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      Hopefully they do…still not sure how it ends though, so-





      The world is no longer safe. XD


      I know…(feeling mildly sorry for them but also too satisfied to save them)

      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        @koshka. (I totally understand. XDXDXD) @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. Amazing tho! I love it! Y’all are doing an amazing job!!! <3

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 6645

          @koshka ikr….

          @freedomwriter76 yup!! The pic fits hers sooo perfectly doesn’t it?!?!


          So…this AU…is actually just a universe that is completely upended by one thing.

          Well…one person really;



          My baby.


          And it all starts with a question;


          What if November never woke up from the catacombs?


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @godlyfantasy12. IT DOES!!!! 😉

            And…uhm…WHAT!? YOU’RE GONNA GET RID OF NOVEMBER!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 😭😭😭😭Alright, that’s it, I’m kidnapping him. Again. *crosses arms and marches away to find November*

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 😂 ok ok no, just wait. I said doesn’t Wake Up. He’s not dead.

              he’s in a coma…..


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @godlyfantasy12. *stops and just hugs November* Oh, thank goodness. I was about to panic over November. 😂😂😂

                That’s better…but I need November in my life always….

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  Yes…well, as we all know, November is a pivotal part of the story.

                  And with November not in the picture….well…

                  In this Universe, many things have changed……


                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    @godlyfantasy12. AGHHHH!!!!

                    I MUST KNOWWWWW!!!!!! 

                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      @koshka @freedomwriter76 @ava-blue @elishavet-pidyon

                      Your wish is my command!

                      (but first I need to do something XD so give me just a few mins and then I’ll be on here to write 😂)


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        I’M BACK! @koshka @freedomwriter76

                        Ah…So…let us begin the story of VILLAIN AU! This is gonna be fun!!!

                        So this Universe is exactly the same as the regular series universe…

                        Except for one event, and it changes the entire course of history….


                        After Corvina’s attack in the catacombs, and November’s taking the scratch for Ara, the catacombs collapse as they do in the normal universe…

                        But unlike the regular universe…

                        November never wakes up…


                        Ara tries for hours on end to wake him; screaming and crying until her lungs are sore. But the boy is fast asleep. Trapped between life and death.

                        Maybe forever.

                        And now…Arabella is all alone, in the shattered underground. With no one to quell her fears. And no one to show her the way…



                        Without November, Ara never learns her theme. Her positive character arc becomes a negative character arc, and instead of excepting the truth, she accepts her misbeliefs.

                        Or…another misbelief, that is.

                        Ara cannot find a way out of the catacombs. It takes her hours. Maybe days. Scratching and clawing at the rock, until she finally discovers the exit.

                        And she will not leave November.

                        Not when there’s still a chance…

                        So she drags him out…a task that is physically, emotionally and mentally draining all on its own.

                        When Ara leaves the underground, she is not the same girl that entered.

                        She’s no longer the anxious little princess who would one day become a leader. She’s no longer the kind, gentle soul who just wanted answers. The catacombs have changed her.

                        She’s bitter. She’s angry.

                        She wants her friend back.

                        And she’ll do anything to wake him.

                        She’s accepted that it’s her fault. That all of this is because of her. And she knows just how to fix it. She’s embraced a new lie, similar to the old.

                        Push down a piece of yourself. Embrace only one part, because you don’t need the other. But the piece she’s pushed down is her gentleness. Her kindness.

                        She’s gotten back her adventurous nature…Her courage and bravery…But with it she’s gained something dark, and she’s extinguished the light within her.


                        As she escapes, she finds A’Grend is not the same place she left either.

                        She was too late to stop Eder.

                        They think she’s dead.

                        Or at least, they let her believe that.

                        A’Grend is dark now. Under new rule.

                        Her family? She doesn’t know where they are…

                        And frankly…

                        She doesn’t care anymore…

                        Those first hours in the catacombs she longed for them, but after a while? No. Not anymore. Her heartstrings have been viciously cut.

                        Only one remains.

                        And she will wake him up.

                        No matter the cost.

                        So she leaves.

                        She leaves this home she does not know. She makes her place elsewhere, and sets up her own castle. A place for November to rest, until she finds a wake to restore him. To make him whole. Because that is all that consumes her now.

                        If she can just fix him…

                        Everything will be right again…

                        And so she searches, different methods, no matter how dark. No matter how unethical. No matter the cost or toll. She tries. For years. Growing darker and angrier with every failure. She becomes skilled in magic, but it is no match for whatever keeps November bound.

                        But now she’s learned there might be a way to restore him, hidden in the caverns far off, where a young girl of a long lost race lives.

                        Perhaps she can convince this girl to help her…

                        And if not?


                        Wouldn’t be the first time she’s had to take matters into her own hands.





                        And that is Arabella…..

                        what do u guys think???


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12AGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!! ARA, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          It sounds good…but PLEASE, DOES SHE GET REDEEMED!?

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            @freedomwriter76 honestly I’m not sure cuz this is an AU….

                            She might would be too far gone honestly…

                            but some of the others probably would.

                            And yes….


                            there are others…..


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @ava-blue @freedomwriter76

                              Welp…Ik it’s late and almost no one is probably on rn but….I wanted to go ahead and write about the next Charrie in the Villain AU…..


                              also this is a bit….dark….just a forewarning heh….

                              They go in order…of course…

                              And as with Arabella, all have been affected by November’s slumber….

                              For with Ara’s destiny forsaken, others Destinies have been shattered as well.


                              Beginning with Jocelyn and Nyx……




                              Without a kingdom to save, and a journey to go on, Ara never meets Jocelyn…

                              Though the things that happen to the girl remain the same. Her Uncle is murdered, but this time, she has no one to turn to. Everyone around her is untrustworthy now….

                              What is up?

                              What is down?

                              And the things she’s being told…about the man who raised her…

                              Cannot be true.

                              And when she discovers who the murderer is?

                              That it’s the boy that’s held her heart for years now….


                              It’s enough to make a girl go….





                              And she does. She can’t believe the truth….

                              No. No…

                              They’re lying to her… they all are….

                              Her uncle was the only one who loved her. the only one who cared.

                              Nyx is angry.

                              He just wants his girl. His friend. His sister, to be happy.

                              And she’s not happy.

                              Everything’s wrong now. Everyone’s out to get them. No one can be trusted! And he has to protect her….no matter what….

                              His girl is changing….drifting into insanity….he won’t let anyone else tell her lies. Won’t let anyone else use her.

                              Not Ridley.

                              Not anyone!

                              He’s gone feral. Possessive. No one gets near her.

                              Not if he can help it.

                              He’s going to save her.

                              Even if he nearly dies in the process.


                              The murder of her uncle was self defense….

                              But Lyn doesn’t believe him…

                              And now Nyx is beaten and bruised, and Ridley is left standing.

                              And that‘s the final straw….

                              In an instant any ounce of sanity she had left is gone, and she kills him.


                              Nyx is hurt. He’ll never be the same.

                              And Jocelyn?


                              She’ll never be the same either….

                              She has blood on her hands now….because deep down she knows it was self defense.

                              And the so called lies she’s been told? Were probably true…

                              But now…her mind is too far gone to care. She’d much rather just….

                              Sit back and clown around.





                              For her, Cirque will forever be the happy place she imagined as a child.

                              Even if she has to force it to be.

                              She takes the amulet from Ridkey….and the power that comes with it, sinking deeper into madness.

                              Driven now by power…

                              She’s going to become everything her uncle wanted her to be.

                              The Greatest RingMaster Cirque Has Ever Seen.







                              And there’s our little Mad Hatter…..



                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                This villain thing is fun XD


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 @koshka do y’all wanna hear about Grimm?


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