Welcome to Kingdom Pen's first KP spotlight since its relaunch! Today we are delighted to share an interview with one of Kingdom Pen's new Writing Interns... Allison Grace!
Thank you Allison Grace for sharing a bit about yourself. It's so awesome getting to know you better, and welcome to the team!
Kingdom Pen: Tell us a little bit about yourself. What are three interesting facts?
Allison Grace: Hello, KeePers! I’m Allison Grace, a writer on fire for her Savior. I’m an online college student and intern here at KP!
Fact One: I hand write all my fiction writing. All of it. Including novels. I currently have one project at 23k and another at 10k. Yes, I am crazy.
Fact Two: I’m an avid crocheter. I love to make stuffed animals and dolls and donate them to charities.
Fact Three: I’m a huge Star Wars and Marvel Cinematic Universe nerd. I’m also a die-hard member of Team Iron Man (sorry Cap).
KP: What are your goals as a writer?
AG: This is probably cliche, but I really want to publish a book, possibly even a series. If it’s the Lord’s will, I would love to make writing a full-time career. I also want to become a writing mentor.
KP: What is your favorite thing to write - poetry, short stories, novels, screenplays, etc?
AG: My favorite thing to write is probably novels and novellas. I love telling long stories and taking the time to dive deep into my themes and characters. I do enjoy writing the occasional poem and I would love to try my hand at a screenplay someday!
KP: What genre of writing are you particularly drawn to?
AG: Fantasy is probably my favorite genre. I love the freedom of being able to make up whatever I want and create worlds and cultures all my own. I prefer realistic fantasy as opposed to stories that rely heavily on magic. I’m also interested in contemporary superhero/fantasy stories. I love how Marvel’s stories have a fantastical element to them, but they still feel like they could be taking place next door. And, to be honest, contemporary is easier to research. If you need to know how much an ice cream cone costs at McDonald’s...field trip!
KP: Who is your biggest inspiration as a writer?
AG: Do I have to choose? There have been so many people (writers and nonwriters alike) who have inspired my writing. Two of the authors who have inspired me the most are Jaye L. Knight and Jaquelle Crowe-Ferris.
KP: What’s your favorite thing about Kingdom Pen?
AG: This might seem cheesy, but I love that KP is a Christian site. There are tons of writing resources out there, but most of them are not from a Christian perspective. I know when I get on KP I’ll find something to help me in my writing and won’t have to worry about any junk thrown in.
KP: If you could have any vocation, and money was no object, what would it be?
AG: An author! XD If I had to choose something other than writing, I’d probably say something related to missions and outreach.
KP: What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? (It’s okay to brag a little on this one!)
AG: I once crocheted a stuffed parrot in less than 24 hours. XDWriting-wise, I’d have to say maintaining my blog for almost two years now! (Shoutout to my mom who helped keep me on track!) I also wrote over 100k in my first novel over the course of three drafts.
KP: Do you have something to say to the KeePers of Pen? Sage pieces of advice? Words of encouragement? Random tidbit?
AG: Find someone who loves and supports both you and your writing. Find someone who points you back to Christ when you’re struggling with comparison. Find someone who says, “You know, I don’t really like xyz, but because you do, I’m interested in it.”I can’t tell you how important it is to have people around you who genuinely care and support your writing. If there’s a secret to being a successful writer, it’s that. I praise God for my amazing family and friends who support my writing.
KP: What’s the premise of the story you're currently working on?
AG: I currently have two projects. The first is an original fantasy novel and the second is my fanfiction project (that wasn’t supposed to turn into anything, but kind of exploded). “After accidentally using illegal magic, a young nobleman is cast from his house and made the lowest of the low--a Faceless.”“After coming face-to-face with his greatest fear, Tony Stark must make a choice--give up or stand up, even if that means standing alone.”
KP: What is your favorite thing about writing?
AG: I LOVE characters. I love watching them learn and grow. Sometimes, I think the characters leave a bigger impact on the author than the author does on the characters. I absolutely love character arcs and annoy my brother by rambling about the arcs of the characters in the movies we watch. (Tony Stark has the best arc, btw. *snickers at the unintentional pun*)
KP: What is your biggest struggle as a writer? Biggest fear?
AG: Comparison. Whether it’s thinking my story is never going to be good enough or that because I write a certain genre, I’m not a real writer, comparison is a big enemy of mine. My greatest fear is someone finding me lip-syncing and/or dancing when I’m supposed to be writing. XD Actually, it’s that my writing is a waste of time. That no one wants to read it and that it’s not important.
KP: Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what do you listen to?
AG: YES! I don’t think I could write without listening to music. It helps tune out distractions and gives me some extra motivation. I listen to a lot of things while writing, and honestly, lyrics don’t bother me too much. Sometimes I have to try a few different playlists before I find the one that “works” for my particular mood. Right now, I’m favoring Andrew Peterson and Marvel soundtracks. I also love different arrangements of movie themes (Atinpiano’s arrangements are my favorites).
KP: What are your favorite themes to write about?
AG: Good question! I love writing stories about identity and redemption. Most of my characters go through a moment (or several) where they have to make a choice. Not a choice of chocolate or vanilla ice cream, but a choice of life-or-death. Something like help the villain destroy Earth’s major cities or watch your family die. (The key to making these choices matter is to have a villain that will make good on their threat.) What they decide demonstrates who they are. And when they make the wrong choice, I give them a chance at redemption.
KP: A movie is being made about your life. What three songs would definitely make the soundtrack cut and why?
AG: “Haven’t Seen It Yet” by Danny Gokey--Because we all need the reminder to wait on the Lord. He’s working behind the scenes for our good, even when we can’t see it. “Not Today” by Matthew West--I love the reminder that we are free from guilt and sin through Jesus’ sacrifice. Honestly, you really need to give this song a listen right now. “Totally Fine” by Alan Silvestri--Because I have a strange fondness for listening to very sad soundtracks. (This song actually made me cry once.)
Allison Grace
Allison Grace used to hate writing.
Now she can’t imagine a world without telling stories.
She has written several short stories and completed a novel. Her favorite themes to write about (fiction and nonfiction) are identity, faith, and redemption. She also has a whole stash of unfinished fan fiction no one is allowed to read.
Besides writing, Allison loves to crochet stuffed animals and dolls to give to charities. She is a shameless Star Wars and Marvel nerd and can carry on an entire conversation solely in movie quotes.
She blogs at allisongracewrites.com
Your answers were so fun to read! It’s nice to know you a bit more Allison! I never knew I would be so interested in an Iron Man fan-fiction as I am now. XD
Your advice on finding someone who supports you and your writing really meant a lot to me. The difference between having someone that supports you versus none is HUGE. I’m not sure if I would’ve got as far as I got in writing with out my siblings.
Thank you, Kathleen!
YES! I don’t know where my writing would be without my parents, brother, and writing friends.
So glad to be on the team with you, Allison! I’m so intrigued by both your original novel and your fanfiction–I’d love to hear more sometime. 😀
Thank you! I’d be happy to tell you more! Hehe, I love talking about my writing.