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  • #119259
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @elishavet-pidyon. @godlyfantasy12. And…I have more…

      …more men…

      …one of whom is no more than a boy…

      …employed by Lord Hans…


      …without further ado…

      …I introduce y’all…



      A knight…employed by Lord Hans against his own will…

      …Jezyk struggles to cope with the things he sees.

      Of course…much of it is hidden from him…

      …because Hans doesn’t want him to know.

      He wants unyielding loyalty from this fourteen-year-old boy.

      And that’s exactly what Hans has.

      Jezyk is young…he doesn’t know…

      …he doesn’t understand…

      …he’s still a child…

      …unlearned in the ways of life…

      …and death…

      …and war.

      He doesn’t know…

      …and his innocence…

      …is something Hans uses well.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        OH!! @freedomwriter76 soooo I’ve been thinking about the historical fiction AU…..


        And I’ve got pictures!!!


        thing is….again idk if this is gonna be accurate because I’m a fantasy writer…and honestly…I’m just not comfortable doing a lot of research on that time period and everything so PLEASE JUST BEAR WITH ME 😂 if I get something wrong or it’s way off base or like “that’s impossible….or in accurate” just umm smile and nod and be like “heh….no.” XD….



        BUT YEA XD….


        so here we go. Hopefully be shorter then the Villain AU bios lol.




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            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @godlyfantasy12 I KNOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645


              OKIE SO NOVEMBER!! And I took a page from ur book and am doing an AU about the WWII Stalin Era….


              (I’m nervous cuz again…idk this stuff….tbh)


              But… (ALSO AS FOR THIS PICTURE, I love how this person looks, SO SWEET AND JUST LIKE NOVEMBER, but November obviously has curly hair and it’s strawberry blonde/red 😊)



              November’s been raised in a very strict military household in America, West Virginia

              His parents divorced when he was a toddler, and while he doesn’t remember his mother, he does remember vividly the protective older sister he used to have. The two were separated, he remaining with his father, while his mother took custody of his sister.


              And from there, things spiraled downward.


              A high-ranking general in the US Marines, November’s father was held in high regard, and expected nothing less but perfection from his son.

              He expected his son to be just like him, and not the miserable coward he was.

              He’d turn him into a man.

              Even if he had to be beat him to do it. (Riven is physically abusive in this AU)

              Instead of making him hard, however, this only makes November more anxious, and wanting of Riven’s love.

              Hitler’s regime has only made his father harder. He works more. Drinks more.

              Hurts November more.

              And it seems November will never please him…



              Unless he can prove himself.

              Unless he can join the draft….

              And fight…like his father.



              There’s multiple problems with this…

              1. He is underage. 17. He’d need his father’s consent.


              You’d think his father would be pleased he wants to follow his footsteps, but when he approaches, instead he tells him that he’d be nothing more then “an embarrassment to the uniform”….

              That’d he’d only mess things up.


              The next problems are…he’s underweight. Lack of nutrition and multiple beatings, including his own insecurities (eating disorders, etc) have left him…not in prime condition for battle…


              And….in truth…he doesn’t really want to.

              Especially because…

              He really hates blood.

              More then hates it.

              The sight of it….makes him sick.


              Makes him…makes him remember all the times his father would hit him….would scream at him….

              And he just….


              Can’t stand it.


              But…this is the only way to prove to his father that he can do something.

              Be something.

              And so….

              He’s going to find a way.

              He….he has to….


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                And a picture of Riven


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @godlyfantasy12. @elishavet-pidyon. So…

                  …we have introduced Jezyk…


                  …we move on…


                  Fin. (But first, for info, there are multiple races of Elves. Leon and Jamie, for example, are the Chosen Elves, the ones that are hated the most and are the race of Elves that were chosen by The Light for greatness. Whereas Michael is from a different race of elves, not chosen, still hated, but not hated as much as the Chosen Elves)

                  Once a volunteer for Hans’ army…

                  …Fin was a broken young man…

                  …broken by his mother’s death…

                  …blinded by lies…

                  …he vowed to do anything he could to the race of Elves that were to blame for his mother’s death…

                  …the chosen elves.

                  Fueled by the passion to avenge his mother’s death…

                  …Fin began working for Hans.

                  He was his best knight…

                  …trained to kill…

                  …and oh…

                  …did he do it well.

                  He never asked questions…

                  …too fueled by his anger…

                  …his hatred…

                  …his grief…

                  …to even care.

                  But…one day…

                  …when he was about to kill yet another Chosen Elven man…

                  …the man turned to him…

                  …saying that The Light

                  …and he…

                  …forgave Fin…

                  …for everything. 

                  From there…a journey began.

                  And now…

                  …Fin is saving as many Chosen Elves as possible from Hans’ hands…


                  …he finally believes in The Light and The Annointed One. 

                  He works for Hans still…

                  …he has to…

                  …his contract isn’t up…

                  …but even in that…

                  The Light is bringing a blessing.

                  Because Fin has to be there…

                  …for Riker…a young slave man…

                  …that doesn’t even know who he is.

                  Erich as well.

                  Fin becomes Riker’s mentor…

                  …and he begins telling him about The Anointed One

                  …but Hans doesn’t like that talk…

                  …already succumbed to The Dark

                  …Hans hates those who follow The Light

                  …especially when they get in his way.

                  And…Hans finds out about Fin helping the Chosen Elves…

                  …and oh…

                  …he will make Fin pay…

                  …with his life. 

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @godlyfantasy12. Already interested. XD

                    Okay, but for Riven, is that just for looks, or is that his uniform? 🙂

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @godlyfantasy12. Btw, I totally understand not feeling comfortable researching it. It was a very dark time in History. You’re good, girl! 😀

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @freedomwriter76 UMMM idk the answer to that BECAUSE….idk how different uniforms are supposed to look accurate wise to real life….XD I chose all these pics cuz of the face and stuff 😂 just tbh….


                        so ya….


                        BUT IF IT WORKS…..then yes??? XD XD XD






                        AHHH FIN!!! WATCH OUUUUTTT!!!


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @godlyfantasy12. You’re Good! 😀

                          Okay, good. Just needed to clear that up that it was just his face…cause I was rather confused. XD

                          YEAH FIN!!! LOOOK OUT MAN!!!!

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            OH OH OH!!! It’s time for Arabella now!!! Ahhh!!


                            okie! So obviously……


                            Arabella is a nurse!!!


                            However, Ara’s a bit different from the other nurses, due to the main fact that…well…

                            She technically isn’t supposed to be there.

                            Having had a love of learning since a child, and excelling at everything she ever did, Ara has every right to be there, knowledge wise of course. And…she loves caring for others.

                            Tending to their wounds, and showing them the love of God. A love that she’s known her entire life, having been raised as a pastor’s daughter in a small town in Missouri.


                            But…this still doesn’t change the fact that…Ara is younger then the other nurses.

                            She’s 18, and the age limit to be enlisted in the Army Nurse Corpse was 21….

                            Of course…Ara hadn’t lied in anyway…in fact it had been quite the opposite.

                            Groomed in her small hometown under an elderly doctor, Ara knows that God has called her to do something to aid in the war…but what?

                            It isn’t until a recruiter for the Army Nurse Corps comes by, and Ara volunteers.

                            But when she tells her age, she is shot down.


                            However….after days of prayer and seeking direction, Ara receives notification from the same recruiter, insisting that she join the Corps, and she knows without a doubt, that God has called her for this.


                            The things she sees on the train she serves on are…horrific. Brutal. Unspeakable.

                            But she does her best to serve with grace. And love.

                            And with every person she can, she shares the gospel, and Christ’s love, imparting word’s of encouragement and wisdom.


                            Even to those who pass.



                            But it’s taking a toll….

                            And Ara begins to wonder if she’s really doing any good at all.


                            Until one day, a young soldier no older then her arrives on her train, injured from battle.


                            It’s a touch and go situation for a while, but eventually, the doctors save him…but not without a bit of damage.

                            The boy has lost his sight, and this seems to upset him more then anyone could ever grasp, for reasons Ara can’t understand.


                            Until one night, he tells her, after she stops him from committing a horrible act….

                            And it’s then that Ara understands….

                            He’s why she’s here…


                            From there, the two grow close, Ara teaching him about God, and his love. Helping him to heal….


                            And eventually….they also fell in love.

                            (Ara also becomes his caretaker of course to help him as he is blind. Not sure if u could leave the nurse corps but if so Ara probably did soon after 😂)


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @freedomwriter76 🤦🏻‍♀️ yeaaa sorry for my historical inaccuracies or just any inaccuracies like uniform or anything….just yeaaa XD….



                              BUT HEY I CAN DO FANTASY!! (I hope 🤣)


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. AHHHH!!!! I LOVE HERRRRR!!!! (Can’t believe I don’t have a Nurse Character! And I dressed as a WWII nurse to a battle reenactment!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️)

                                You’re good, girl! 😀

                                Well…if she married November…she’d be forced to leave. 😉

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  JOCELYN AND NYX!


                                  So! Jocelyn is French in this AU!! But this pic just had the perfect smile and hair XD

                                  Jocelyn lives a life of wealth, able to do whatever she wants, when she wants, along with her charming exotic pet fox she lovingly calls, Nixon.


                                  When rumors of war begin, Jocelyn isn’t worried. After all, talk of fighting just…isn’t her thing.

                                  She’d much rather buy tickets to the latest show or eat chocolates out in the garden.


                                  But when the rumors begin to hit home….and things start to become real…Jocelyn starts to worry.


                                  But…her uncle isn’t worried.

                                  So why should she be?


                                  So she continues on with her life, living it to the fullest. Until the horrors of Hitler’s regime is revealed, and Lyn discovers that, no longer is the war just words on the street, or whispers in the air.

                                  But it’s now at her own doorstep…


                                  And Lyn knows something has to be done…

                                  Because the things she’s hearing…seeing…cannot be right.

                                  The horrible things…

                                  She has to do something….


                                  But when it’s revealed that her Uncle is a Nazi Collaborator, her life is turned upside down.


                                  And now, Lyn has to make a choice….

                                  Turn in her Uncle and join the resistance in France? Or stay with the man whose cared for her all her life, meanwhile letting so many innocent people suffer?




                                  She makes her choice…and is thrust headfirst into the greatest fight she’s ever been in.



                                  But hey….

                                  As long as she’s got Nixon, maybe she can get used this whole “Being in a French Resistance and Fighting a War” thing.






                                  poor Lyn’s just like WELP LETS DO THIS XD


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