WIP: Let There Be Light, Book 1 of The Flames of Hope Trilogy

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    Ellette Giselle
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1072

      @savannah_grace2009 @linus-smallprint @theshadow

      here is the next section!


      Aaron related the tale of the creation of the world, the beginning of sin and the promise of a Savior.

      The people listened in spellbound silence. As Aaron continued, he became more relaxed. He forgot about the threat that hung over Turin and himself. He spoke the words given to him with strength and boldness. When he finished, the place became a noise of questions, comments, and exclamations.

      Aaron glanced at Turin, who was nodding and smiling. He spotted Sabina standing in the background, a scowl on her face. Soon the crowd began shouting questions at Aaron.

      “How do you know this is true?”

      “Why would your God be a God for us too? Isn’t He just the God of the Vendailiains?”

      “Are you sure He died for everyone and not just those of the past?”

      “Can he save us from the Empire?”

      “What would one have to do to earn this salvation?”

      Every time Aaron began to answer one question, three more would be shouted at him. Turin leapt up beside him. “Quiet!” he shouted and the noise died away. “One at a time,” commanded Turin, as if he was a father reprimanding insistent toddlers.

      So, one by one, the people asked their questions, and one at a time Aaron answered them. This lasted all morning, well past lunch, and into the late afternoon. Turin walked among the crowd, answering what questions he could, and giving his personal testimony; telling what Christ had done for him and the freedom he had found.

      At last, toward supper time, Turin came to Aaron’s side. Aaron was slightly pale and looked exhausted, but he was still standing and speaking to the crowd. “Aaron, come here,” Turin said. As always, his tone offered no room for argument. Aaron stepped down and stood in front of him. “Aaron, you are coming to the tavern right this minute and getting something to eat. Don’t argue with me. You’ll do us no good if you drop.”

      Aaron nodded wearily, and Turin turned to the crowd. “Listen everyone! Aaron is going to get something to eat, and you are going to leave him alone while he does. Then, when he is done, he might talk with you again, but he needs a rest. Think about what he has told you, talk about it among yourselves, but leave Aaron alone.”

      With that, he grabbed Aaron’s arm firmly and led him through the crowd. The people parted like waves around a rock when they saw Turin’s stern expression.

      Aaron suddenly realized how exhausted he was. It seemed all the weight, fatigue, and hunger from the day crashed down on him, and he stumbled under it’s blow. As Aaron tripped and staggered to regain his balance, the people around suddenly seemed to realize that he was someone like them, and they saw how tired he was. Several of the young men hurried forward to help him up while others cleared a path, and the tavern-keeper, his wife, and several other women all ran ahead to the tavern to prepare him a meal.

      When Aaron and his escort arrived, the smell of food was already filling the room. Turin and another young man helped him to a chair, and Aaron collapsed wearily into it. Turin turned and nodded to the young men before backing them out of the room. He closed the door firmly and leaned against it, letting out a deep breath. He looked over at Aaron. “You’ve got remarkable strength to keep it up that long.”

      “What do you mean?” asked Aaron.

      “We got here just after five in the morning. You have been up there speaking, answering questions, and helping the people for fourteen hours straight without a single brake. I’m shocked that you didn’t collapse sooner.”

      Aaron smiled wearily. “God gave me the strength I needed while I needed it.”

      Turin crossed to the window and looked out. “There are armed men standing in the street outside. I don’t think they trust us fully.”

      Aaron sat up straight, a worried expression on his face. “I should go back out there.”

      “Oh no you don’t,” retorted Turin. “You stay put.”

      Aaron looked about uneasily. “Turin, do you think they believed what I told them?”

      “Several were mots certainly touched by your words,” replied Turin, coming and sitting down at the table. “They are suspicious, but I don’t think they’ll do anything tonight.”

      The tavern-keeper’s wife came in at that moment with a basin of water and a cloth. Aaron thanked her and gratefully washed the sweat and dust from his face, arms and hands. Three village women soon brought two large bowls of soup, a loaf of fresh bread and a plate of cold meat for Aaron and Turin. Then the tavern keeper brought a huge pitcher of cold cider and two tankards. They all nodded to Turin and thanked for coming Aaron before leaving the room.

      Turin raised an eyebrow. “They certain appreciate what you’ve done.”

      The two prayed over the meal and were about to begin when Turin suddenly jumped up. “Sabina! I forgot she’s still out there! Don’t wait!” he called over his shoulder as he bolted for the door.

      Aaron had no intention of eating without his friend, so he waited.

      It was about twenty minutes later when Turin came back. He sat down beside Aaron and let out a sigh.

      “What’s wrong?” asked Aaron.

      “Sabina,” replied Turin. “She’s angry with me. She won’t come and says she’s staying with a friend and to leave her alone. She called me a fool for invoking protector’s rights.”

      Aaron placed a hand on Turin’s shoulder. “I’m sure she’s upset about what happened. She loves you, Turin. To lose you for the sake of a stranger would be terrible for her. All we can do is pray for her.”

      Turin nodded and the two bowed their heads. “Father, please bring Sabina to You, soften her heart and lead her to the truth,” said Aaron.

      “Father please bring my little sister to You. Show me what to do!” pleaded Turin. “I don’t know how to reach her, God. She’s the dearest thing to me in all the world. Please help me!”

      When they finished praying, they began to eat.

      “I told you not to wait,” scolded Turin.

      Aaron grinned.

      When they had eaten and rested a few minutes. “So, how long have we got to wait until we know what will happen?” asked Aaron.

      Turin thought for a moment. “I would say all night. They’ll be thinking, discussing what you told them, and the men will be in counsel.”

      “And in the morning?”

      “In the morning they will either let us go, or we will die in the village square,” replied Turin.

      Aaron got up.

      “Where are you going?” asked Turin.

      “Back out there,” said Aaron. “The people need to know the truth, and if one person is willing to listen then I will not rest until he or she hears what they need to hear.”

      Aaron was out the door before Turin could stop him. Turin scrambled up and ran after him. He found Aaron standing on the step, the people already pelting him with questions. Turin came and shouted close to Aaron’s ear to be heard above the noise. “Aaron this is madness, make them wait until morning! You’ll be out here all night!”

      Aaron looked at him soberly. “When tomorrow comes I may not have the chance. If I am going to die tomorrow, then I will reach every person I can before that time.”

      They made there way to the village square and several men and boys turned a cart upside down for Aaron to stand on. Torches and lanterns where lit, and the people gathered around to listen and ask questions. Aaron smiled down at them, his heart going out to each one. He bowed his head, and the crowd grew quiet. “Father, give me strength and help my voice to last through the night. Touch the hearts of the people and speak through me.” He raised his head and looked out across the crowd.

      The questions began, and Aaron set to work.

      Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 305


        He is lol.

        This section was good, Aaron has a lot of guts to go do that. Man, 14 hours?! And Turin’s such a good friend. I don’t think I have any critiques for this one.

        "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

        Ellette Giselle
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1072


          Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

          I’ll send another in a sec.

          So, who is your favorite between them? Aaron or Turin?

          Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 305


            Ack, that’s hard. I like both a lot. *Dramatic sign*… probably Turin, I like his rash behavior a little more. Aaron’s great too though.

            "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

            Ellette Giselle
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1072


              I have a lot of friends who like Turin best. Aaron will always be my dear boy though. I poured so much into him, that I will forever love him the most.

              Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

              Ellette Giselle
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1072


                here is the next section!

                The sun was rising early the next morning, warming the earth and casting light over the scene in the square. Turin was sitting on the ground asleep, his head leaning against the overturned wagon. Others were asleep in the square, but many more where still awake, listening to, and asking questions, of Aaron. All night he had stayed outside, speaking and answering the questions of the villagers. Now as the sun rose, those who had fallen asleep began to wake. Turin looked about groggily in the sunlight and then started to his feet. “Aaron!” he exclaimed. “Have you been out here all night?”

                Aaron nodded and held out a hand for quiet while he finished talking with a young man. “So, Aaron, is there something that Christians do as… as a sign to the world of their belief” the villager was asking.

                “Yes,” Aaron replied. “The way you live will show the world who you belong to. They will know you by your deeds. But, there is baptism. Baptism is a symbol of your choice; a public confession to the world. Romans 6:3-5 explains it this way ‘Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? We were buried therefore with Him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with Him in a death like His, we shall certainly be united with Him in a resurrection like His.’ Ephesians 4:4-7 says ‘There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift.” You see, baptism is a sign; a symbol. It represents that you have died to the world and are alive in Christ, and symbolizes that you have all been baptized into one faith, one union, and one family.”

                “How could someone become baptized? What is it, what does one do?” asked Turin.

                “Baptism means to wash, to be immersed, to be sanctified. A new convert is taken to a place where there is water and there they are baptized,” explained Aaron. “Baptism will not give you special powers, it is only a sign and it only matters if those who are baptized have given themselves to Christ. He alone can give strength for whatever you will face.”

                “I believe Aaron,” said Turin. “I wish to show that to the whole world, I wish to make a public confession of my faith.” He turned to face his people. “Today I want to publicly confess Christ as my Lord!” he called out. “I am His, no matter what danger comes of it.”

                Aaron felt overwhelmed with joy seeing such faith in his friend. Turin turned to him. “Come to the river, Aaron.”

                Together Aaron and Turin walked through the village and the people followed, calling through windows or waking those who slept, telling them to come and see what was to occur.

                They came outside of the village and walked to the banks of a wide river that sparkled in the sunlight. Aaron kicked his boots off and waded out into the water. Turin pulled off his own boots and followed.

                The cool water flowed gently around them and the soft sand at the bottom of the river was soothing to Aaron’s sore feet. He paused when the water was up to his waist and turned to face his friend. “Turin, are you willing to make a confession of faith before your village to serve and follow Christ, following Him be Lord of your life and confessing Him as the one and only God?”

                “I am,” replied Turin, eagerly.

                “Will you serve Him and no other, staying true to Him until death?” asked Aaron.

                “Yes,” replied Turin. “I will never serve another.”

                Aaron put one hand on Turin’s back and the other against his chest. Turin laid his right hand over Aaron’s and covered his nose and mouth with the other. bringing it to his chest. “Are you ready?” asked Aaron.

                Turin nodded, his eyes shining.

                Aaron spoke in a loud voice so all could hear. “Turin, as a sign of your confession and covenant, I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Turin closed his eyes as Aaron lowered him under the water. He pulled him back up and Turin sucked in a deep breath, laughing with excitement and joy. Aaron embraced his friend, laughing with him. He stepped back and placed his hands on Turin’s shoulders. “You have died to sin and are a new creation in Christ, go now and live for Him.”

                The two of them splashed ashore and stood barefoot on the bank, laughing together as they rang the water from their clothing.

                The people of the village stood a ways back, watching with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. They whispered amongst themselves and gestured to the two young men.

                Turin looked up and froze. Aaron followed his line of sight and saw the Village Headman and several armed men making their way down the sloping grass to the sandy bank of the river. “Oh Lord,” breathed Aaron.

                The smile had left Turin’s face and he watched the approaching men in silence, a flicker of fear in his eyes.

                There was a scuffling sound from the crowd and Aaron looked in the direction of the sound. Sabina broke lose and came flying toward her brother, her hair falling lose about her shoulders. She threw herself against Turin and held him tightly, hiding her face against his shoulder. Turin put an arm about Sabina and pulled her close. He and Aaron watched as the men came to a stop.

                The Village Headman raised a hand and the crowd fell instantly silent. “Turin, son of Alvar, and Aaron of Vendailia, the counsel has come to a decision.”

                Aaron felt his mouth go dry and he glanced at Turin. Sabina was clinging to her brother, her fingers white as they clutched his shirt.

                “After many hours of listening to your words, observing your actions, and speaking together, the counsel has come to a conclusion,” continued the Headman. “Aaron Dalvarian is indeed Vandalian.”

                Aaron let out a breath of relief and Turin relaxed. Laughing shakily he hugged his sister tightly.

                The Village Headman raised his hand. “Aaron, you will be welcomed here as a guest, which is a rare honor among our people.”

                Aaron nodded, a laugh slipping from him.”

                “Turin, you and your sister can also stay in the inn free of charge as long as Aaron remains here with us.”

                “Thank you sir,” replied Turin.

                “And Aaron,” added the Headman. “We would like you to continue to tell us about your God.”

                Aaron nodded. “I will sir. Gladly.”

                The man turned and walked back up the bank.

                Turin laughed in relief. He cupped his sister’s face in his hands and looked down at her. “Sabina, do you see now the power of God? Look how he protected us!”

                Sabina pulled free and shoved him away. Now that her fear had dissipated, her anger returned two-fold. “You are all wet, and now you have soaked my dress!” she cried angrily. “Turin, I don’t know what has gotten into you, but you need to stop!”

                Turin, though surprised, spoke gently. “Sabina––”

                “Don’t Sabina me!” she shot back. “You have been acting like a fool, Turin! What in the world has come over you? How could you invoke protector’s rights for him?” She said, pointing angrily at Aaron.

                “Sabina, Aaron and I are friends, and what’s more, we are brothers,” explained Turin.

                Sabina’s lip began to tremble. “I am your sister by blood! How could you chose him over me?”

                “I didn’t chose him over you,” replied Turin. “He needed my help. I would have done the same for you.”

                Tears filled Sabina’s eyes. “You would have given your life for him and left me alone.”

                “Sabina, I love you dearly,” said Turin. “That is why I long for you to find the Savior who brought me from death into life! He saved me, Sabina. He died for me. And he did the same for you.”

                Two tears spilled down Sabina’s cheeks.

                Turin reached out to wipe them away, but Sabina slapped his hand away. “Don’t touch me!” she said through her teeth.

                She spun and glared at Aaron. “You’ve gotten far more then you deserve, stranger,” she spat. “Turin’s life is far more valuable then yours. Don’t abuse his gift.” With that she gathered up her skirts and ran up the hill back toward the village.



                Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                Ellette Giselle
                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1072

                  @savannah_grace2009 @linus-smallprint

                  I just realized I haven’t tagged y’all on the last sections I posted. So, they’re up above. 😀

                  Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                  Linus Smallprint
                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 395


                    I was wondering when the next part was coming…

                    Turin, though surprised, spoke gently. “Sabina––”

                    “Don’t Sabina me!”

                    This made me laugh.

                    I am curious to see where this is going. Right now, the village seems more curious than anything, and I wonder if Sabina will turn most of them against Aaron. I suspect she will eventually be saved herself, but it might take some time.

                    Ellette Giselle
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1072



                      Ah, yeah, I posted it several days ago and was like, “wonder where everyone is….” then I realized I didn’t tag y’all. lol.


                      Haha, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Sabina…. poor girl. You can see she loves her brother dearly, and she was very frightened for him. But, she also feels betrayed. Poor thing, she’s so tangled up inside.


                      Let me go get the next section.

                      Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                      Ellette Giselle
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1072

                        K y’all, here’s the next part. @linus-smallprint @savannah_grace2009 @theshadow

                        As Aaron stood and spoke to the people, he knew this time something was different. He could feel the Lord working among them, and he could see in their expressions that their eyes were being opened.

                        By noon, several villagers had come to faith, and once it started, it didn’t seem like it was going to stop. Aaron returned to the river, and there he baptized the new believers, rejoicing at the work the Lord was doing. To the surprise of all present, and to Aaron’s great joy, the village headman and his family came to faith that day and were baptized.

                        It was early evening before the last believer had been baptized. Aaron was amazed to find almost the entire village had believed. What a drastic change had taken place over the last few days. They had gone from wanting to kill him, to suspicious curiosity, and now faith in Christ.

                        Aaron staggered slowly from the water and leaned on the arm Turin offered. “I can’t believe it,” exclaimed Turin. “Look at my village!”

                        “God be praised,” agreed Aaron. “I wish my father and sister could see this. Look at the wonders God has done!”

                        Turin slapped him lightly on the back. “Now it is time for you to rest,” he said. “You have only had one meal and no sleep since early yesterday morning.”

                        Aaron nodded slowly. “But look what God has done! I could want nothing more then to be used by Him to accomplish such wonderful things. Just a few days ago I was crying out to Him in despair, wondering if anyone would ever believe or if it was all in vain, but now look! I will never doubt Him again!”

                        Turin smiled and guided Aaron to the village square where a feast was being laid and calibrations were starting. Aaron sank down in an honored place on the bench at the head table, and Turin sat down beside him. In vain Aaron looked for Sabina among those gathered, but she was nowhere to be seen.

                        “Aaron, say a blessing for us,” urged Turin.

                        Aaron grabbed the table and pushed himself up. For a moment a wave of dizziness passed over him and his vision blurred. He steadied himself and looked at the gathered people. “Let us give thanks for this meal, and for the work of the Lord in this village.” Aaron bowed his head, and those gathered followed suit. “Father God, thank you for what you have done! Thank you for touching the hearts of these people, thank You for sending Your Son to die so that we might live! Oh Lord we praise You! We praise Your Holy Name and we thank You for what You have done. It is You alone who have saved these people. Thank you Lord, for blessing us with this meal tonight. Bless those who prepared it and those who worked to provide it. Bless this village Lord. Keep us close to You and fill us with Your spirit. Amen.”

                        Aaron looked up, and his eye was drawn to the low roof of a building across the square. Sabina was sitting there all alone, her arms wrapped around her up-drawn knees.

                        The women were beginning to serve the meal and laughter and talk filled the square. Aaron stepped away from the table and turned. Turin reached out and grabbed his arm. “Where are you going?”

                        “I’ll be right back,” replied Aaron.

                        Turin stood up, but Aaron shook his head. “This is something I need to do alone. Trust me.”

                        Turin slowly sat back down, watching Aaron with knitted brows.

                        Aaron moved away and began working his way through the crowd. He was feeling more then a little dizzy now, and he had a horrible headache. Two days of speaking without food or sleep was begin to take it’s toll. Aaron made it to the building where Sabina was. He looked around for how she had gotten up there. Spotting a barrel, he stepped up on top of it and pulled himself up onto the roof.

                        Sabina started and then glared furiously at him.

                        Aaron sat near the edge of the roof and faced her. “Sabina, come and join us.”

                        “No,” she replied angrily.


                        “I don’t want to.”

                        Aaron was filled with pity for this lost girl. Lord, help me reach her! “What is holding you back Sabina? Why can’t you let yourself be loved and lead by Christ? Why can’t you give yourself to Him and become free from worldly fears?”

                        Sabin a looked away, resting her head on her knees. Tears filled her eyes and slid down her cheeks. Aaron carefully moved closer, as if trying to befriend a shy doe, aware that the wrong move would scare her. “Sabina,” he said gently. “Give yourself to God, let Him care for you. Follow Him and become free.”

                        Sabina looked at him, her large eyes filled with fear and disbelief, but also a spark of hope and longing. Suddenly her countenance hardened and she turned away. “Go away Aaron Dalvarian, go and join your friends. Leave me in peace.”

                        “You have no peace,” said Aaron, quietly.

                        “Just go away” yelled Sabina. “Leave me alone! You’ve done enough! Just go!”

                        Aaron hesitated and then nodded, knowing he could not force her salvation. Father help her, he pleaded. Aaron swung down off the roof to the street below.

                        This last conversation had taken all his strength, and he hardly made it back to the table where Turin waited. He ate some, but he was too tired to really taste it.

                        Leaning his arms on the table he wearily rested his head on them. He could see the people eating in fellowship together, and he could hear their laughter. The joy that flooded the village square was rich and filled with Christ’s Spirit. Aaron closed his eyes, finally able to rest after completing the task the Lord had given him.

                        Aaron did not wake when Turin lifted him up and carried him to a room in the tavern, where he laid him on the bed the tavern-keeper’s wife had prepared.

                        Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2535


                          I love these scenes! You’re very talented, and I can see you have a passion for sharing Jesus through your writing! Keep it up!

                          Sabina is my favorite! 💗 (I also love her name)

                          LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                          Ellette Giselle
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1072



                            Thank you so much!

                            You like Sabina? Do you see redemption in her, or are you just hoping?

                            Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2535


                              I don’t see either, to be honest XD

                              I see myself in her. I love her personality and…idk, I just want to give her a hug, the poor girl 😭💔💗💗

                              LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 2535

                                I’m just waiting for you to go to my WIP page and freak out XD XD

                                LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                                Ellette Giselle
                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1072


                                  Aw, that’s so sweet. It’s always so fun to find a character you can relate to!


                                  Ah, thanks for the heads up! I’ll go see right now.

                                  Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

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