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      (though looks a little older than this, of course. XD)

      Once married to a rich goods trader/slave trader, Frida has always lived a life of luxury.

      Even her parents were rich.

      She’s always been with the richest and nobility crowds…and…now that she’s married to Felix, she’s around them even more, considering her brother-in-law is a Lord.

      The rich life has always suited her…and she loves it.

      However…she despises her stepsons, Leo, Joshua, Jakob, Reuben, and little Wolfgang.

      They are chosen elves like their mother…

      …and all chosen elves, in Frida’s honest opinion, deserve no place in society.

      But her stepsons are still around, so she must deal with them…


      …they need to learn their lessons.

      But…when her stepsons suddenly disappear…

      …she goes to her brother-in-law…

      …asking him to track them down.

      Because she isn’t finished with them yet.

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        One of his Uncle Hans’ knights, Adolphus is well-known to be cruel and cold.

        He dishes out the most cruel and unfair punishments on the soldiers under him…

        …and his Uncle Hans enjoys it…

        …very much…

        …as does Adolphus.

        He hates the chosen elves with a passion…

        …and has helped his mother abuse his stepbrothers the past 16 years…

        …and he also can’t stand Fin, Jezyk, Riker, and Erich.

        Now…Hilda…he loves her…

        …but she’s already going to marry Erich.

        But…one of his problems are fewer when his Uncle kills Fin for rescuing chosen elves.

        And…suddenly…Adolphus gets to have a deal of fun…

        …when he’s sent by his Uncle to find Erich after he’s run away…

        …and…oh…Adolphus will have so much fun doing just that.

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          Intelligent…Dietrich is also one of his Uncle Hans’ knights…

          …but unlike his brother…

          …rather than fighting…

          …he plans and plots out attacks.

          And oh…his plans work…



          Along with Adolphus, he hates chosen elves and helped abuse his stepbrothers.

          And he can’t stand the same men that Adolphus can’t stand.

          But thankfully…Uncle Hans often takes care of Riker…

          …and gives them permission to deal with the others…

          …including Erich.

          Which is a great deal of fun.

          And soon…Dietrich is given the responsibility…

          …to plot out his Uncle’s takeover of the kingdom after Queen Aadelheide is killed…

          …and Dietrich cannot wait until his Uncle gets what he rightfully should have.

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4723

            @freedomwriter76 Cool!! Also, not sure if you noticed this, but your art of Felix has cat eyes, apparently….?

            Of course, I don’t think you intended that, because the original art isn’t of your character, but still….

            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @keilah-h. Thanks! Yeah…I didn’t notice that…😅😅😅

              Thanks for pointing it out, lol. xD

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4723

                @freedomwriter76 Not a problem to me, it looks cool, plus since I draw and write about a lot of dragon/human and cat/human characters I’ve gotten used to what it looks like.

                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @keilah-h. I think it looks cool too! xD

                  Yeah, we get used to things that others may find odd, lol. XDXDXD

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. Just realized that, since I did it a while ago…the Bois were never put in the school AU…😭

                    That changes NOW!!!!! 😂 Starting with none other than…

                    WOLFGANG! (and I kid you not, he is absolutely adorable. But I may have a crush on Reuben in this AU. xD Either him or Leo…XD)

                    Aged only 13, Wolfgang skipped 8th grade and entered High School…


                    …he’s a genius…oh…and…

                    …he gets to be with his brothers!


                    Wolfgang and his four brothers are very close, and they do almost everything together.

                    But…heh…Wolfgang is seen as a nerd for his interest in Science, specifically Medical Science.

                    He wants to be a doctor one day…

                    …because he has a passion to help people.

                    He makes friends fairly easily and has a love for people that knows no bounds.

                    But…he can be naive…and his care often leads to him being walked over.

                    And he’s a big target for bullies.

                    But two friends that he ends up becoming close to, Esther and Jayden, science “nerds” like him, stand up for him, even though Jayden is bullied too.

                    Wolfgang quickly joins the Science club and he, Esther, and Jayden become inseparable.

                    But…you see…there’s something they don’t know…

                    …because Wolfgang won’t tell them.

                    His mother and father divorced when he was a baby…


                    …you see…

                    …his stepmother and stepbrothers are horrible to him…

                    …and his brothers.

                    But it’s okay…because Wolfgang has his brothers and his new friends.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156


                      A creative at heart, Reuben loves to draw, write, read, and paint.

                      He’s often covered in pain splatters and it’s rare that anyone doesn’t find him without a notebook and pen or a fiction book in hand.

                      Yeah…he’s a total bookworm.

                      And that makes him be labeled as an outcast and a nerd…heh.

                      Of course, English is his best subject, and he really doesn’t mind school…except for PE…he hates PE.

                      The hardest part of school is the bullies…but his brother Jakob often takes care of them…

                      …with his fists.

                      Reuben…he’s…not a fighter.

                      And if his home life has taught him anything…

                      …it’s that he doesn’t want to fight back…

                      …unless he wants a harsher beating.

                      Terrified of the dark ever since his mother Frida locked him in the cellar when he was younger, Reuben can’t sleep without a nightlight and won’t go into dark rooms alone.

                      Of course…that makes his stepbrothers, his sisters, and Erdwin call him a baby.

                      He doesn’t remember his birth mother, having only been a year old, and has only known a childhood of abuse.

                      Yeah…he has PTSD…at 14 years old…PTSD triggered by yelling, screaming, the smell of alcohol, tight spaces, and the dark.

                      He struggles with very low self-esteem and won’t take a low grade, grades being one of the things he thinks makes him worth something.

                      Will he ever be anything but worthless?

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomeriter76 AGH WOLFGANG!! REUBEN!!! MAAAA BABIESSSS!! (And yours XD!!!!



                        also this srsly makes me want to start that SCHOOL AU RP!!!!


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645



                          which reminds me I never did make Lilith, Soren, Edric or Aramis in my school AU!


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156


                            A football player, Jakob is considered a “jock” at school.

                            But even so…he’s not a part of the popular crowd.

                            For one, he doesn’t want to be.

                            And second, no one likes him for multiple reasons…that he doesn’t care enough about to figure out.

                            A 10th grader, Jakob is closest to his brother Joshua, even if Joshua can get annoying with all his talk about God and the Bible.

                            But he’s close to all of his brothers.

                            He often protects Reuben from bullies, and Wolfgang when he can as well.

                            Normally stops the bullies with his fists…which gets him in serious trouble…both at school and home…but who cares!?

                            Angry at his stepmother and stepbrothers for what they’ve done, Jakob’s heart is filled with intense hatred.

                            How could they abuse him and his brothers!?

                            Jakob has sworn that he will never…NEVER forgive Frida, Adolphus, and Dietrich for what they’ve done.

                            Just like Reuben and Wolfgang, he doesn’t remember his mother much, only being 2…and Joshua doesn’t either…the only one that does is Leo…and even that isn’t much…but Jakob does know that she loved them…

                            …and that…

                            …only makes him angrier.

                            His favorite and best subject is PE, quickly followed by History, then English.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156


                              A Music lover and History buff, Joshua is in the History club and the School band.

                              Thus, he’s a “band geek” and a “nerd”.

                              But Joshua couldn’t care less about what people say.

                              God defines his worth, not the world.

                              Going with his friend Asher to church on Sundays while the rest of his family stays home, Joshua’s faith has steadily grown stronger.

                              Joshua’s best subject is History, obviously, followed by English.

                              He wants his brothers, his whole family, actually, to come to God…so…he prays for them.

                              Every day.

                              And he keeps his Bible in his backpack…

                              …just in case someone needs it.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156


                                A senior, Leo is almost out of school.

                                He’s considered an outcast…not being in sports or band or considered a “nerd”.

                                Rather, he’s just…ignored…

                                …except by bullies…

                                …which are his stepbrothers.

                                But…you see…

                                …the thing his family doesn’t know…

                                …is that…

                                …Leo is failing in school.

                                He’s very smart…

                                …but the concepts are confusing.

                                But…of course…

                                …he keeps this fact a secret from his family…especially his stepmother….


                                …if she found out…

                                …Leo would have a very harsh beating waiting for him…

                                …especially because he kept it a secret.

                                But…if Leo doesn’t get his grades up…

                                …he’ll fail 12th grade and have to do it all over again…

                                …and his family would find out anyway.

                                He tries to stay away from his family, except his brothers, as much as possible.

                                He spends as much time as he can with his brothers…they always enjoy watching Star Wars and Marvel together.

                                But Leo is angry at God…

                                …after all…

                                …how could a good, loving God let him and his brothers be abused?

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 agh I luv the bois!!


                                  Okie so…without further ado it’s time for Paxton’s brothers in my Academy AU!


                                  (Remember this is still a fantasy school so they still have their wings)


                                  Edric is one of the popular boys, but not for personality…

                                  He’s popular due to status. Social standing. Wealth.

                                  And of course, his good looks.

                                  He, along with his two brothers, Aramis and Soren, are seen as Untouchable by others in the Academy, due to their mother being headmistress, and also because of the boys’ brute strength and cunning.


                                  Besides…who would ever take some other students word against the word of a wealthy aristocratic Fae? Much less one whose mother runs the entire Academy?


                                  Edric could practically run the school if he wished, and, in a way he does. He has ways of knowing everything about anything, though…not everything he hears is true, usually because it’s filtered through the mouth of his second brother, Aramis.


                                  Most of the time, Edric’s “reign” doesn’t affect anyone…and if it does…most keep it quiet, and it ends up becoming nothing more then a rumor.


                                  As long as you stick to your own business and don’t anger him…because he can be easily angered….you should be fine.




                                  Unless of course your his half-brother.


                                  In which…




                                  You’re just always in trouble.



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