Yes, I thought somebody would like that little sentiment in relation to the K of Pens. True on the Middle-earth side; great story, that one.
Impressive…most impressive.
Reading this was fun XD
I’m glad you liked it!