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      It’s my baby boi…..

      I love this child XD

      My baby Paxton. SO! The start of this AU, actually would begin without him…. (DUN DUN DUNNN!!!)

      BECAUSE! One of the first plots of this AU would be him being introduced!

      Meet Academy AU Paxton-

      He’s still the youngest (of course) at 12, right at 13. Not even old enough to attend the school.

      So why is he here, you ask?

      WELP, good question.

      See, his mother, (DARN YOU LILITH!)


      Is Headmistress of Destina Tasin Academy….


      bet ya didn’t see that one coming did ya.

      Darling Paxton in this AU, is pretty much the same as he is in the series. Sweet, shy, innocent in the way most children are, but he’s still verbally and mentally abused (occasionally physically) by his mother, and abused In all three ways by his three older brothers (who attend the academy.)

      Just like in the series, his brothers are technically his “half-brothers,” only related by their mother, but unlike the series, Paxton’s father and mother did not marry out of love. The roles are reversed in this, and Lilith’s first marriage was one of love, while the second was one of hatred and loathing (not the husband’s fault mind you), thus her hatred of Paxton.

      Now, at the ripe age of 12 (nearly 13) she decides to enroll him in the Academy she works at so that 1. Perhaps he will “Learn something” and won’t be so much of a “Failure,” as she deems him. And 2. She and his brothers can keep an eye on him at all times now (this is mostly the reason.) Thus, he can never get away.)

      Poor Pax lives in a constant state of fragility and crippling anxiety, and now he’s faced with moving into an academy filled with people older then him (and his horrid older brothers) where his mother will be able to keep an eye on him at all times to know if he ever steps out of line.

      Moving past these things, once he’s introduced to the gang, it’s discovered that Paxton has a deep passion for art. Any kind of art, and in his free time (and as a coping mechanism) he would often draw, sketch and paint on any surface he could find.

      He would also occasionally draw on his arms when really anxious or in a bad state of mind-though he tried to keep this hidden from his family, as he knew they’d have a bad reaction to it.

      Really, Paxton’s a sweet little boy who needs a loving, gentle family.

      And one day he’ll get it.

      (Home life has pretty much been summed up too. They live in a mansion)



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          @godlyfantasy12. I love them! And Poor Paxton!!!! JUST A SWEET LITTLE BABYYYY!!!! *sobs*

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            AND NOW FOR LUNA!! Honestly, I think this AU is also helping me with Luna Charrie development cuz I need some help with her anyway but yea XD


            So in this AU, Luna is near Nyx in age at 14 (and I’ll give you a list on all the ages when i’m done with the main charries) and is just…well…the only way to explain her is just…herself!

            Luna IS Luna!

            She’s the girl with the big headphones, the cute hoodie, purple-hued hair, etc. She’s not punk, she’s not goth, she’s not hip. She’d be sorta close to a bubblegum type girl, but she’s not really that either. She just…is.

            She’s herself and that’s all that matters. She’s a lot like Jocelyn, but not really chaotic. She enjoys music, space, Sci-fi, astrology, anything and everything to do with the sky and things out of reach. Things she can’t quite touch.

            She’s fascinated with what could be, what isn’t, and what is. She’s living for today, AND for tomorrow. She doesn’t care what others think, she’s just who she is! She may not be extremely exuberant about everything like Lyn, but she’s fun to be around, and she spreads that joy everywhere she goes.

            She’s always got a pack of gum handy, and can usually be found blowing bubbles and staring off into the distance, probably imagining some far off galaxy. While listening to some crazy lofi beats.

            Which she most likely made herself.

            Did I mention she’s a DJ?

            Ah, probably not. She’s not really one to brag. But yea, she likes music. And making things pop? It’s just….it’s cool!

            Luna’s just a go with the flow kinda girl. Some people may like it, some people may not. Who cares?

            She sure doesn’t!

            And on top of that, Luna’s always there to lend a listening ear, and a shoulder to cry on. After knowing the group for a while, Luna becomes affectionately nicknamed their “Therapist” for her uncanny ability to solve all their problems. And most of the time it’s with little more than fortune cookie wisdom, or utter silence.

            It’s actually kinda creepy.

            But as long as she can be of some help, it doesn’t really matter, does it.


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                @godlyfantasy12. LUNAAAA!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I LOVE HER!!!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ (who am I kidding!? I love them ALL!!!! But November and Grimm are the babies I love the mostšŸ˜‰)

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                  @godlyfantasy12. @ava-blue. So…I worked on a few more last night…XD And I MUST post them!!!! šŸ˜€

                  So…first off…EZRA!!!!

                  Ezra is a school jock. He plays soccer, basketball, and is the captain of the football team.

                  Butā€¦unlike most of the jocksā€¦heā€™s actually a really nice guy. His best friend Yoshua is considered a geek for his love of Math and Computers and is picked on a lotā€¦wellā€¦unless Ezra is thereā€¦because the bullies arenā€™t COMPLETE idiotsā€¦

                  After allā€¦no one messes with the people Ezra cares about when heā€™s aroundā€¦unless they want a broken nose or limb.

                  He even has a girlfriend!

                  Eva Goldmann, a kind, helpful, hopeful cheerleader who also has a knack for making people get along.

                  His home lifeā€¦wellā€¦itā€™s pretty normal.

                  Second youngest of sixā€¦wellā€¦that leads to being overlooked sometimesā€¦especially with his new baby sister.

                  But Ezra doesnā€™t mindā€¦

                  ā€¦okayā€¦maybe a littleā€¦

                  His brother, the oldest, has long since moved out, soā€¦Ezraā€¦quite simplyā€¦is surrounded by girls. But his sisters are kind and funnyā€¦when theyā€™re not pestering him at least.

                  But nonetheless, Ezra loves his home and family. Three close sistersā€¦one baby sisterā€¦loving parentsā€¦and a loving, but strict, Grannyā€¦nothing could be better.

                  Oh, and he most certainly enjoys ROTC.

                  And here’s his pic. šŸ˜‰

                  Next up: LEON!!!! šŸ™‚

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                    A “band geek” for being in the school marching band, Leon makes friends with almost anyone. Well…except for the most popular crowd…

                    but they’re jerks, so Leon doesn’t want anything to do with them anyhow.

                    He makes friends easily, being the caring teen he is.

                    Bullies are wise enough to leave him alone, knowing full well that he’s not afraid to fight.

                    Leon’s school life is wonderful…especially when he meets Aadelheide…an artistic teen girl in both the Art and Writing clubs, and with a heart even bigger than her smile…and school gets even better.

                    Now…for his home life…well…it’s not normal…but it’s not chaotic either.

                    His Mom died when he was five. And Leon…well…lives with his Aunt…who keeps a formal relationship with him.

                    Oh, but what about his father?

                    His father is in the Army, finishing out a tour in the Middle East. But he’ll be done soon and then come back home. Leon is excited and waits for his father…


                    that is…

                    until two men in uniform come to his Aunt’s house saying that…

                    …his father will never come back.

                    Here’s his pic. šŸ™‚

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                      Angelina is a school cheerleader with a happiness and optimism that knows no bounds.

                      She’s sweet…loving…energetic…loves to take selfies…and always…ALWAYS looks at the cup half-full.

                      She talks to people with ease and makes friends even easier.

                      Both the unpopular and somewhat popular enjoy her company, and she hangs out with both.

                      She only wishes that her older brother Riker could have fun…instead of studying all the time…

                      …why does he do that anyhow!?

                      She loves to write stories and poetry and loves Tolkien, Lewis, and Austen. No one beats them in her opinion!

                      Her home life…well…it’s not good…but she doesn’t really notice that.

                      After all…the way Franz acts…that’s how a Dad is supposed to be…besides…it’s not like he’s ever hit her…just yelled a little at times.

                      And Jennie…her mom…is the sweetest woman on earth!

                      What Franz does is normal…


                      Oh, and she makes excellent grades and is praised for it by friends, family, and teachers!

                      …But how come Riker isn’t?

                      Her pic. šŸ˜›

                      Next up: Iris! <3

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                        Another cheerleader, Iris knows how to cheer people on. She seems excited, bubbly, and boisturous when cheering…

                        but in reality…

                        …she’s actually fairly reserved and quiet. She’s a daydreamer, a painter, and always enjoys a good song.


                        she doesn’t listen to typical teen girl music.

                        Gospel music is her jam.

                        She regularly carries her Bible in her backpack…after all…someone might need some comfort one day.

                        She has a few friends, but the popular crowd wants nothing to do with her.

                        Which is totally fine by her. Everyone is equal in her book.

                        Which is one reason why she reaches out to Riker, a boy in her grade and class that’s failing in many of his classes.

                        She tutors him…and he begins to improve and grow…as does her crush on him.

                        Her home life is normal…and her parents make all the time they can for her…since she’s an only child.

                        And…most important…they teach her about God.

                        Iris enjoys school, especially the cooking and book clubs she’s in…now if only she could stop the butterflies in her stomach every time Riker smiles at her…

                        Her pic!

                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          An artist by nature, Aadelheide loves to write and draw. She’s quite the social butterfly, talking to people and making good friends fast.

                          She’s also a member in the Art and Writing clubs. Oh, and she’ll be joining the book club soon too!

                          She gets excellent grades, but she doesn’t boast. (No one could ever call her prideful)

                          With a compassion for all, she strives to help as many people as she can.

                          Sure…some walk over her…but that’s where forgiveness comes in.

                          School is wonderful…especially when she meets Leon…and instantly has a crush on him.

                          Her home life is normal and yes, even wonderful. Her older brother Abelard is close, and their Mom, Louisa, is the kindest woman on Earth. Louisa works as the English teacher for the Seniors, and Aadelheide loves her family more than anything else.

                          And she wouldn’t trade them for the world.

                          Here’s her pic:

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                            I’ll probably do a few more in a few, but @godlyfantasy12, who’s your fav so far? šŸ™‚

                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              @freedomwriter76 LOVE THEM AHH!!


                              my favs are RIKER AND LEON UGH!!!!! I LOCE THEM!


                              and the band geek part has meh hooked (and theyā€™re pics are uh..hot XDā€¦.



                              And Ezra!!! I just luv guys okie XD!


                              but the girls are also so sweet too! Especially Iris!


                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @godlyfantasy12. AHHHH!!!! THANK U SOOOO MUCHHHHH!!!!!

                                YESSS!!!! RIKER AND LEON ARE EPICCCC!!!!

                                BAND GEEKS ARE SO MUCH FUNNNN!!!! (I’m glad you’re hooked. And uhm…of course! My babies are very handsome. XDXDXD)

                                YEP, HE’S KINDA A MIX OF BOTH AND I LOVVEEEEEE HIM FOR ITTTTT!!! AGHHHHHH!!!!!

                                No worries! I LOVE THE GUYS TOOO!!!! (why else do you think basically all my MC’s are guys? XDXDXD)

                                Aww, THANK YOU!!! Iris is probably my fav out of them. šŸ˜‰

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                                  @godlyfantasy12. TIME FOR MOREEEEE!!!! Is this spamming? EH…I DON’T KNOW….AND I GOTTA TALK ABOUT MY CHARRIES!!!!

                                  Esther time!!!!!

                                  Labeled as a “nerd” for her interest in Science, specifically Medical science, Esther is ignored by the popular crowds.

                                  But she’d rather be a good person than a popular person.

                                  Though quiet, she makes friends fairly easily. And she often is the one all her friends confide in. They turn to her for advice…and often encouragement and comfort.

                                  She strives to help as many people as possible…physically, mentally, and even spiritually.

                                  But taking care of all her friends…making sure they’re okay…

                                  can take it’s toll on her mind, heart, and soul.

                                  She’s exhausted…but her friends need her…

                                  and she can’t just leave them.

                                  But eventually…

                                  she might just break.

                                  Her home life is normal with two wonderful, faithful, doting parents…who sacrifice a lot for her.

                                  She wishes she had a sibling to share her parents’ love with…

                                  but at least she has her best friend Erich…


                                  her sweet and wonderful boyfriend…William.

                                  Her pic! šŸ˜€

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