Writing Romance

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      Thank you SOOO much! And yes, it made perfect sense!

      My MC does often get annoyed at him (actually they both get annoyed with each other and are often very sarcastic). But even so, they would risk themselves for each other and have several times.
      And I love the cat-and-mouse idea, I can totally see them doing that:) And about how outside forces can affect how they see each other.

      All of this is so super genius and helpful! Thank you!

      (Keaton and Daisy’s story sounds incredibly interesting by the way).

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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        @abigail-m *wipes sweat from brow* *sighs dramatically* First off all, I’m glad that made sense. 😉 Second of all, YAY!!! Thank you, and I’m so glad (I’m finding a need another word for glad…any suggestions?) that helps!

        I think the cat-and-mouse would probably work best in your situation, so I’m glad (see? There I go again…I feel like Pollyanna) you like that!

        It is interesting, to say the least. They may be interesting, but they’re driving me bananas! No one said it was going to be this hard! Save me!!!!! *clears throat* Thank you!

          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
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          Thank you for sharing your expertise! This is quite a helpful topic 😀

          So, I don’t have quite a hate-to-love romance, but I have something close. I raise you the situation my poor characters are in:

          Tin (who is a brand-new queen) and Rand are about to get married (for strictly royal/political alliance reasons)

          Rand, who has Not Been A Fan Of The Idea Since the Beginning, mysteriously disappears without a trace.

          Rand’s brother freaks out and decides that, since the political alliance really needs to happen ASAP, magically disguises his indentured servant, Arvi, as Rand, hoping against hope that Rand will show up in a few days.

          Rand does NOT show up, and Arvi-in-disguise signs all the legal alliance documents in his place. Also, Arvi-NOT-in-disguise and Tin do not get along At All. (Tin is a very sweet, very scared kind of girl and Arvi is Bitter and Sarcastic. Plus, Arvi is really only in it for himself–he made a bargain for his freedom out of the whole arrangement)

          So, obviously, there eventually will be a big reveal that “hey, I’m actually not the person I’ve been pretending to be,” but I’m a bit hard-pressed as to when in the novel I should put it. (It’s going to be a duology, and I originally planned for the reveal to happen as one of the last things in the first book.) Any thoughts on the situation? I know it’s not exactly a romance, so do forgive me if I’m in the wrong spot. I do have plans for Arvi to stop just caring about himself, if that helps. Again, it’s not like an actual marriage–more of an extremely formal engagement than anything else.

          (This all makes more sense in my head than perhaps it does on paper; hopefully it makes some semblance of sense. :P)

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Elizabeth.

          “Seven seconds till the end. Time enough for you. Perhaps. But what will you do with it?”

            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1789

            @lewilliams Firstly, I want to wish you a happy (early or late) anniversary!

            Secondly, you do make some sense, in fact. 😉 I would suggest maybe adding just a teensy tiny bit of romance (maybe), but that’s just me. You do have a great situation in which to incorporate it. However, should you decide not to, then that would still work. Your question is when you should reveal Arvi’s real identity, correct? Well, it all depends, I think, on what is set to happen in Book 2. If you have several events and evil schemes and such and all planned, then I would definitely have the reveal at the end of Book 1 and make all these characters work together in Book 2, despite how much they (probably) all hate each other at this point. Catch my drift?

            If you don’t have much going on in Book 2 (by things happening, I mean some giant inciting incident within the first several chapters), then you might want to wait until halfway through #2…but, then again, at the end of #1 really sounds the best to me. You know, cliffhangers and suspense and all.

            Question: Who ends up marrying who? I mean, don’t spoil anything, but if they find Rand and he and Tin end up getting married, you’ll have a whole ‘nother story on your hands than if Arvi ends up sticking around. (Which might not be a half bad idea. You know, he and Tin fall in love, he realizes he can do something to help/save somebody else, love triumphs over evil, yadda yadda yadda…) I’m not entirely certain what all you have planned, so it’s up to you.

            I do think you’ve got a lot of potential for a fantastic hate-to-love romance, if you wanted to go that route.

            I hope that helps, at least in some way. I would definitely say to have the big reveal at the end of the first book, and then just make sure you’ve got a lot to carry you through the next book with all that drama out of the way. Capisce?

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1242


              Maybe you could have it so the secret is almost revealed at the end of book one, but something happens and Arvie changes his mind. Then a little way into the second book, he is forced to admit the truth (or by his own will).
              It’s just a thought.

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