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      @godlyfantasy12. You sound excited. XDXDXD


      AGHHHH!!!!! GIRLLLLLLLLLLLLLL….THAT’D BE EPIC!!!!!!! (Y’all know how much I love Historical Fiction…XDXDXD)

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        Head Physician/Herbalist Esther!

        Louisa’s head physician/herbalist, Esther takes her job very seriously.

        An immigrant, Esther originally came from another Kingdom, vastly different from this one. But she knows The Light has called her here…for a reason she still does not know.

        She takes care of Queen Louisa, and Aadelheide has quickly become a good friend.

        They both share the belief that all people are equal, since we’re all made by The Light. We’re the same in his eyes.

        Plus…she’s dating a sweet and handsome knight…William.

        Her faith in The Light carries her through every day…

        …and when Queen Louisa dies…

        …and Leon becomes King…

        …and Esther becomes Princess Isabel’s caretaker…

        …her faith in The Light may just be tested.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          Knight William!

          One of the Kingdom’s most trusted Knights, William has quickly been promoted to being Captain…

          …of all the knights.

          He knows how important his job is…to protect the royal family and the kingdom that he loves with his entire heart…


          …he gets to see Esther every day…

          …which is always a bonus, obviously.

          Good friends with Prince Abelard, William is often, when he’s not busy, invited by the Prince to accompany him on rides or hunting.

          It’s fun…and it gives William a chance to give the struggling Prince some advice.

          But when Queen Louisa suddenly dies…

          …William knows something is going on…

          …the only question is…

          …who’s trying to take the throne?

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            Farm Boy Ezra! (Yes…he has long hair…I thought it looked really good on him. XD)

            With six kids, Ezra’s family is…

            …busy…to say the least.

            Being the second youngest of six means he gets overlooked sometimes…but that’s okay…

            …Ezra knows his family still loves him.

            And…the house is even more filled…with his brother Elijah’s family living there as well…

            …and Granny…

            …well…Ezra is always looking for opportunities to get out.

            He loves them…but they can…be a handful sometimes.

            Thankfully, his best friend Yoshua and his friends Leon and Prince Abelard understand and try to invite him to things…

            …thank goodness.

            And…one day…he meets a wonderful…sweet…compassionate village girl…

            …a Baker and Weaver’s daughter…


            …and he instantly falls in love.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156


              Her father a Baker…her mother a Weaver…Eva is the normal, typical village girl.

              An only child…she’s…well…

              …maybe a little spoiled.

              But she still works.

              She has to…to help provide.

              But that’s okay…

              …she likes to sew!

              And people actually love her handiwork…

              …and that makes her really happy.

              And…she gets even happier…

              …when in town one day…

              …she meets a cute Farm Boy Ezra…

              …and instantly falls in love.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                Now…we’ve established some characters…the Queen…the evil Nobleman…the Princess…the Prince…the Village boy turned King…the head physician…the captain of the knights…a farm boy…and a Village girl…

                …we’ve established all of those characters…but now…we move on to more…starting with the one we’ve all been waiting for…


                Riker Time. 

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 6645

                  @freedomwriter76 oh my gosh Ezra….



                  Eva might have a bit of competition from me in this AU ngl….XD XD XD!!!! LIKE GURRRRRL XD!!!!!!!!!





                  OKIE OKIE!! I musssst know….



                  I suspect after u introduce Leon….



                  Riker will come into play…and have something to do with traitorous (or supposed traitorous) actions??




                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 6645

                    ALSO I REALLY WANNA DO MORE AU’S NOW IN DIFFERENT GENRES!! But u may have to forgive me/help me with my lack of knowledge when it comes to history/his-fic…..

                    heh…there’s a reason I write FANTASY 🤣



                    BUT FIRST I feel I need to finish at least the MC character bios of my villain AU… I did finish the MC bios of my academy AU (not the side charries but there might be a lot of those so it’s fine XD)


                    so I think I should do that real quick…


                    starting with Luna…


                    SO! @freedomwriter76 @koshka @keilah-h @elishavet-pidyon imma finish those bios out with the two remaining charries..Luna and Corvina!


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156


                      He grew up in a lowest-class home…

                      …with a mother with health problems…a younger sister that couldn’t work much until she was older…due to being sickly by malnutrition…and an alcoholic father(he isn’t abusive in this AU)…Riker tried to help provide for his family as much as possible.

                      But even with him…his father…his mother…and sister working when they could…it…

                      …was never enough.

                      They were still hungry…still barely staying in their home…

                      …his family couldn’t pay their dues…

                      …and because of that…

                      …something had to be used to pay off their debt…

                      …to Lord Hans.

                      Their work wasn’t enough…they had basically no belongings…

                      …but it just so happened that Lord Hans…

                      …needed a worker.

                      A strong worker…a young worker…

                      …and Riker was his family’s payment.

                      The last thing he remembers of his family…

                      …was that day they took him away at 13 years old…

                      …his little sister…only 6…screaming his name…

                      …the tears streaming down his mother’s cheeks and her plea for them to bring him back…

                      …and his father…promising he’d find a way to pay off the debt…

                      …15 years have passed since then.

                      Years of being reminded of his place…

                      …15 years of beatings…

                      …15 years of being treated like dirt…

                      …15 years of being told he is a mistake…worthless…

                      …and Riker doesn’t even know who he is anymore…

                      …other than a worthless slave named Riker.

                      And when his Master Hans sends him on a mission…

                      …after Queen Louisa II died…

                      …and Leon is King…

                      …and Aadelheide is Queen…

                      …blood soon stains his hands…

                      …Riker can’t stand himself anymore…

                      …and Riker is caught…

                      …by the King.

                      But…the King’s aide is able to convince him to give Riker a second chance…

                      …but Riker doesn’t understand why…

                      …a young, beautiful woman, once the Queen’s handmaid…

                      …tells him it’s because The Light gives second chances…

                      …but second chances shouldn’t be for a mistake…

                      …a worthless slave…

                      …and especially not a murderer.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @godlyfantasy12. Hehehehe….Eva will fight long and hard for that handsome farm boy. XDXDXDXD

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6645

                          So, to be quite honest, I’m struggling a bit with Luna in this Villain AU. I tend to struggle with her because she is in my normal series the least fleshed out character (once I change the timeline I really need to add her in the RP 😅)

                          But I kinda have the idea. Luna is more of a Victim turned into an unwilling servant/prisoner.



                          Luna’s life in this AU is the same as it’s always been.

                          At a young age, her race was destroyed because of their love and devotion to the Light One, along with their unique and special gifts/power. (I kinda imagine her being like Kida from the Disney movie Atlantis)

                          However, she was hidden away by her parents before she could be killed, and was rescued by Cave dwelling creatures, who took her in and raised her as their own.

                          (this is all normal backstory from the series btw 😊) since then, she’s grown in the crystal caverns, serving the Light one, Listening to his voice and trying to hone her giftings and powers, though she’s unable to fully embrace them…as she is supposed to, due to the fact she has none of her people to guide her.

                          And…perhaps it’s not her time anyway. She just has to wait and trust.


                          In the meantime, however, she knows that The Light One has something planned for her. A destiny.

                          And it involves the crystals she so carefully watches over.

                          He’s revealed things to her she doesn’t fully grasp yet, but she knows that it involves a group. Certain people.

                          Faces she’s seen in visions and dreams.

                          In the moonlight..

                          And she awaits their arrival, knowing that once they come, The Light One will guide.


                          But….they never arrive.


                          So she waits.

                          And waits.




                          And waits….





                          Until one day….


                          One of the girl’s from her visions appear.


                          Though…she looks nothing like she did in the prophecy Luna saw.

                          There was no light in her eyes, nor peace in her gaze, as Luna had been told there would be.


                          And bitterness.


                          And…she had come alone….


                          This was not the girl The Light One had spoken of….

                          Still, Luna tried her best…

                          After all…she’d waited for so long….to be everything the Light One wanted her to be.

                          To make her people proud. Her parents proud.

                          But…this girl didn’t want her destiny…

                          She wanted something Luna couldn’t give.


                          Luna pleads with her, begs her to reconsider, but the girl is too far gone. Nothing like the young lady Luna has been waiting for….

                          She strips her of the crystals she’s been protecting, holding for the others. For their destinies…

                          Including her own…

                          But it still isn’t enough.

                          There’s one missing.


                          And Luna refuses to tell where it is.


                          And so, until she does…




                          She’s kept prisoner. Locked away in a castle, forced to use her powers to try and unlock the crystals, for a purpose that…she doesn’t fully understand.


                          And eventually?


                          She just can’t do it anymore.


                          She gives in.

                          She submits.

                          And she tells this girl-

                          This young lady-


                          Her new queen,


                          Where the final crystal is….


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6645

                            And yes…the girl is Ara.


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156


                              Princess Aadelheide’s handmaid, Iris is almost always at her side.

                              But that’s fine. She’s paid for her work, and Aadelheide is a wonderful friend.

                              They often have long discussions about The Light, which Iris always enjoys.

                              And when Aadelheide becomes Queen, Iris is still there for her.

                              Even if Iris wishes she could fall in love…

                              …she’s happy that Aadelheide has finally found a nice man.

                              But suddenly…Aadelheide is killed…

                              …and the slave who murdered her is captured…


                              …Leon’s aide, Isaiah, convinces him to give the man a second chance…

                              …but he still must be guarded and stay at the castle…

                              …and Iris notices that the young man is haunted by what he’s done…

                              …and when she hears him scream in the middle of the night because of nightmares…

                              …she knows The Light has put her in the castle at this moment…

                              …just for him.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12. AGHHHHHH!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! *sobs*

                                WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @freedomwriter76 ME?!?! WHAT ABOIT YOU!!! HOW DARE UOU!!! RIKKEEEEER NOOOOOO!!!! SCREAAAACH!!! AGH MY HEART!!! *SOBS AND SOBS AND SOOOOBSSSSSS!!!!!) AGH MY HEART LIKE LEGIT!!!!!! UGH!!


                                  AND HIS PICTURE I LOVE HIM TOOOOOOOOOOO! *faints* UUUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH *falls face first on bed*


                                  Ik I’m dramatic but whatever


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