You get to go out for lunch with your main character of choice: How would it go?

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      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 635

      You get to go out for lunch with your main character of choice: How would it go? What would you get to eat? What would you talk about?

      As you can see, this a very important question, so I’ll choose my main character from my never-ending serial novel, Barrett, to have lunch with.

      Since we both very much enjoy gyros, we’d most definitely go to the best, (as in affordable), Greek restaurant near by. Since he’d want to avoid any conversation about himself, (you know, lying gets very tiresome after a while), he’d probably direct the conversation to talk about the current novels I’m working on. I’d gratefully oblige since that is my favorite thing to talk about, and I pretty much know everything about him already.

      So I’d talk novels as we ate, but I’d be sure skip over the stories that sound an awful lot like is own life. That would be more than a little suspicious, and he’d probably mistake me for being a stalker, and not the creator of his fictional world. *cough cough*. That would be bad.

      Anyway, we’d both probably have a nice time, but the lunch would most definitely get cut short since pretty much nothing goes according to plan for him. He’d make a hasty goodbye and even give me a coupon to his ice-cream shop as a farewell gift. I would return his goodbye, and promise him that I will one day finish his story once and for all.

      Not even a second after the words come out of my mouth I will realize just how threatening they sound, so I do a quick wave and make a quick exit back to my reality. Hoping that he’ll overlook that ominous last sentence I just said.

      So, how would a lunch with your main character go?

        • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
        • Total Posts: 32

        I get an email from a person who is interested in reading more of my books and wants to become my agent. Oddly enough, the person signs off as “MULLOG”. Odder still, I actually go and meet this person I don’t know for lunch.

        The person insists that we eat at a place that primarily serves raw food, mostly fish. As I wait at a table, I slowly become aware that there is some kind of commotion going on outside of the restaurant. I race outside to see that (oh, how did I not see this coming) Gollum is there, lashing out at a crowd of frightened pedestrians (probably their long, blond hair reminds him of something).

        I hurry him into the restaurant, where he insists that I pay for the meal and promptly orders two meals that consist of fish. When the waitress asks if he has a preference on what kind of fish, he replies, “Just make it extra juicy sweet, my precious!”

        He, of course, is not interested in my books and immediately leaves after eating both of our meals, forcing me to pick up the check. There goes fifty dollars of camera money.

        Linyang Zhang
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1700

          @kathleenramm That moment when you have wayyy too many main characters to pick and choose from…

          also totally unrelated but is this forum tagged gollum on purpose

          There’s a buy a meal, get a meal free deal at the local fried chicken place (totally not KFC). There’s a kid standing there, maybe in his late teens, staring at the poster. A horrid scar runs from his left ear to the corner of his mouth.

          I don’t have anyone to go with. But I like fried chicken. Seems like the guy is in the same predicament. So, standing there, I turn to him and ask, “You wanna…?”

          His name’s Ling Nai. I order two meals as he stands behind me, pulling up the collar of his turtleneck over his scar. The chicken comes out quickly and we sit by the window and eat.

          I’d probably talk about the weather and gingerly skip over the topic of his scar as we eat. He’s probably too busy eating to reply properly (he looks like he hasn’t had a good meal in a while) but he’d probably show me some fried chicken techniques as how to get the most meat and the least bone out of a wing or a drum. I might ask him what college or university he attends or what he’s studying, to which he’d reply that he dropped out, and that he’s working now.

          “Oh? What’s your job?”

          “Just things here and there.”

          That’s the end of the matter, but there is still a speck of blood on the sleeve of his coat. I brush it off as, “He’s probably a butcher or something.”

          We might talk about some movies that came out a few years back, or some books, maybe go over some other foods that we like. When it’s time to leave he pulls out his thin wallet and tries to pay me back, but I decline. “You can pay me back next time if we go watch a movie or have chicken again.” So he puts his wallet away.

          As we part ways, there’s a new contact in my phone, marked: Fried Chicken Buddy.

          Lately, it's been on my brain
          Would you mind letting me know
          If hours don't turn into days

            • Rank: Wise Jester
            • Total Posts: 97

            It would be like meeting an old friend but also like someone you knew online but never met until now. We would go to a café that isn’t crowded and is out of way. At the first the conversation would be awkward, and to be honest he would be slightly distrustful of me, but we would slowly grow comfortable with each other and then start talking about things that matter. There will be long silences between each topic, but the silence would be comfortable. Once we both had our lunch, we have this unspoken agreement that we shouldn’t be just sitting around, talking. So we get up and go our separate ways. But not before we say goodbye, but isn’t sad at all but rather hopeful. That we will get to meet again. 🙂

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6699



              Hmmm. Okie, so we’d probably end up going to one of my fav places, or getting fast food 🤣.

              my Main protagonist Ara and I would probably get along well because some of her struggles are based off of mine.

              But her personality is slightly different. Whereas when I’m in my group and such I can be (and am) very loud, excitable and fun, she wouldn’t be a lot like that even with her friends. She’s a bit more demure and quiet.

              We’d probably discuss books (because she loves books and I love writing them) and about her adventures versus my life lol.

              But she probs wouldn’t know I wrote her stories, because If she did she’d probs wanna ask me “why?!” Cuz she doesn’t really want her destiny but also has to go thru with it. So ya. But I think we’d have a good time, and if she did ever find out she’d probably end up going back to her quiet self and coming to grips with it, while still struggling internally.


                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1789

                @kathleenramm Great question. Depending on the point in time, it could be a successful venture…or it could end in my death. XD

                I would, at this point, like to have lunch with a safer, kinder, more personable character of mine…but, for the sake of the story, I’ll pick Ransom.

                The year was 1719.

                Ransom, a mercenary for himself and partially for Spain (I say partially because, well, he’s not known for his loyalty), just so happens to pass me by on the dirty streets of Nassau. He’s very focused, because, as you probably don’t know, war is impending. He’s hoping to have the very first taste of it, you see, and collect a shipload of spoils. All pirates do. He thinks it a noble aspiration, as he’s a very deceived fellow, believing that no one and nothing can stop him from completing his mission and blind to the fact that I’m standing extremely close to him.

                Well, it would be very unwise to call out to the bloke, let alone invite him for lunch. For one, he’s quite busy. And for two…well, have you seen the fellow? He could scare the bark off of a tree!

                Anyway, I call out to him, using the name his mother gave him (which he hasn’t heard since he was thirteen), which certainly gets his attention. Long story short, he turns to me, nearly blowing out my brains with his ever-at-the-ready flintlock, and begrudgingly accepts my invitation to dine with me at the tavern across the street.

                Knowing all as I do, I drop a few names and mention a few things about Ransom’s past that only he knows, which puts him in a rather vulnerable position. He’s inclined to stay at our booth until I gesture for us to leave. He only downed a bottle of rum and picked at his stew–he’s unnaturally nervous because of the hold I have over him–whilst I sloppily wolfed down a filet of flounder with a strangely rotten-tasting lemon and butter sauce (you know how tavern fare is).

                As we leave the tavern, he dares to ask me how I know him (he’s arrogant like that) and why I’ve bothered him. Stupidly, I blurt out that I’m his author.

                Needless to say, I didn’t make it back across the street.

                In the end, however, I had an impact on Ransom. He ended up being only 75% as bad as usual in the coming years. My sacrifice wasn’t for naught. I died honorably.

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1242

                  @kathleenramm @anyone-else-raeding-this


                  First of all, I honestly doubt my MC (her temporary name is Mejia – My-juh – because I have some kinks in the name’s origins that I need to work on) would even consider coming out of my pen into 2021 for all the secrets in Birch Woods.

                  So as the author, I would probably have to disguise myself as a wanderer and fit inside my manuscript. How did I do it? That’s classified information.
                  But that’s also beside the point. When I finally managed to reach the farthest end of my novel, I landed in a birch tree. I then clung to a branch, which promptly snapped and plummeted me into a snowdrift. Where I must have laid for a good ten minutes, contemplating whether or not I had broken anything.

                  I didn’t get much chance to think things through when I saw, against the sunlight, the silhouette of a person hovering over me.

                  No, it wasn’t Mejia. It was a boy with dark hair, a hunters’ quiver, and was mid-to-late teens in age. He was the one I called Filip.
                  He gave me a hand to my feet and I asked him where Mejia’s fortalice was. He gave me an odd look as if I should have known and pointed north. You see, he was one of the few of my characters that knew who I was.
                  But he didn’t realize that I wasn’t as familiar with this part of the wood as they. Which raised another question as I continued my venture to find Mejia. What was he doing away from The Rounds today? I didn’t remember scheduling him to be here until the following week, which should have been plenty of time for Artur to gather some forces together.

                  Soon enough, I came upon the primitive fortalice that Mejia took to as a home (although really, the whole forest was her home). A wisp of white smoke curled from the latch on the sloped roof and disappeared into the frigid air.
                  I took a step closer to the entrance when I felt a stir a commotion behind me, then the tip of a sword was wavering in the corner of my vision.

                  How stupid was I? I could be from Ivatoust for all she knew, I searched my pockets for some kind of proof of who I was. AH! Here was something.

                  I turned around carefully and presented a copper coin with the name ‘Mejia’ engraved on one side.

                  Mejia’s hand flew to her self-made notch in her belt and realized that I indeed had what was her’s.
                  But instead of demanding it back, she asked, “how did you get that?” Her eyes were drowning in suspicion.
                  At this point, I handed the coin to her, which she stashed in the folds of wolf fur tied around her gloves.
                  “I’m your author Mejia, I can retrieve anything I want from this novel.”
                  She did not know this but wasn’t surprised by it either. Thence she invited me into the fortalice, not speaking a word to me as she set oil, plant roots, and deer meat to boil in a copper pot over the flames.

                  All around me were the repeated but necessary items to survive the icy nights: wolf pelts, rations stored in pots, and kindling for the fire.
                  I knew where her box of possessions was stored but was wise enough not to mention it to her. She’d just it again and I’d have to find it again. And my calendar was just too full for that kind of thing.

                  When the food was ready, I ate without any complaints, for Mejia was being generous with the food that was getting harder to come by. We didn’t exchange too many words, except she asked if I’d tell her what had been happening in Ivatoust since she rescued Anton from their leader. I said that she’d find out soon. She nodded but wasn’t relieved in any way by my words.
                  Before I departed, she asked how I was going to get back through the novel in a smug way. For she knew that when I got into my story, it was almost impossible to get back out.
                  I assured her that I’d find some way.
                  And I did, I’m happy to report. After all, I wrote this, didn’t I?

                  Alexa Autorski
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1011

                    Y’know, I have to say, going out for lunch with my heroine’s twin brother, Derrick, would be amazing (and scary at the same time). Deek would probably decide to go to a casual sort of place. He isn’t fancy at all. One of those cafes just on the corner of the street.

                    He’d come striding up, probably wearing his black cloak, maybe his sword, and possibly a scarf. Nothing fancy.

                    He’d slide into a booth, take one glance at the menu, and probably order the most expensive thing he could find. He’d also expect me to pay for it.

                    I have a weird feeling Deek would purposefully order his food slightly undercooked just so that he could use his fire powers to cook it and impress everybody. He’d casually flick his hand, and suddenly the food would be cooked (if not burned).

                    He’d stir his tea with his straw, whipping up a conversation about himself. I’d ask him what the most heroic thing he’s ever done was, and a smirk would find its way on his face.

                    ‘Save the world, obviously,’ Deek would say, shrugging like it was no big deal. He’d put his hands behind his head. ‘I mean, I’ve done tons of cool things, but overthrowing an emperor? That’s impressive, even if I do say so myself.’

                    He’d look up at me and say, ‘So, Out-of-Towner, this your first time in town?’

                    ‘Not necessarily.’ I’d tug at my scarf, trying not to let him get suspicious. Wouldn’t want him knowing that I was his author. Then again, he’d probably just chuckle and call me nuts if I told him that.

                    ‘Good,’ Deek would say, ‘because I’m terrible with directions and couldn’t help you if you were some sort of tourist. My sister would, though. Caira’s a nut when it comes to directions. Drives me crazy.’

                    ‘What’s your sister like?’ I’d ask him.

                    I can see him fighting a smile when his sister is brought up. Deek isn’t sentimental, so he tries his hardest not to let me see his soft side. He’d prop his elbows on the table and bite his lip.

                    ‘She’s an egghead,’ Deek would say, fingering his glass. ‘I’ve never seen her without a book under her arm. Definitely shy. But don’t let that fool you: she’s bossy and very stubborn, and normally dramatic.’

                    We’d continue talking for a while. Deek would talk to me as if I were an old friend, and then the bill would come.

                    I’d look at Deek. He’d look at me.

                    I’d finally groan and pay for both of us, leaving a tip at the table. Deek would open the door for me (one of the rare times he acts like a gentleman), and then say, ‘Well, it was nice meeting you. Who did you say you were, again?’

                    I’d start to smile. ‘What would you say if I told you I was your author, Deek?’

                    Deek raises his eyebrows, and he analyzes my face for a second. And then, he starts to laugh, apparently taking it lightheartedly. He looks at me with a strange face.

                    ‘You almost had me for a second there,’ Deek would say. ‘You know, you’re a weird one. I like you.’

                    With that, Deek would turn around and walk off.

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 635


                      When I made this topic I was expecting to read some interesting stories, but I must say, I was not expecting a to read story about going out to lunch with Gollum. XD Entertaining nonetheless. 😀


                      Honestly, I’m just as confused as you are about the tag on this topic. XD I actually didn’t realize it was tagged that until you pointed it out. How Gollum randomly showed up, I have no idea. This forum has more mysteries than I realized…


                      That sounds like the perfect lunch out with a character. I love cafes that you can have a meaningful conversation with someone where it’s not awkward to have moments of not talking.


                      Yeah, having your character find out they’re fictional would probably not be good for anyone. I watched a show once where that happened, and it and ended up with the main character seeking revenge on the author for killing his parents. So yeah, would not recommend. XD


                      Oh my, I’m very sorry to hear you’ve died. May you rest in peace Gracie-j. But I’m a bit curious, when Ransom realized that he was but a fictional character in a book, how did he carry on and be only 75% as bad after that? I feel like that would be quite a devastating experience, that would lead to a lot of complications.


                      Derrick sounds like a really interesting character! Which one of your stories is he from?

                        • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                        • Total Posts: 32

                        @ kathleenramm

                        I tagged “Gollum” in my reply to this post; I guess that’s why it’s showing up!

                        Alexa Autorski
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1011


                          Thank you! He’s from my current fantasy WIP, the twin brother of my main character. He’s one of my favorite characters from my book.

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 635


                            Haha, yeah, that makes sense. XD


                            Cool! How long have you been working on that WIP?


                            Alexa Autorski
                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1011


                              Well, that’s a little difficult to say… Maybe a year? I’ve sort of had these characters in mind for maybe two or three years, though. I’m hoping to finally finish it by the end of 2021! *fingers crossed*

                              Linyang Zhang
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1700

                                @kathleenramm “The mysteries of the forum”…that sounds like something I could get into haha! Lovely scenario, by the way!

                                Aw, I hope you get your money back! But I hope you had fun, at least!

                                That sounds really nice! I get what you’re feeling!

                                Oo, that sounds fun! It’s always nice to interact with people different from you!

                                @gracie-j Oh, wow, that was a disastrous ending! XD At least he ended up being…less bad?

                                Oo, that’s cool! Going into your own world!

                                Nice, I loved that interaction!

                                Lately, it's been on my brain
                                Would you mind letting me know
                                If hours don't turn into days

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6699

                                  @kathleenramm Okay, 1, that shows sounds AWESOME!! And 2, that also happens in Story Thieves (a series I totally recommend)


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