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  • #119141
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      And here’s Maggie, their little sister: ❤️❤️❤️

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        And…that’s all I have for now. XDXDXD

        Is there anyone else you’d like to hear more about? Like, one of the ones I didn’t talk about much? 🙂

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          @godlyfantasy12. GIRLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!! I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING!!!! 😱😱😱


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 6645

            OH ALSO!!! It is time for our next VILLAIN AU PERSON!!!




            and y’all, this one won’t be near as bad actually as the others….


            because oddly enough….compared the others….this character actually sorta is the hero….



            Yet she’s still the antagonist at the beginning….HA what a conundrum, right?? But that’s what ya get in the Villain AU!


            Meet Corvina-


            Ridding Ara of her Destiny had been…

            Easier then she’d originally thought…

            She’d been groomed for it all her life.

            Ridding all the others of their fate…making sure none of them fulfilled the prophecy…that was her destiny.


            Thus, with it completed, Corvina had always thought she’d be…



            Released from Eder. Whatever bound her to him.

            The family curses or connection that tied back to her mother and father, and…maybe even generations before that.

            She figured that…all of it would be completed once she achieved her goal.

            Of course….

            This didn’t happen.



            She really should’ve known better.




            Wasn’t one to keep his promises.

            But…really….did she mind?

            Did she truly care?

            After all, she had nothing better to do with her life.


            She was going to ask him to kill her after all….

            For what better way to rid yourself of everything then…getting rid of yourself?

            So, she begrudgingly, grumblingly, with much sarcasm and sass, decided she’d be his puppet again.


            For however long he wished.

            Because there really was nothing better in her life.



            This, however, was not what she’d had in mind.

            But…in all honesty…



            It was….kinda nice….


            Since taking over A’Grend, the darkness of the land had grown tenfold.

            Eder had chased the rest of the Lightfollowers away. Imprisoning some…

            Killing the rest.

            And those who remained?

            Were scattered abroad. Upon the whole word.


            The darkness was overpowering now, you could feel it. Lands didn’t even need to be under Eder’s physical rule to be his. 

            They were already in his power.

            And Corvina knew it.


            Thus, A’Grend merely became Eder’s…Champion State.

            His trophy.


            A sign of victory over The Light One’s people.

            The Head City of the Kingdom.



            and Corvina?





            She was now nothing more then an ambassador.

            An…errand girl, of sorts. Dealing more with the politics of A’Grend, and the people who were left.

            Wether prisoner, or those who had submitted to Eder’s rule.

            At first, she’d been highly displeased with this position.

            Her…dictator of shadows, forced into this lowly position?!



            But…she had to admit….

            It was…a bit relaxing. Not having to live in the dark castle of her childhood anymore, but instead live in what was once Ara’s home.


            To walk A’Grend, though it is different now, and see the beauty it once had.

            To not be…as wicked.


            Though she still had some dirty jobs of course.

            Doling of punishments. Imprisonments. Public killings….

            And they do take their toll…


            And the voice in her mind still remains…


            She’s finding a sense of…peace here.


            And maybe some of that’s because of the family she’s in charge of caring for.

            Ara’s family.

            The royal family.


            Secretly, though she wouldn’t let anyone know it, her heart is warming to the threesome.

            The one-eyed father (lost his eye during all of this mess), and the gentle, kind red-haired woman.

            And the jovial elder…


            In all honesty….a part of her longs to have a family like them. And whenever they speak of their daughter….Corvina feels guilt well up within her….

            After all…she killed her…

            But the family doesn’t seem to hold that against Corvina. Perhaps they did at first, but now, as the years have passed, they all have come to accept her.



            Love her?


            No…That’s…impossible. Isn’t it?

            Yet Corvina can’t shake the kindness she feels from them, and returns it in suite. Trying to make them as comfortable as possible, despite being prisoners.

            And they, as well, fill her mind with encouragement. An onslaught of kindness to overtake the voice in her head.


            And stories…

            Stories of what A’Grend used to be.



            And soon, Corvina finds herself wishing it was like that once again.


            And then…


            They tell her of the Light One.

            Of His grace and mercy.




            For her…


            And slowly, their words begin to chip away, until one day…she finds herself talking aloud….

            But not to herself.

            Not this time.

            And this time….it’s not herself who answers….







            AGH THIS ONE BECAME SOOO HEART TOUCHING UGH!! Also really long 😂 so because it’s already so long imma give you a run down of what happens next in the AU instead of a full story.


            Quick rundown- Eder discovers Corvina’s “betrayal” and sends her father to finally meet her.


            Despite having been a child last they met, she recognizes him which…obviously brings trauma.


            She’s mad, angry, and this undoes a bit of what Ara’s family has done for her.


            Not only this, but her father begins trying to manipulate her.


            During all of this it comes out that the boy she scratched (and she thinks killed) in the catacombs) was actually her brother.


            This…brings her completely to her knees and she’s broken once again, because she thought he was dead all this time, and she’s been mourning him for years, only to discover she’s killed him.

            Eder has sent her father to kill her, but Corvina escapes.

            All the work Ara’s family has done is destroyed. Still, the family holds a place in her heart, so she helps the family escape despite her better judgement (progress for Corvina guys!!!), making Eder all the angrier, of course.



            Long story short again, eventually in the story she discovers November and Ara are ALIVE, and November’s in a comatose state, Ara’s…well…


            Ya know…


            And yea…

            When Ara sees Corvina all of anger at what happened to November (because Corvina caused it) comes out, but she then realizes she can’t wake him up without Corvina’s help.


            now Corvina becomes conflicted. She feels guilty and blames herself, and wants to wake up her brother too, but at the same time, now has the Light One moving on her, and is becoming a better person.


            So she knows that what Ara wants, all of the power she’s asking for isn’t healthy, and that there has to be another way. But Ara just won’t listen to reason….





            So yep….



            there’s Corvina!



              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 6645

              @freedomwriter76 UGGGHHH THEY’RE SO GREAT!! But Erich my heaaaaarttt…I can’t……. 😭







              ALSO!! I have a question!!!!


              who do is your fav in the villain AU?! Like…Ik it’s kinda a crazy question cuz ur probs like NONE OF THEM, I HATE THIS XD!!!




              My favs are honestly probably Paxton, Jocelyn and Corvina’s turned out really sweet.



              and…another one.



              in ur fantasy AU my favs are probably….ERICH (I need him to be happy…I need it)


              Jayden and Asher!!!!! LUV MEH SOME BROTHERRRRRS XD!!!


              And curious about the ELF!!! AHH ELVES!!


              GASP AND EZRAAAAAA 😍😍😍😍 ma farm boiiiii *swoons*


              ooh ooh btw did I miss Leon??


                • Rank: Chosen One
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                TWENTY FOUR YEARS?!?!?!






                NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! *flips table! Throws vase! Cries like baby* 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔😫😫😫😖😖😖😤😤😤😤😤😤


                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  NVM I FOUND LEON XD


                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1558


                    Corvina is definitely my favorite. And…please do a redemption arc for all of them! Like, you could redeem all but Ara actually in the story, and wrap up with showing Ara start to change for good.


                    Because I really don’t want to hear about her being hopeless. Really, I don’t like complete negative arcs.

                    First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @koshka I feel ya


                      This AU was kinda a Brain Splat AU if that makes sense XD, as in where I had ideas for “What if so and so became a villain” and ran with it, but i believe they could all be redeemed by Corvina.






                      they would still be MUCH MUCH different then the characters you know….


                      And you’d need to start with Ara….


                      So- here you are. The short redemptions of the Villain AUs and how they’d be different tho to the characters you know and love.


                      It’s the endgame of the story.


                      The all is lost point.

                      The final battle.

                      Arabella has gotten what she’s wanted.

                      All the crystals. All the power.

                      Corvina’s shadows. Luna’s light.

                      Everything to awaken November.

                      This is it.


                      Even if it tears the world in half…

                      She’s willing to try.









                      It doesn’t work….



                      And Ara, after years of letting the darkness and bitterness eat away at her, finally realizes….


                      It’s hopeless….


                      And she breaks….


                      Nothing will ever bring him back….



                      And for the first time in years, Ara allows herself….to cry.

                      Corvina and Luna, weakened, watch the broken villainess weep. Luna prepares herself, ready to finish off the young lady, but…

                      As Corvina watches the purple-scarred girl, she realizes…

                      She understands…

                      Understands where Ara is coming from.

                      And where she’s been.

                      And she stops Luna.

                      Luna is stunned, of course, filled with her own anger at being held captive for so long. Yet…that silent whisper still echoes in the back of her mind.

                      that voice she hasn’t heard in so long…

                      The Light One.

                      Her weapon lowers. She understands.

                      Ara has been offered grace.

                      Just as Corvina had been.

                      And now….

                      Perhaps together…the three of them could fix all of this….

                      Including November…




                      Thus, long story short, Arabella does get redeemed, and the three girls go around finding the rest of the Light One’s chosen children. Those who have also been turned, and their hearts hardened.


                      But again, they will never be the same, even once redeemed. (I’ll give you examples for each Charrie)



                      For instance- Lyn would still…have a bit of a mental problem due to everything, kinda on the childish side and has to sometimes be treated as such. I.E; steered  in the right direction, reprimanded a bit, but overall sweet and filled with wonder.


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @koshka @freedomwriter76


                        Despite being redeemed, Ara’s purple scars still reach all the way to her face (like that picture I shared.) They glow when she feels intense emotions and/or pain, and she is skilled in magic still, though prefers not to use it unless necessary.

                        She still struggles with her redemption, and has yet to face her family, despite Corvina knowing where they are, and telling her they’d love to see her.


                        She knows they really wouldn’t…

                        They’d hate who she’s become….

                        What she’s done…

                        She hates it.

                        Yet…would she do it all again? If she could save November? If something would’ve been different?

                        Her heart still hurts, but more so then for just a friend, because as years passed, both she and November grew, despite him being in a comatose state, and Ara…


                        She began to fall in love with November….

                        In truth…she always had been in love with him, but once he was trapped…unable to awaken, she really realized it…

                        Realized how much she needed him.

                        And it felt like a piece of her was missing. Still did.

                        But that didn’t excuse the things she’d done….

                        And now she had to live with them…


                        Corvina tried to help….and Luna….


                        Ah, Luna….

                        Everytime she saw Luna…she was just reminded of it all over again.


                        But….Corvina and Luna…both still have some sort of hope…even if a bit dim. And so then…maybe…just maybe…there was a chance.

                        For Ara to fix everything.

                        To fix her mistake.

                        And to wake up November.



                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          🤦🏻‍♀️ SOO the one where I talk about HOW Ara was redeemed…ignore the part about Lyn that was supposed to be in a separate post 🤣


                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1558


                            *Long sigh of relief as I release my held breath*


                            Even though they are quite different from what was ‘supposed’ to be, I still love them.

                            First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6645

                              @koshka you’re welcome 😊




                              …..(though you may not like me forever…)


                              UMM ANYWAY!!

                              so about the other charries and some little differences they carry over after being redeemed!


                              So as stated above lol-


                              Jocelyn would still have some mental problems. She’d be more like a child, having a bit of an issue seeing the difference of good and bad and needing to be steered in the right direction. She also has…quite the sense of humor.


                              Nyx is still his rascally self with Lyn….but EXTREMALLY distrustful and has touch repulsion due to trauma. He’s missing a leg, is very clingy and possessive of Lyn and also a bit mental like Lyn. But slowly (very slowly) he warms up.


                              Grimm- Keeps his distance. A lot. Especially from Paxton (he…ahh…went after Paxton during his bounty hunting days….) and refuses to speak, remaining mute instead. Eventually Lyn gets him to crack a small smile, and even speak.


                              And slowly he gets used to Paxton.



                              Paxton- Very much more….kelpie-like. Dresses like them (think kinda gypsy-like crossed with royal, fine apparel) and acts like them. Very mischievous and much more confident (think Nyx in the original series, but as Paxton instead) Also uses his siren abilities and is skilled in them. Also has fangs.


                              Luna-more trained and skilled in her powers now, also more of a warrior and hardened, though never really a “villain”, she was a prisoner and had to adapt. She’s not the same naive girl, but she does have that bit of sweetness and light inside, and it shows.


                              so yup!


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645




                                @freedomwriter76 @koshka @elishavet-pidyon





                                There’s something I have to say….







                                *smiles evilly.*











                                YOU BROKE MY HEART….FREEDOM, AND NOW I SHALL BREAK ALL OF YOURS MWAHAHAHAHA *me turning evil 🤣*



                                ok but seriously…y’all ain’t gonna like me after this 😅 but I have a bonus…..in the VILLAIN AU….before it can be called complete….


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  And so….I introduce…..











                                  Villain November


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