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  • #151343
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3806


      Oh cool, does your sister write too? Is she on here (and I am unfortunately ignorant of her existence)?


      Okay okay… XD So, um, first off, I am no expert when it comes to worldbuilding, so take my process with a grain of salt. Actually, a whole box of salt, the kind you sprinkle on roads during the winter.

      I take my characters, and develop their aesthetics – then try to create actual world-wide reasons as to why they have those traits and quirks. Then the rest of my worldbuilding branches from there.

      So for example I really enjoyed the color symbolism in my head, and I wanted Calvin’s theme colors to be blue and orange. The best way I could figure that out was to make him half-and-half (…not the milk), with the flower symbols Violet, and Tiger Lily.

      What kind of feelings do you get from those colors? Blue seems to suggest academics, sadness, delicacy, and a bit of wrongness. Tiger Lily? Warmth, spunk, and familiarity. Aaaaaaand that’s how I decided the personality traits of the actual Houses!

      So it just builds from there. By exploring random details, you might find something really interesting.

      I don’t really know your story too well… maybe Tirion has a leather satchel – and for some reason, that’s a really important part of his overall look. Maybe leather satchels are actually a super cool part of the world. Minstrels and merchants each have their own satchel, and the leather is from a magical creature. It actually records the owner’s travels in the cracks and wrinkles of the leather. Maybe those creased wrinkles make up a map, and if you put a pin on your satchel, it magically moves along with you on your journey, like a compass.

      Another thing I like to do is have these random, seemingly unrelated concepts – random things I like in daily life – and try to find unique connections between them.

      So I have flower people… what does that have to do with Marcel’s species, the angelic Guardians?


      It’s that concept of multiple facets or petals coming together in the center. Both flowers and my species of Guardians have this aspect. It’s actually going to be a huge part of the plot.

      What other things can I connect that concept to? Snowflakes, sea creatures, triplets…

      It’s all about connecting things.


      I haven’t drawn a map yet. Other authors find it helpful to do so, and I’m probably going to make one once I figure out the nature of the land and animals. I guess we can discover that together, yeah?


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3806


        So what are your people groups like? Where does Tirion belong? I’m curious, since I don’t know much about your project. Tell me about it, please!


          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1308


          Okay, just wanted to say I’m not ignoring you XD

          Since you asked that I’ve been typing everything out and have been very inspired, sooo…. hopefully you’ll actually get to hear about this soon

          I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3806


            Great, and good luck!! (And I didn’t think you were ignoring me 😉)


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