You may know her from her articles, her poems, or even from the forum.
It's the one and only Daisy Torres!
You know the drill, 15 questions 15 answers.
But heads up! There are some controversial opinions in this interview that may or may not deal with French fries.
You have been warned.
Anyways, it was really fun interviewing Daisy, and I hope you have a fun time reading it!
Now let's get into the questions...
Kingdom Pen: Tell me a little bit about yourself. What are three interesting facts?
Daisy Torres: Three interesting facts? Hmm, well #1 I don’t like french fries *hides behind laptop* #2 I love anything art! Sketching, painting, crafting. Whether I’m viewing or creating, art is a big part of my life. #3 I just got my first job!! Not a huge thing really, but I’m excited about it haha.
Kingdom Pen: What inspired you to start writing?
Daisy Torres: I’ve always enjoyed daydreaming and telling my stories to my siblings, so writing just became the natural next step! I used to hate it though. It wasn’t until I turned nine and wrote my first story about an elderly couple surviving the apocalypse that I finally fell in love with it XD
Kingdom Pen: What are your dreams as a writer?
Daisy Torres: I would love to be able to travel the world and use what I experience to enrich my novels, whether they’re set in another world, a sci-fi future, or present day.
Kingdom Pen: One of the first articles you published on KP was “10 Rare Genres You’ve Never Heard of”. Since then, have you started writing any stories in one of those unique genres?
Daisy Torres: I’ve been planning a Solarpunk novel, but I haven’t started it yet. I love the idea of Solarpunk, so I’m really excited to try writing it!
Kingdom Pen: Not only do you write novels and articles, but you also write poetry and have published a couple wonderful pieces on KP. Has writing poetry changed the way you write your novels? If so, how?
Daisy Torres: Awe, thanks!! I’ve always been a huge fan of beautiful prose, and I try to incorporate that into my books. I think my love of poetry has contributed to this! I also sometimes create special pieces of poetry for certain books, usually at the beginning or end of a book.
Kingdom Pen: What is your favorite thing about writing?
Daisy Torres: Worlds and characters! Building magical forests in the center of a galaxy, or characters that go on grand adventures under the water just bring me so much joy to write!
Kingdom Pen: What’s your biggest fear/ struggle as a writer?
Daisy Torres: Plot Holes. They’re everywhere, lurking around every corner like a shadow. It’s like this: Imagine you’re jogging through a park, then suddenly the ground begins to fall apart and everyone but you sees it. Wouldn’t that be scary? Well, that’s what plot holes feel like to me XD
Kingdom Pen: What story are you currently working on? What is the premise?
Daisy Torres: Smoke and Mirrors! This story is about a girl living alone in the city, when suddenly a strange man breaks into her apartment and tries to kill her. Then she finds out she’s betrothed to the man trying to kill her. From there, everything declines as she discovers that her mother kidnapped her from another world and has been keeping her hostage. She’ll uncover prophecies and treason, secret plots and betrayal, but what is a girl supposed to do about anything when it’s already been prophesied that she’s going to die?
Kingdom Pen: What inspired the idea for this book?
Daisy Torres: It’s a little silly actually XD I was watching the TV series Antique Roadshow and began wondering what it would be like if a teen girl with a magic necklace walked in and asked what they knew about her necklace. From there, Smoke and Mirrors was born!
Kingdom Pen: What is your writing process like?
Daisy Torres: It’s a mess XD First, I’ll have an idea, then I’ll go to Pinterest and make a board for it and begin saving things that inspire me, as well as songs. Next, I’ll write a rough outline of what happens in the book, then try to figure out what my charries are like, and before I know it, I’m starting chapter one! As I’m writing I begin to notice plot holes, so I’ll invent a new point of the plot or a new character to fill it in.
Kingdom Pen: What’s the most significant change from your first novel versus your latest?
Daisy Torres: My writing style, among other things. When I started my first novel, it was all ‘told’ rather than ‘shown’. I’ve also written other novels where there was wayy too much ‘showing’. I think in Smoke and Mirrors, I’ve founded a better balance between the two. Oh, also how I plan my novels. I used to just start a story and go where it took me, but I now try to plan them a tad more.
Kingdom Pen: What was the hardest scene you’ve ever had to write in a novel and why?
Daisy Torres: Ouch, that’s a hard question XD I haven’t written it yet, but there’s this one charry I have to kill and I’m dreading it haha. I’ve been preparing myself for months and months now and I still don’t know that I’m ready, but a part of me is also excited, if that doesn’t sound absolutely horrible O:))))
Kingdom Pen: If you could meet one of your characters, who would it be and what would you say to them?
Daisy Torres: Ooo I love this question! Sterling from Smoke and Mirrors ;))) I would probably apologize profusely and hope he didn’t kill me on the spot for the stuff I’ve done to him, but I would love to meet him XD
Kingdom Pen: Do you have something to say to the KeePers of Pen? Sage pieces of advice? Words of encouragement? Random tidbit?
Daisy Torres: If you ever find yourself going through a dry spot, maybe questioning who you are and wondering whether you’re still even a ‘writer’ or not, remember this: Our identity is found in Christ, not in ourselves, or anything we can build with our hands. You are not a Writer, you are a child of Christ who enjoys writing. You are not an eater, you are a child of Christ who loves food. You are not ‘broken’, you’re just not done being built yet.
Drink some tea, listen to music, pray, and hit the keyboard (or notepad, to those that are epic and vintage XD) another day.
Kingdom Pen: And finally, what is the craziest dare you have ever taken?
Daisy Torres: Oh boy XD Well, recently I moved. I was already thinking about doing it, so technically it was still my own choice, but my cousin dared me to move and I accepted, so I moved 400 miles away partially because of a dare XD
And that's all folks!
Thank you to Daisy for answering all my questions! I had a great time reading your answers.
But I have one last question, and that is for you the reader!
Well, it's the last question I asked Daisy, but I'd like to know what your answer is.
What's is the craziest dare you have ever taken?
Put your answer in the comments!
Also, if you have any of your own questions for Daisy, put them in the comments as well.
Ah, loved all your answers! Particularly your sage piece of advice you gave. It was very sage indeed. But I have to ask you, how does one accept a dare from a cousin to move 400 miles away?