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  • #119165
    Elishavet Elroi
      • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
      • Total Posts: 1057



      I loved it and now this?!

      But now I’m very curious, to be honest. XD


      I don’t know who my favorite is, because they’re all very imagination sparking and I love them.

      I think I like Esther’s picture the best, but once again, I don’t know!! XD

      You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1558



        What have you done to the laddie?!

        First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          MWAHAHAHA!! @koshka @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 well….


          You see….



          As November slept….


          trapped between death and life….


          His mind was ever alive….



          Beautifully…vicious dreams.



          Dreams of love. Time passing.








          For in every dream, he found himself, and Ara….

          The same as they’d always been.


          Except…In these dreams…

          Love bloomed.


          All was right.

          All was well.

          All was…happy.

          Just him and Ara…perfect in A’Grend.




          Everything would change….


          And Ara…would die…


          In every dream.

          Every nightmare.

          A different, ghoulish death. 

          Every. Single. Time.

          And November? He was forever trapped to endure the cycle…

          Cursed…to relive a life of perfect harmony, with the girl he loved. A little older, a little different, a little more in love each time.


          And each death worse then the last.

          And him…unable to do anything about it….




          But now….the dreams are over.



          He’s…finally free.

          From the torment. The pain.

          The torture.


          And…and Ara….she’s…here.

          Really here.

          Real life…reality.

          At least, that’s what they all keep telling him. That they’ve woke him up…after years of slumber…

          That…that everything okays now.


          And He and Ara can be happy now….







          Can’t they?






          But sometimes life just doesn’t work like that….



          Because waking him up took a sacrifice…

          A sacrifice that she was willing to make…




          But one that….had November known…he never would’ve asked to be saved.


          Because….because this….


          This torture….is so much worse…then any of the dreams…

          Because at least in those….he knew he’d get to see her….again.


          And again…

          And again….



          But now?


          She’s gone.




          And without her?


          Everything’s a nightmare…


          Without her…..


          What’s the point?







          No…. November doesn’t care…






          His heart is broken.









          He’s going to watch the world burn…..


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645


            Elishavet Elroi
              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1057


              Ack! No!!!

              *Throws my phone at you*

              That’s horrible…ly good?

              Okay, it’s awesome and I love the way each of these twists are really possible inside the character, but…

              *Retrieves phone with a sigh*

              Although, the foreboding hints about Ara are not unnoticed, by the way.

              And I hope you aren’t killing her, but if you do…

              I love the way it fits into her villainous arc!

              But seriously, did you? *is worried*

              Also, I want to see how you work November’s fire elf blood into the REAL books, like I really want to seeeeee….

              (I have a very set version of elves that I’m beginning to think is not widely understood, especially since some people get…. Too creative with them. But I REALLY want to see your version!!!!! I like your different perspectives/versions used for the fae and such like, so anyway, I’ll quit rambling. XD)

              You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @elishavet-pidyon ah thank you!!


                and….yes…Ara is dead….



                BUT this is fantasy….



                so of course she could be revived im sure XD!!


                also I totally imagine this epic battle scene between the siblings (Corvina and November) that ends with November being redeemed.







                AS FOR MY ACTUAL SERIES ELVES!! I still really need to work everything out with that….


                like fr….





                BUT….I’m kinda slowly figuring everything out now….


                For one thing, I kinda know for a fact that elves have powers.

                For instance- Fire powers, water powers, earth, etc.


                Not sure if it’s all elemental? Maybe.


                But amongst the elementals are also 2 “races” of elf that I’m thinking are sorta…half-breed? Or extremely rare? Again still trying to figure this all out, really need to flesh out my worldbuilding.


                And that is Shadow and Light elves.


                These elves are all split into “races” so the Fire Elves, ice Elves, etc. But if you leave and just marry a non-elf your blood Carries over of course.



                So, that being said, Corvina and November have both Fire Elf blood, and Shadow Elf blood in them.


                Their mother was a shadow elf, because Her mother was a shadow elf (BUT, her father was a fire elf….so November picked up his grandfather’s elven gene)

                SO YEA! XD


                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  HOW COULD YOU!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

                  THAT’S MY BABYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! WHYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!🥺😩😭😵‍💫💔

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    @freedomwriter76 I KNOW I KNOW……





                    YOU BROKE MY HEART TOO SO….



                    don’t worry he does get redeemed in the end.


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @godlyfantasy12THANK GOODNESSS!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

                      Now…my favorite…probably Corvina. I just love her redemption. 🙂

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @godlyfantasy12. @koshka. @elishavet-pidyon. @keilah-h. I HAVE MORE!!! XD

                        So…without further ado…


                        His family kicked out of an elf tribe for believing in The Light…

                        …Jamie is…



                        He watched many of his friends…

                        …even family members…


                        …right before his eyes.

                        His older brother Andreas…

                        …was taken…

                        …and Jamie doesn’t know where he is.

                        His parents urge him to trust in The Light

                        …but Jamie doesn’t…

                        …he can’t. 

                        How could The Light let this happen, if he truly loved them?


                        …takes matters into his own hands.

                        The people who took his brother…they will pay…

                        …for everyone they killed…

                        …his brother they kidnapped.


                        …an attack goes awry…

                        …Jamie is injured…

                        …he’s alone…

                        …and he’s killed…


                        He awakes in a house…

                        …a clean…

                        …stone house…

                        …in a bed…

                        …when a man walks into the room…

                        …introducing himself…

                        …as Phillip.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          @freedomwriter76 AWWW JAMIE!!!


                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            (Okay, so, for info first, since it’s Medieval Times, their practices are more similar to Catholicism. They call God The Light or The One Above, and Jesus is known as The Annointed One. So, thus, Phillip, who’s normally a Paratrooper Chaplain in my books, is a Priest in this AU! Like the worldbuilding? XD)

                            A priest…Phillip’s faith in The Light and The Annointed One is strong.


                            …it wasn’t…


                            Because…you see…

                            …6 years ago…

                            …his wife, who he loved with his whole heart…died…

                            …leaving Phillip alone…

                            …with a baby girl to raise.

                            But you see…he lost faith in The Light and The Annointed One

                            …for a time…

                            …and turned to alcohol to numb the pain…

                            …but one day…after a few years…

                            The Light finally reached him…

                            …using Phillip’s daughter to show him that the world was not as dark as it seemed.

                            And his daughter?

                            Her name…is…


                            Now…Phillip has made it his mission to help the hurting…

                            …to remind them that they are loved…

                            …that there is hope…

                            …and it can only be found in The Light

                            …and men can only be saved by the power of The Annointed One.

                            And one day…he finds an elf boy…



                            …and barely breathing…

                            …and he takes him home.

                            But the boy has so much…anger.

                            At those who wronged him…

                            …and even The Light.

                            And Phillip knows…without a doubt…

                            …that he was sent to find Jamie…

                            …and that The Light has a big plan for the young elf…

                            …even though he doesn’t know what it is yet.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              Here’s adorable little Hope! ❤️❤️❤️

                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                The Queen’s handmaiden, Eliza is always at her side.

                                The Queen is getting older…and her health is deteriorating…

                                …and Eliza prays to The Anointed One every day for Louisa’s healing.

                                Injuries from an abusive husband that have caused her to not be able to do heavy labor…Eliza almost starved and died.

                                But Queen Louisa took compassion on her and offered her a job.

                                Now…Eliza can take care of herself.

                                She’s thankful…and loves her job…

                                …but she carries a burden no one knows about.

                                A hurt in her heart…

                                …that no one can ever understand.

                                All she wants…is to see.

                                To hear his voice…

                                …after all these years…

                                …she just wants to see her son.

                                And one day…

                                …she does.

                                But her son is fighting for his life.

                                He’s scarred…physically…mentally…spiritually.

                                And he’s lost…

                                …so…so lost. 

                                He’s being forced into an abusive marriage…

                                …like she was…

                                …all those years ago…

                                …and Eliza knows she has to rescue her son…

                                no matter what it costs. 

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 ok first Hope and Phillip are so wonderful..







                                  IS THAT ERICH’S MOTHER?!?!




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