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  • #119277
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6645

      I’m now imagining her joining the French resistance and strapping on a gun like, “WELP BOYS LET’S GO.”


      (look up female French soldiers in WWII) pulls up female resistance fighters lol, and the pics just make me imagine Lyn with a gun 🤣


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        NIXON!! (Nyx) also he’s an actual fennec fox obviously. Can’t speak. More wild, took a long time to trust Lyn. Just overall an animal/pet, but they still love each other and are extremely protective and best friends (cuz Lyn doesn’t really have many friends but she doesn’t care 🤣)


        Also his backstory is he was captured as a kit for the exotic pet trade and kept in cages, and just had an overall traumatic experience (like in the picture) and so when Lyn found him (her uncle took her to buy an exotic pet) (she was a preteen btw) she kinda “rescued him” and had to help him trust her. But he still doesn’t trust others much.


          • Rank: Chosen One
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          YOUR CHARACTERS IN HISTORICAL FICTION!?!?!?!?!?!?!? MY HEART!!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @godlyfantasy12. I hope I’m doing Fantasy justice…lol. 🤣🤣🤣

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1556


              AHHHH! These are awesome, really just plain wonderfully…aaggghhhh!!!

              Ara’s working the Red Cross trains?! Oh. My. Wow.

              I could hyperventilate.

              (And totally didn’t go through the roof when I read you were writing Stalin age, like SERIOUSLY. O.O )

              First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                And now….Grimm….


                In this AU, Grimm is Russian.


                But tbh some of the Russia-German stuff kinda confuses me….😅 so uhhhhhh….yea….


                Grimm grew up on a farm with his parents and little sister, Miri, in Russia.

                When Hitler began his invasion of the Soviet Union, Grimm’s family knew they needed to act fast. Living on the outskirts of a town, they had little to no hope of surviving any attack made from soldiers, and so their only hope of survival would be to flee.


                Sadly, they never got the chance.


                Just as they were about to leave, a group of German soldiers happened upon their home, headed to their destination. The town just past…


                Grimm’s father pleaded with the men to leave them be, but…it was for nought.


                The house was torched.

                His parents killed.


                And he and his sister, left in the house.

                As it burned….


                Grimm barely escaped alive.

                And Miri?

                Didn’t escape at all….




                Now, Grimm has left the ash covered farmland. He’s a soldier. Part of the Allied forces. He’s going to get revenge on those men who killed his family. On Hitler.

                He’s angry. Bitter.


                Maybe at one time he would’ve believed there was a God in this world…but now?

                How can he?

                When everything in life was so….mercilessly taken from him?


                And so, he fights. Because it’s the only thing he can do.



                And now, he’s being sent to France. To aid their resistance. To make what happened to him doesn’t happen to anyone there.


                But…while in France…Grimm meets a firecracker of a girl, named Jocelyn.

                A girl who, he learns was once the talk of high society.


                And now? She’s down her fighting with him. With all of them.

                And…she’s so…happy.

                Despite everything…

                Despite the horrors they face….



                And soon…she begins to make him wonder….if he can be happy too…



                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @freedomwriter76 @koshka OH MY GOSH THANK YOU!!! I’m actually really enjoying this!! I wasn’t sure how good it was gonna be cuz…yea XD!!! But so glad y’all like it!!!

                  YESS ARA BEING A NURSE JUST….MY HEART!!! And her and November are just sooo cute…


                  and so are Lyn and Grimm!!!


                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645



                    Its time….



                    For my baby…. Get your hearts ready…..


                      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                      • Total Posts: 1556



                      GRIMM IS РУССКИЙ?!!!???!?

                      I CAN HARDLY BREATHE. OH MY, OH WOW, GAAHHHHHH!!!

                      I literally screamed when I read that.

                      And if you need ANY HELP WHATSOEVER, please, I’d be THRILLED to do research for you, if you need!

                      First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                      Elishavet Elroi
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1056


                        I love Jezyk’s picture! It’s exquisitely him.

                        And the different races of elves makes much more sense. I like it!

                        And oh, Fin…

                        Also, you got to participate in a reenactment!? I love historical clothing and reenactments…. If only it paid well. (Or at all.) Just know, that’s my dream job.


                        Ah, wow. They’re amazing. I love them all… And the pictures are beautiful. I understand not wanting to research that ever too. You’re doing great!

                        And Grimm’s story…. Just all of them, really, but his is so accurate.

                        Then they came for the Slavs…

                        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                        Elishavet Elroi
                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                          • Total Posts: 1056


                          And yes, it is time.

                          I am prepared.

                          *Deep breath*

                          *Clings to couch arm*

                          You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645


                            My darling…

                            My baby…

                            My Paxton….

                            Is German…


                            Paxton lives with his mother and half-brothers in Nazi-ran Germany. His mother, having been married to a high-ranked general in Hitler’s army before Paxton’s father, is in high social standing and is wealthy.

                            After her first husband’s passing, leaving her with three sons, Paxton’s mother, Lilith, remarried.

                            This husband was also of high rank in Hitler’s army, but was only a sergeant, and died shortly after Paxton’s birth.


                            From birth, Paxton was a sickly child, and as such was viewed with much disdain among his brothers. Along with being held in higher regard according to their father’s rank as a general instead of a sergeant, and being their mother’s favorite.

                            Paxton often lived in their shadow, and was frequently abused by them, and his mother.

                            His brothers became part of Hitler’s Youth, but Paxton was much too sickly of a boy, and with a stutter to boot, he was almost nearly labeled “disabled.”

                            And the German have no room for the disabled….

                            So Paxton stayed at home, only leaving for special events to be seen. Masqueraded around like a puppet on a string for his mother, to prove she did indeed have four sons.


                            And also to show that the rumors were true.

                            One was indeed inferior then the others…No matter how she wished to hide it….

                            Eventually she stopped bringing him anywhere, and he was placed on what might as well have been house arrest.

                            Alone, abandoned, unloved, Paxton’s never known anything else….



                            When a young girl appears in his home…one night while his mother and brothers are gone…at a social gathering…

                            A girl that…has no business being anywhere near him….is found hiding in his large home, what is he to do?


                            Expose her? Tell his mother and brothers?



                            She’ll surely be killed if he does…


                            But…if he doesn’t….


                            He’ll be the one whose life’s at risk….


                            Because….this girl shouldn’t be here….

                            Shouldn’t be alive….



                            But after listening to her story, and hearing about this person she calls God….




                            He knows….


                            He can’t give her away….


                            Which means only one thing….


                            He has to get her out.

                            And maybe….this is his chance to escape too….


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              And a picture of Lilith!


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                And now…LUNA!!!! AKA DOLUNAY!! (This is her full name in the series 😊)

                                And of course….Dolunay is Jewish!!

                                (ignore the uniform 🤣)

                                Her parents worked hard….

                                Oh so hard….to make sure she escaped…

                                She’ll never forget when the men came…came to take her family…

                                To take them to the camps…

                                After they found out…

                                Found out what they were….

                                Whose they were….


                                That they belonged to Jehovah….The one true God…

                                And her parents….her family…they’d gotten her out. In the nick of time…

                                But….at what cost?

                                Oh, how she longed for them! How she prayed for them! But she can’t go back…she can’t….

                                She knows this…and so, she runs.

                                She hides….

                                Wherever she can.


                                She’s found herself entrapped in a wealthy home in the city….

                                She doesn’t even remember how….everything’s just…a blur now….


                                But…she’s been discovered.

                                By a boy…only a bit younger then she.

                                And now…her fate lay in his hands.


                                But…he doesn’t seem to want to harm her.


                                In fact…he seems to be in worse shape then she is.

                                And so, she shares what she knows with him, of her Jehovah. And she can tell, the boy doesn’t want to turn her in.

                                In fact…he seems to want to escape…just as much as she…

                                And so, together, they make a plan.

                                And together…

                                It just might work.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST!!!!!!




                                  Corvina, or, as she prefers to be known, Cori, lives in West Virginia in an apartment.

                                  She…hasn’t had the best life by any means, Her parents divorced when she was little, and she was racked with guilt at the feeling of having “abandoned” her baby brother.

                                  From then on she was abused by her mother at, and decided to run away not too long after.

                                  Cori’s a fend for yourself, independent young woman. But the years of trauma have made her a bit cold and hard.


                                  So when the war starts, Cori wants nothing to do with it. She feels no connection to the people around her, or her country. Feels nothing for anyone, really, including herself.

                                  Until one day when she meets a couple who might just change her mind….


                                  She’s not sure why, but she’s drawn to the young man, and, after a chance meeting, decides to take the couple up on their offer to meet for coffee.

                                  Learning their story, she discovers the young man was a soldier, blinded in battle, and the girl his nurse. Engaged shortly after, the girl quit the Nurse Corps, helping the man cope.


                                  While speaking the couple share their love of God, and His love for others with Cori, which she’s wary about.


                                  However, she agrees to meet with them again.


                                  And again….


                                  And again.


                                  Until soon, they’ve started a Bible study with her.

                                  And Cori’s decided, maybe she does need to take part in this war effort…to help soldiers just like this younger man…


                                  Like November….


                                  And so, she joins the workforce. Other women taking over for the men. In the warehouses and industries while the men are away.

                                  And…it feels good.


                                  Still…Cori can’t shake the feeling that…something’s missing.


                                  She knows this young soldier…the one teaching her the Bible study. Ara’s Fiancé…

                                  But how?

                                  And then…

                                  It’s revealed…


                                  And Cori is reunited with the little brother she forever thought she’d abandoned.

                                  And November, with the sister he’s missed all these years.



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