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      @ava-blue. Oh my goodness, she looks A M A Z I N G!!!!!

      . Ooh! They look and sound A M A Z I N G!!!! 😍😍😍 And hehe…I’m doing a school thing too and found pics. I guess I’ll share about them. 😉

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        @ava-blue. @godlyfantasy12. Alright…so…who would I start with OTHER than Riker? XD

        My baby comes first!!!!! (but first, for info, the school is a High School with school uniforms)


        He’s not much of a “stereotype” student, other than being more of an…outcast. Some people see him as being a nerd, since he’s always studying, and others think he’s weak, since he’s not a part of any sports or anything. And others think he’s just a weirdo…since he’s not a part of any clubs or anything like that.

        He gets picked on and bullied a lot for being a “freak”, tho thankfully, his FRIEND COMES TO HIS DEFENSE!!! (which is Erich…who’s the bad boy of the school. XD)

        But anywho! So Riker is always studying, and even Erich and his own sister, Angelina, can’t figure out why.

        The thing is…Riker is failing most of his classes. He’s not stupid, he just struggles with concepts, especially in Math and Science. (English is his best subject…and he’s also not doing so well in History either…) But Angelina and Erich don’t understand that. And Erich, when he finds out, is just like: “Eh…it’s only a few classes. What’s the problem?”


        WHICH LEADS ME TO…HIS HOME LIFE!!!! (sniffs)

        Alright so, as I think both of you know…Riker’s father Franz, in my actual book, is physically, mentally, and verbally abusive. And…uhm…that doesn’t change.

        Long story short, Franz is a complete JERKFACE! *crosses arms and glares at him for hurting my baby*

        And…he’s…not happy about Riker’s low, and yes, even failing, grades. He’s basically ordered Riker to get his grades up…

        thus…Riker is always studying, but he still can’t get his grades much higher.

        Which leads to Franz being angrier…which means more pain for Riker and more failing in classes…because his father’s abuse, which has given him EXTREMELY low self-esteem, is a big factor in his low grades, bc Riker can’t focus AND he doesn’t believe that he CAN get higher grades. He’s not good enough for that.

        So…FRANZ…you’re the problem!

        But…Riker’s low grades leads him to tutoring…which is Iris!!! And she and Riker begin spending a lot of time together…become boyfriend and girlfriend, and…*happy squeal* *cough* Ahem. Excuse me.

        Riker also finds comfort in Music and Writing, so he often turns to those for comfort. He even WRITES his own music!!!! 😍😍😍

        But anywho…here’s his pic. Enough of my ramblings! 😉

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          I’ll get some others done later. Jayden will probably be next!!!! 😍😍😍 Gotta get my broken boys out of the way first…bc I love them the most. 😉

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            @ava-blue. @godlyfantasy12. I’ll go on ahead and do Jayden!!!! :3

            So…Jayden is considered a “nerd” for his complete interest in…MEDICAL SCIENCE!!!! (bc he’s a Medic in my book!) He’s normally an outcast from the “popular” group then, but he finds friends with other, nicer people. He’s normally a quiet one and is part of the Science club. He’s shy, oh, and a complete bookworm! XD Like, he LOVES books. Medical books…science books of any kind…and fiction books, esp. Sci-Fi. :3 (he’s my Science baby…XD)

            He’s almost ALWAYS picking out books from the library, and he can be pretty picky about his grades, heh. Oh, and he’s near-sighted, so he has to wear glasses, the sweet baby.

            But he doesn’t let people close and has a hard time making friends…so people think he’s not alright in the head…and he gets picked on a little too…but the thing is…he feels like no one would understand…well…his home life.

            Bc…well…you see…he’s not Asher’s brother yet…he still lives with his birth mother Maria…and his baby brother Grayson (who I have a pic for too. I’ll share it after this) And…his Mom…who works at a factory ALMOST 24/7 is verbally and physically abusive. She’s also a smoker and alcoholic too…and even abuses little, sweet, precious Grayson…so Jayden tries to protect him as much as possible…so…Jayden feels like no one would understand…and he’s afraid to be hurt more…

            so…he pushes people away.

            But of course, Asher easily makes his way into Jayden’s life, becoming a brother even before they’re brothers!

            But…oh…it doesn’t end there.

            Little Grayson is diagnosed with…probably cancer…and dies within four months. (at some point in the AU…I haven’t quite decided WHEN yet tho…) Maria, not having much money and not really caring, didn’t do anything to keep him alive.

            Long story short…Jayden is broken…and his mother’s abuse continues…until Asher’s parents find out about the abuse…Police get involved…and Jayden is taken away from her…eventually…being adopted by Asher’s parents and becoming Asher and Maggie’s middle brother.

            But…Maria is furious…and that leads to a legal battle…but have no fear…for Jayden doesn’t go back to her.

            But yes…Jayden is a quiet, shy, somewhat nerdy (and I LOVE HIM FOR IT!!!!) 10th grader with a passion for the medical field and BOOKS!!!!

            And here’s his pic…(tho he has blonde hair and blue eyes…I thought the pic suited him…hehe…)

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              And here’s PRECIOUS LITTLE GRAYSON!!!! Very shy…but soooo PRECIOUS!!!! 💖💖💖💖

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                Now for Erich, the bad boy. 😉

                So…as I’ve said…Erich is the “bad boy” of the school. He doesn’t bully, in fact, he hates bullying, but he is a rule breaker, and a fairly popular kid. (Especially with the girls…but that’s typical for the bad boys. XD) He doesn’t really care about his grades much, but his best subject is History. He’s not failing his classes, but his grades aren’t exactly the highest either. He refuses to wear the uniform, and…well…he’s almost always in detention. XD But he’s a good friend to Riker and stands up for him when others bully him.

                But he can be a little prideful and manipulative, things he really needs to work on.

                He’s with the “popular” crowd and doesn’t hang out with the “non-popular” other than Riker…well…that is…until he meets Ellie.

                And he falls in love.

                But she’s sweet, caring, and considered an outcast for her nerdiness about art and music. But…the thing is…Erich loves her for it.

                So…Erich starts hanging out with her friends…and realizes that…they’re not weird.

                They’re actually a lot of fun to hang out with.

                And…he gets shunned from the popular crowd. But Erich’s in love…and he doesn’t care. XD

                Now…as for his home life…

                It’s fairly normal. He has a loving family, doting parents (tho they don’t always easily show it…they’re both very busy), and…well…7 siblings.

                He’s adopted, having been given up by his mother as a baby…and that’s his struggle…wondering why she gave him up…

                …After all…didn’t she love him?

                But otherwise, he’s fairly happy. And…well…has a lot of fun causing trouble. XD

                Here’s his pic, although he has blonde hair with…orange and blue tips and blue eyes.

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                  also Grayson is too cute and it’s so sad that he passes away 😭


                  also also…I may not be on here near as much….but…that being said…NOW I SHALL CONTINUE WITH SOME MORE OF MY ACADEMY AU CHARRIES


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                    @freedomwriter76 @ava-blue


                    OK OK!!! So, in this…I wanted him to be human…XD

                    Well…I mean…A fox boy?? XD.

                    (They’re a race in my world, people with animal characteristics and such, and Ik they’re also in other works of fiction and I dunno the names for them all in those XD or the name yet for my race XD) but anyway!! SO, he is a human, but ya know with the fox ears, his three tails, the adorable little canines, all that jazz.

                    Still got them instincts and acts like a fox and such (sitting on his haunches, climbing stuff, being an overall SNEAK) He’s just a chaotic mess, as usual, and I love him.

                    In this AU, he is Lyn’s adopted brother.

                    He has no clues on his birth mother, and probably won’t get any, considering Lander’s a bit…eccentric.

                    Not that he’s too interested anyway. He likes his family just the way it is.

                    In this AU, Nyx is still…entirely Nyx.

                    He’s a mess. Definitely the prankster of the group, and always up for trouble. He’s not quite as distrusting as he is in the series, but he still has his moments. Due to not having the same backstory as the series, in this AU, he’s able to act like the kid he really is and just be a little gremlin.

                    He’s often playing practical jokes, causing mayhem, sometimes spilling secrets on purpose, and LOVES to tease.

                    He’s a fox in every sense of the word.

                    And boy, is he a sly one!

                    He and his sister can definitely cause a lot of damage if they get their heads together.

                    And his favorite past time?

                    Annoying his sister’s boyfriend TO DEATH! How else is he gonna get them to break up?

                    Okay, so maybe he’s still a bit possessive of Lyn in this AU…In truth he shows a lot more of his childish side, and is EXTREMELY clingy when it comes to his sister. Truth is, he’s just afraid of losing her.

                    as for family life- it’s the same as Jocelyn’s, except she’s his caretaker, obviously XD.


                    NOW FOR PICS!

                    OH BTW- It was hard to find pics for him, so when I found these I loved them, and especially the eyes. So…I decided something, especially since in my normal series, I already was struggling to decide on Nya’s eye color anyway!

                    So, I gave Nyx Heterochromia! Meaning he has 2 different colored eyes! One is brown, and the other is green!

                    Also his hair and ears (and tails) would be more tan-colored like the pic I posted of his fox form, with brown-ish tips. Though I also like this orange look too….XD


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                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        AREN’T THOSE PICS ADORABLE?!?!


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                          @freedomwriter76 I’m about to do Grimm, Paxton, and Luna! Who’s your favorites so far?


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                            @godlyfantasy12. He’s SOOOO CUTEEEE!!!! 💖💖💖

                            Aww, thank you so much!!!! 😀 I can see him as a Songwriter now too…XD

                            I know…poor baby Grayson…*sniffs and sobs*

                            Ooh, my favorite? Well…I have bias towards November…hehe…but I must say…I kinda love Nyx already! 🙂 💖

                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              @freedomwriter76 November bias is A-Okay with meh XD

                              IKR NYX IS AH-MAZE-ING XD!

                              But I must say I do luv the girls!!

                              Ara in this AU is hilarious honestly because the fact that she knows her own feelings for November in this just makes me LOL and is just…AGH gives me so many hilarious ideas and such.

                              OKAY ONTO GRIMMY BOI


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                                Grimm is pretty stoic per usual, XD. Though he shows his feelings a bit more in this AU, because this would take place when he’s already good friends with his…well…friends lol.

                                So he’d be more apt to show feeling to them, then he would had he just met them, like in my series, where it takes a bit for him to warm up to them.

                                He’s that “cool” guy, though not exactly “Mr Popular.” Mostly because he doesn’t want to be. He could easily fit in with that crowd, and has even been approached by them, but they don’t interest him. If anything, they make him a bit queasy.

                                Grimm would also be the one all the girls would fawn over, were he not already taken.

                                Yes, he and Jocelyn are officially dating in this AU (GRYN (aka Lymm) FOREVER!!)

                                And Her little brother is an annoying heathen.

                                More often then not Grimm finds himself wanting to shove the little kit into the nearest storage closet and lock him inside for all eternity.

                                Then again…he’s kinda endearing too.

                                Crazy kit.

                                Grimm is still a wolf shifter in this AU, and is obviously on the track team due to his agility and speed. He’s strong and courageous, and knows his way around. He won’t stand for anyone being picked on or bullied, and he’s extremely loyal to those who earn his trust. Anyone who doesn’t, however, better watch their backs.

                                He’s usually on high alert and is the most cautious of the group, which makes up for the rest of his friend groups…well…er…

                                Whatever you’d call them.

                                Though sometimes he can go a bit overboard with his concern, he’s just trying to keep his loved ones safe, especially with all the warring gangs that tread the Academy’s halls…

                                Though Grimm isn’t one for violence per say, he won’t withhold from it if necessary, by any means. If needed, he’ll give a swift punch or kick to anyone who dares touch someone close to him, or even someone he deems an innocent victim.

                                He’s got a heart of gold, but sometimes it’s hidden under his quiet nature.


                                Home life: Grimm lives on a ranch (seemed fitting for Grimm to be a farm boy lol) where he’s used to working with his dad and mom, and his little sister Miri, who is deaf and mute. She doesn’t always appreciate his overprotectiveness of her, but they love each other immensely, and she allows it, knowing it’s only because he feels responsible for her handicap.

                                (It was caused by a gang-related incident that Grimm was involved in. Yep, gangs are involved in this Academy AU, and it’s where some of the villains/drama ties in! AND YES, MIRELLA IS ALIVE!)


                                NOW PICS OF MA HANDSOME BOI XD 


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