WIP: Let There Be Light, Book 1 of The Flames of Hope Trilogy

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      Yeah, I know.

      That’s why I think we’re kind of done XD XD I did NOT mean for this to get blown up like this…

      LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        You don’t have to answer anything I said…we can be done lol

        I swear I wasn’t trying to argue…

        Sara just gets confused and carried away sometimes so I’m sorry :/

        LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3144

          Yeah I don’t want to talk about this anymore, Ellette clearly doesn’t want to discuss it 😅

          it’s Ellette’s story, and she can do whatever she wants

          I agree. LTBL is fine, the marriage bit is just a part of it anyway.

          I think what I’m trying to ask, is what don’t you agree with in what we’ve said and why don’t you believe it? I’m not trying to be judgmental, I just like listening to other perspectives and this whole conversation intrigues me XD

          Same here. I want to understand, even if I don’t agree :’) So far I haven’t heard reasoning for a young marriage that counter-balances what we’ve mentioned. I’m just very confused, I guess. And just generally concerned with the idea.

          I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. But I didn’t want to ignore what was said. I felt it was better to point out, instead of ignoring it. I’ve had conversations with multiple people from different backgrounds, and we tend to leave with more perspective than when we came. That was part of my intention, but I guess many people don’t have the same.

          I also thought… the whole point of Aaron and Sabina was to discuss marriage? So we should talk about it? …I felt like… …idk :/

          I think this needs to end.

          *Promptly heads out*

          • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by whaley.

          “Everything is a mountain”

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2535

            I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. But I didn’t want to ignore what was said. I felt it was better to point out, instead of ignoring it. I’ve had conversations with multiple people from different backgrounds, and we tend to leave with more perspective than when we came. That was part of my intention, but I guess many people don’t have the same.

            Yeah. me too.

            *Promptly heads out*

            heads out too (:

            LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

            Ellette Giselle
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1087

              @keilah-h @savannah_grace2009 @whalekeeper


              ok, to start off, I am eighteen. I have already received, (or rather my dad received) a request to court me from a young man. This didn’t go anywhere for reasons I don’t feel like I needed to share. However, age has nothing to do with it.

              To continue, twelve was the marrying age of medieval girls who were royals. 14-18 for peasants. This was because the average person did not live past their thirties in those days. I felt like 17 was a perfectly reasonable age to go with because it wouldn’t be a huge shock like 14 or something like that.

              now, as for young marriage. Young marriage is supported by my parents, by the books I have read, and by my church. 90% of my church couples were married straight after highschool. Those marriages have lasted YEARS!! One couple married a week after Highschool graduation is celebrating their 69th anniversary. Another who did the same thing will celebrate their 57th.

              the age that you marry does not induce divorce. Sin does. You cannot blame youth for the problems in marriage. It is not young age that I have seen threaten marriage, it has been refusal to repent of sin. I have seen more young marriages flourish than not. And it’s not because they married young. It’s because God is the center of their marriage and they love Him more than they love each other. When that changes, things go down hill.

              I feel like you two have yet to support your ideas any differently than I have supported mine.

              Also, waiting so long is a newer thing supported by the idea that a woman needs a career before marriage.

              Also, I have read tones of stuff and listened to tones of things from pastors and people I trust who support young marriage over waiting.

              however, as has been said several times, I don’t think this is the place to be discussing this.

              As for fixing things, Sara, I have gone through a lot of verbal abuse from people, (especially girls) because I am WAITING to enter a relationship until I am of marrying age, and God shows me and my folks that this young man is worth entering a relationship with for the purpose of marriage. My hope and prayer is to never court a guy that does not end up becoming my husband. However courtship does involve getting to know the guy, and he may not be the right one.

              I just go through a lot (especially since I am now the only single girl left in my church so I feel kinda alone) my peers who are not from church certainly do and say a lot of mean things because I’m not dating. Soooo, I guess I kinda felt attacked because that’s normal.

              im sorry if I overreacted in any way. However, I kinda feel like this conversation is pointless because I’m not going to change the book on this point.

              Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4721

                @ellette-giselle Considering that you are 18 and fine with early marriage, I trust you when you write about that stuff. I now know you’re not just a 14-year-old thinking that 17-year-olds are super mature compared to you.


                You don’t need to change the story in any way. It’s your story, and like I said, my mom was married at 17 and her relationship with my dad is perfectly stable and fine. It’s just that as a 17-year-old myself I was a little iffy on the topic. The concept of physical intimacy, even in the context of marriage, honestly grosses me out and scares me more than I think it should at this point in my life, and I take that as a sign that I’m not mentally ready for that (and what with my mental and sensory problems, I may never be). I was sure most people were like that, but it seems that’s more of a me thing, another one of my mental quirks. If your character’s ready, and considering she most likely lacks my neurodivergency and whatnot, I’d say she should go for it.


                also married at 12???? What the heck??? Like I do get 17 or 16 or even 15 (that’s stretching it but whatever) but when you’re 12 you’ve barely started your growth spurt! You’ve barely hit puberty! Living only to 35 would not be an excuse for me to marry and have a bunch of children when I’m not much bigger than a child myself. (I’m not saying you believe that or anything, I just think people in the past were going wayyyy too far with that lol)

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3144


                  I don’t think young marriage is a sin! I acknowledge that young marriages can work well, as shown by Keilah’s existence XD Nor did I say young age induces divorce. I’m saying we shouldn’t blindly advertise young people to marry when there are potential emotional ramifications. I personally believe those challenges are better faced when you have properly emotionally prepared yourself.

                  Also, waiting so long is a newer thing supported by the idea that a woman needs a career before marriage.

                  Similarly, you could say getting married right away is an older thing supported by the idea that a woman needs to be married before she can live substantially or have any purpose in life.

                  I just wanted to make sure we are clear, young marriage needs to be considered thoroughly before happening. God made teenagers the way he did, and we shouldn’t just marry them off because that was the cultural norm in ancient Israel 😅

                  Anyway, I can see why Aaron and Sabina might get married younger due to the medieval setting. If Sabina has had the same interest in Aaron, sure, send them down the aisle 😂 You can do whatever you want with your story and LTBL is not bad for including a young marriage. I just wanted to understand what your standpoint is, since to me at least, age is not just a number.

                  “Everything is a mountain”

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2535


                    I never meant to say that I didn’t approve of young marriage! I meant that I think it shouldn’t be taken lightly. I agree with Whaley that it is not a sin, it just needs to be well thought out.

                    Young age does NOT cause divorce. I meant to say that if you are married young on impulse and you didn’t think it through, then it’s easier for things to go wrong. But if two people love God and are confident that this is what He has for them, then that is PERFECTLY OKAY and getting married young is totally fine!


                    I just wanted to make sure we are clear, young marriage needs to be considered thoroughly before happening. God made teenagers the way he did, and we shouldn’t just marry them off because that was the cultural norm in ancient Israel

                    I second that!

                    As for fixing things, Sara, I have gone through a lot of verbal abuse from people, (especially girls) because I am WAITING to enter a relationship until I am of marrying age, and God shows me and my folks that this young man is worth entering a relationship with for the purpose of marriage. My hope and prayer is to never court a guy that does not end up becoming my husband. However courtship does involve getting to know the guy, and he may not be the right one.

                    I just go through a lot (especially since I am now the only single girl left in my church so I feel kinda alone) my peers who are not from church certainly do and say a lot of mean things because I’m not dating. Soooo, I guess I kinda felt attacked because that’s normal.

                    I am so sorry! People are nasty :/ I totally relate to feeling alone though. I’m glad that you’re sticking to your beliefs though, and your convictions! <3 Girl I was NOT attacking you, I support you and think it’s amazing that you’re doing that!!! <333 and I’m soooo sorry that you have to go through that *hugs* you don’t deserve it and it’s so awful that people are hating on you simply because of something that God has called you to do/not do!!!!

                    Yes, your story is perfectly fine, especially considering the medieval setting!!!!! <3 (:

                    LEFSE FOREVER!!!!!! <333

                    Ellette Giselle
                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1087




                      im glad we’re all on the same page now.
                      I agree that you can’t pin marriage to an age. Marriage comes in God’s timing. However, I believe Aaron and Sabina are ready. Yes, they share affection, and they also have been seeing each other day in and day out for a year or more! Knowing someone so well like that and feeling God is telling you to move forward would be better to move and go then to wait and make things super awkward and have the suppressed affection getting in the way of what God is calling them to do. Ya know? Sabina and Aaron are my youngest couple, but I feel like their relationship is kinda different then others. After all, they are in a rare situation.

                      Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                      Ellette Giselle
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1087

                        @keilah-h @linus-smallprint

                        OK, I’m back. new section, and would really love feedback on this because It’s still in a stage where I would be wil;ling to change or tweak things.


                        It was a long week of prayer before Aaron spoke to Sabina about the idea of marriage. Sabina was very surprised, but Aaron had never seen her so joyfully since her baptism. She asked for time to pray and talk with some of the woman in the church and Alicia. Aaron agreed at once. Two weeks later, Sabina had her answer. She had viewed Aaron as her brother’s best friend, and after Turin died, she had been very grateful for Aaron’s protection. However, as time passed, Sabina had been drawn to him in a different way. Now she was certain it was a gentle prompting from the Lord, and she was ready to take the next step with Aaron. Together the two vowed to move forward in faith and to always keep God in the center of their relationship, and to seek His will rather then their own feelings and desires.

                        So the days passed, and the more Sabina and Aaron were together, the more they learned about one another, and the more they learned, the more sure they felt that God was calling them together. Never were the two alone, yet they did not need to be. Working and seeing one another in the presence of their friends was far better. This did not mean that there were not times when the two found time to talk together about important things, but they always made sure they were in a place where others could see them them. In this way, they kept themselves blameless, and eliminated the temptations that too easily arise when a young man and woman are left alone together. Especially, if the two care deeply for one another.

                        Sabina spent much time in prayer, and consulted the wisdom of friends who could see both sides of the relationship. Aaron did likewise. Together they worked, grew, and prayed. Through it all, they trusted God and waited for His guidance.

                        “Aaron, do you think we’ll stay in the city forever?”

                        Aaron glanced over at Sabina, who was washing dishes beside him. “I’m not sure. Why did you ask?”

                        Sabina handed Aaron a plate and picked up a dirty one. “Well, we’ve been trapped in the city for almost a year. The soldiers just go about causing trouble, and I’m afraid we won’t survive another winter. Already with this one the food is running low. With everyone in the city, there is no one to see to the farms.”

                        Aaron glanced through the doorway to where Joseph and a few of the other boys were tumbling about on the floor. They were very thin, and Aaron shook his head. “I don’t know Sabina. I don’t know. For some reason the soldiers want us contained in the city right now, and it may be that we will never get out.”

                        Sabina’s hands fell still and she leaned against the table where the washtub stood. “I miss the farm,” she whispered, tears glistening in her eyes.

                        Aaron reached out an arm to put about her, and then pulled back. He began fiddling with the cloth in his hand. “I miss the open country too,” he confessed. “I was raised in it, and I never had a liking for big cities.”

                        They were quite for a time, and then Sabina began her work again. Aaron took another plate from her and began drying it. “You know, Sabina, God has been teaching me to trust Him completely and unconditionally. Even when I can’t see a way through. Especially, when I can’t see a way through. Whatever is going to happen, He will be with us. I know it can be hard to remember that in times like this, but He is in control and He will never leave us.”

                        Sabina smiled up at him. “Thank you, Aaron.”

                        Aaron set the dry plate on top of the others and took a handful of spoons from Sabina. “Maybe there’s a reason we’re here. No, I know there’s a reason we are in the city.”

                        “Do… do you know what it is?” Sabina asked, hesitantly.

                        Aaron though for a moment as he dried the spoons. “Well, one thing I can think of would be the children. If we had gone straight back to your village they would be here all alone with no one to care for them.”

                        “Oh Aaron, I never thought of that!” exclaimed Sabina. “Oh you’re right! What would those poor little things do without us?”

                        “And the church could be another,” continued Aaron, eagerly. “If we had dispersed once again, I’m afraid many would have lost hope. I wouldn’t of been able to be in every place, and so many who had just heard the truth would never have the chance for those seeds to be tended. Now, there are many men in the church who are strong in the faith and would be ready to lead should we be separated.”

                        Sabina turned to face him, her eyes shining. “Aaron, how do you do it! You are so full of faith and God seems to just give you the answers to everything!”

                        Aaron laughed wryly and shook his head. “I don’t think you could be much farther from the truth.”

                        “What do you mean?” asked Sabina, her brown eyes wide with confusion.

                        Aaron turned and leaned against the table. “Sabina, I have a much easier time trusting God a leading other to do so when people are depending on me. When I’m alone…” Aaron sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Sabina, you don’t want to see it. I have been fighting my doubt so hard, but it always seems to win. Then I have to turn to God and beg Him to rescue me, because I failed again. I fight and fight, but I always lose and then He has to come and rescue me. It’s like I can never win.”

                        Sabina stood thinking about this for a few moments. Then, she looked up. “Maybe… Aaron, do you think that…” she trailed off.

                        “Go ahead,” Aaron encouraged.

                        “Well, do you think maybe the problem is in the way you view it. From what you said to me, I have the understanding that you fight your doubt as hard as you can, right?”

                        Aaron nodded.

                        “And then it always wins and God has to rescue you?”

                        Aaron nodded again.

                        “Have… have you ever thought about praying before you are under attack?”

                        Aaron looked up. “What do you mean?”

                        “Well, I know that when I’m struggling with sin in any shape or form, I have come to see that I can never win on my own. I just can’t do it. I’m not strong enough. Then, one evening, I started thinking about it like a battle. I was thinking about Turin, you see. He went out on those walls to fight for me, as my Champion against the enemy. I guess I just was thinking about how we are fighting in a battle too, but no one can see it. Jesus Christ already won the fight, but now the enemy is still trying to take us out. We can’t resist him, but he can’t resist Christ. So, I started thinking, what if I asked Jesus to fight for me, before the battle has even begun. Then, instead of having to fight a losing battle, I would have a champion who would stand and defend me and fight with me.” Sabina looked up at Aaron and blushed. “It’s a little bit silly I guess, but that’s how I like to think of it.”

                        “It’s not silly at all,” replied Aaron. “It’s a perfect way to think of it. I guess that thought never crossed me mind because I am the one who should be doing the fighting in war.”

                        “Yes, I guess it’s not the same for you,” replied Sabina, looking at the floor.

                        Aaron shook his head. “It is, and that’s what I’ve been blind too. God knew that, and I am sure He sent you to tell me this.”

                        Sabina smiled and tucked a lose wave of hair behind her ear. “Well, if you put it that way, I think God sent you to tell me about some of the reason’s He has us in the city.”

                        As the two turned back to work, Aaron glanced over at Sabina again. Thank You, Father, that we could both encourage each other in this time.

                        Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                        Linus Smallprint
                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 399


                          It was a long week of prayer before Aaron spoke to Sabina about the idea of marriage. Sabina was very surprised, but Aaron had never seen her so joyfully since her baptism. She asked for time to pray and talk with some of the woman in the church and Alicia. Aaron agreed at once. Two weeks later, Sabina had her answer. She had viewed Aaron as her brother’s best friend, and after Turin died, she had been very grateful for Aaron’s protection. However, as time passed, Sabina had been drawn to him in a different way. Now she was certain it was a gentle prompting from the Lord, and she was ready to take the next step with Aaron. Together the two vowed to move forward in faith and to always keep God in the center of their relationship, and to seek His will rather then their own feelings and desires.

                          I know I’m not much of a romance guy, but even I wanted to see this in developed scenes instead of a summary. I want to see the two of them fall in love, not just be told that it is happening. We have seen Aaron develop feelings for Sabine, but we have not seen much of her feelings for him.

                          (Also, you used woman in here when you should of used women)

                          “Well, I know that when I’m struggling with sin in any shape or form, I have come to see that I can never win on my own. I just can’t do it. I’m not strong enough. Then, one evening, I started thinking about it like a battle. I was thinking about Turin, you see. He went out on those walls to fight for me, as my Champion against the enemy. I guess I just was thinking about how we are fighting in a battle too, but no one can see it. Jesus Christ already won the fight, but now the enemy is still trying to take us out. We can’t resist him, but he can’t resist Christ. So, I started thinking, what if I asked Jesus to fight for me, before the battle has even begun. Then, instead of having to fight a losing battle, I would have a champion who would stand and defend me and fight with me.” Sabina looked up at Aaron and blushed. “It’s a little bit silly I guess, but that’s how I like to think of it.”

                          Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. – Matthew 26:41a

                          Question. Does Aaron, worrying that he will doubt, worry more and find himself doubting because he believes he will? (In other words, is he trying to be disciplined in fighting his worry, but forgetting to be dependant on God to help him (which seems quite likely since he is struggling with doubt itself))

                          Ellette Giselle
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1087



                            (In other words, is he trying to be disciplined in fighting his worry, but forgetting to be dependant on God to help him (which seems quite likely since he is struggling with doubt itself))

                            100% Yes.

                            I know I’m not much of a romance guy, but even I wanted to see this in developed scenes instead of a summary. I want to see the two of them fall in love, not just be told that it is happening. We have seen Aaron develop feelings for Sabine, but we have not seen much of her feelings for him.

                            Gah! I knew it! Ugh. I’m just so at a loss in how to step forward in this part because I have NO IDEA how a guy would be thinking during this time, and I have chosen top write the book from Aaron’s perspective!


                            Hmmm, Are there any scene that you really want. In other words, what would you like to read about that would make this section better? Any ideas? Help me please! lololol.


                            (Also, you used woman in here when you should of used women)

                            ah, thank you. I’ll fix that.

                            Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                            Linus Smallprint
                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 399


                              Gah! I knew it! Ugh. I’m just so at a loss in how to step forward in this part because I have NO IDEA how a guy would be thinking during this time, and I have chosen top write the book from Aaron’s perspective!

                              I’m sorry, I can’t help you much here. I’ve never done this. Maybe you could ask your dad?

                              Hmmm, Are there any scene that you really want. In other words, what would you like to read about that would make this section better? Any ideas? Help me please! lololol.

                              I would like the scene where Aaron goes up to Sabina and asks her about marriage and see the conversation they have.

                              Ellette Giselle
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1087


                                I’m sorry, I can’t help you much here. I’ve never done this. Maybe you could ask your dad?

                                Haha! Well I didn’t expect help on that part!! lol.


                                I would like the scene where Aaron goes up to Sabina and asks her about marriage and see the conversation they have.

                                Ugh. You would say you wanted me to write that scene.

                                Grrrr. Okay, I’ll try.



                                Riker dropped his voice to a soft whisper. “…I’m home.”

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4721

                                  @ellette-giselle ooh I’m glad you put the takeover-by-the-empire subplot back in. I was kinda wondering if you’d forgotten it lol

                                  I would agree with Linus that you probably should draw out the Aaron-Sabina marriage subplot a bit more. Right now it’s not clear if they’re married yet or not.

                                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

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