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  • #118725
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      @godlyfantasy12. AGHHHH!!!! JOCELYN!!!!! NYX!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! *sobs*

      AND YES, I WANNA HEAR ABOUT GRIMM!!! Oh, but first…*hugs Grimm tight* Okay, now you can tell me…

      I think this villain thing is breaking my heart…

      Really good tho. I love it! It just really shows how one moment can change everything, whether for better or worse.

      In this case…worse.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @freedomwriter76 @koshka okie dokie!

        So, for reference. Grimm is more of an Anti-hero then a villain here.


        Without Ara and November…

        Grimm never meets Jocelyn.


        And without the group…

        The rebellion falls.


        Kainda has won. Her kingdom is set in stone. She is Alpha queen now, and the rebels are under her hand now….


        Grimm is kept alive, though he wishes he were dead.

        Watching one by one as the remainder of his friends…. His family, is killed before his eyes.

        Because Kainda makes him watch….

        She wants him to suffer.

        And he does.

        Conan is the only one left alive from the rebellion- a young Omega. The one Grimm saved instead of his sister.

        The last remaining piece he has to her…besides the locket he keeps chained to his belt.

        He’s the only remaining family he has.

        But Kainda only keeps him alive as part of her game….

        Knowing it is what she can use to control Grimm…she forces him to be her right hand. Her best soldier.

        To do things that…

        He’d never do otherwise….

        To hunt.

        To kill….

        And it haunts him.

        But if he refuses….he knows that Conan will pay the price.

        Until one day….Kainda becomes bored, and the inevitable happens.

        He knew it was going to happen sooner or later….one day she’d grow tired of the last remaining Omega…she’d grow wanting for blood…for death.

        But he’d never been prepared for this…

        To find him…

        Like this….

        And now, Grimm’s alone.

        And nothing’s holding him back.

        It’s a suicide mission. But he doesn’t care. If he dies trying, it really doesn’t matter.

        He doesn’t have anything to live for anyway.

        But whatever happened, he’s going to kill Kainda.

        He’s going to take down her kingdom. 

        And he does.

        Slowly….slyly….he trains daily.

        Until finally….he destroys them.

        The kingdom is no more. Restored to it’s rightful owners-the people.



        But what of him?


        Bound by grief and anguish. Guilt, at the feeling that he was to blame…to blame for all the deaths…all the blood on his hands…

        No…he couldn’t live here anymore…not peaceably…

        So…where could he go?

        And it was, that day, Grimm vowed, he’d hunt down all those like Kainda….

        He’d bring swift, merciless justice.

        His justice.

        To all who wronged the innocent and the weak.

        No matter the cost.

        He’d be a hunter. A wolf….

        He’d never be the prey again.


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @godlyfantasy12. GRIMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! *sobs and hugs him tighter*

          THE POOR, PRECIOUS, SWEET BABY!!!!!!!! 

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            @freedomwriter76 yuuuup….gotta admit this is fun 🤣





            IT IS PAXTON!!!!!!!


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12NOT FOR MEEEEEEE!!!!!!

              NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! DON’T BREAK MY HEART AGAINNNNNNN!!!!!!!! (but oh, do tell)

              (btw, I’m about to start sharing about a new AU idea I HAVE!!!!)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. So…rather than a school AU, this one is a regular Modern AU. So…regular ages…but in a modern setting. So…where do we start? Let’s start with Leon this time!!!! (for info, they all live in a medium sized town/city. Not small and not big. In America. Still haven’t decided the state tho…XD)

                But anywho! Leon!

                A High School History teacher, Leon is around teenagers daily. It can get frustrating, but Leon loves to teach, and he loves History, his grandfather having fought in WWII.

                His mother died when he was 5 and his father died when he was 18.

                But out of the darkness, light came.

                He married Aadelheide.

                Now, they have three kids.

                Isabel, aged 6, Albert, 1, and Elias, only a few months old, but growing fast.

                They are very involved in their local church, and Aadelheide works as a nurse at the local hospital beside Esther, the head doctor.

                Yes, life couldn’t be better.

                And everything is perfect.

                Well…that is…



                until Isabel gets sick. 

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @koshka @freedomwriter76 hehehe *rubs hands together evilly* XD! In al seriousness I’ve been sooo excited about this one!!!

                  (also for reference, Kelpies in my series are pretty much Merfolk gone mad. So think like evil merfolk or how u would normally imagine sirens)



                  Ahhh Paxton….

                  Dearest, sweet Paxton

                  Without Arabella, no one was there to save you….

                  No one was there to stop your mother’s plot….

                  No one was there to rescue your innocent soul….

                  Cast away into the deep. Never to be seen again.

                  Sacrificed to the beast.

                  After all…it’s the only reason you were created, wasn’t it?

                  But now, facing this monster…you realize…

                  You don’t want to die.

                  You never did, of course. But what choice was there?

                  And now? You’re trapped….

                  Or are you?


                  You’ve been saved, haven’t you? By the least likely of people.


                  Kelpies, they’re called.

                  Merfolk gone mad…they say.

                  Curious…you always thought Merfolk were wicked…but…they saved you.


                  They want you.

                  Something no one else has ever said before.

                  Why they want you is…something else entirely…but do you really care?


                  Point is…They. Want. You.

                  For once in your life, someone gives you what your little soul desires.

                  And you’ll do anything to earn it, won’t you?

                  You’ll become just like them…

                  It’s not like you have anywhere else to go.

                  And…they can offer you things…


                  To be strong just like your brothers.

                  And your mother.

                  The one’s who hated you.

                  You can finally show them who you truly are….

                  You can get revenge.

                  Because after spending some time with these kelpies…your heart longs for revenge…doesn’t it, little one?


                  Why must your mother win this war, when you were the one who sacrificed so much?

                  It isn’t fair…is it?

                  And with that in mind, you become a part of this group. This new family. That’s what you believe them to be.

                  They name you their little prince.

                  How exciting!

                  And with their help…you even tame the beast that once set your heart on edge with fear.

                  With him…who could ever stop you?

                  You laugh…no one of course!

                  And you’ll show them….

                  You’ll show them all…

                  You are the Little Prince now…


                  May Your Rule Forever Reign.


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645


                    @freedomwriter76 AWW LEON 😭 I luv his background in this AU tho!!!

                    OH HEY!! My brain immediately started thinking about how maybe Riker’s a doctor or working in that area and he kinda blames Riker when he can’t help his wife and I was like “DR RIKER XD”









                    idk my brain went to overload lol


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      Now…Riker! (who I actually do have a pic for, lol. XDXDXD)

                      A married man, to Iris, and having three kids, with a fourth one on the way, Riker is happy when he’s around his family.

                      But of course…there’s always that risk of them losing him…after all…

                      Riker is a police officer.

                      His job takes a lot out of him, but he’s keeping his community, thus his family, safe. But it’s still hard…and people don’t understand what it’s really like.

                      And… some of the community doesn’t seem to want him anyhow…

                      …after something happened.

                      A robbery.

                      A murder.

                      The man’s refusal to be arrested.

                      A gunshot…



                      …and now Riker sees himself as a murderer.

                      And no one has any idea that it haunts him every single day of his life.

                      No one has any idea that he can’t even sleep at night.

                      Some of the community hate him for it.

                      Others understand that he had no choice.

                      But that doesn’t change the guilt that is ripping Riker’s heart in two.

                      His mother died when he was little.

                      His younger sister was sent to live with their mother’s sister.

                      And his father…well…is an alcoholic and abusive.

                      It’s not a rare night that Riker has to drag him home.

                      His pic!!!! (That I absolutely love!) Not EXACTLY like him, but pretty close! 😀

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @godlyfantasy12. PAXTONNN!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! *sobs*

                        Aww, thanks! 🙂

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4732

                          @godlyfantasy12 Oooh, interesting!

                          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 AHHHH RIKER AS A COP IS PERFECTION!!!!!!!


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @keilah-h thanks!! Dunno if you’ve read the others but I’ve got from Arabella-Grimm as well!!


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. Thanks!

                                Btw, I just edited it to add more…because…well…Leon hating him is a big plot point…uh…yeah…

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  So I’m kinda unsure on Luna’s….

                                  Cuz I’m not entirely sure how she’d be a villain exactly….

                                  like how her story would be changed, turning her into a villain or anti-hero…

                                  but I’m thinking she becomes a villain not only because Ara and them didn’t find her…

                                  but because-





                                  Spoilers 😏 😂


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